After entering the palace, the pilot who brought Ye Qianxing with him left.

It was replaced by a maid leading the way.

"Mr. Ye, I have watched your game before. You are really amazing."

The maid looked at Ye Qianxing from time to time, and her eyes were full The meaning of worship.

The maid finally couldn't help but confide in her heart when she arrived immediately.

Ye Qianxing touched his head awkwardly, didn't expect that he could still have a little fan.

"Cough cough, isn't it okay? By the way, how is Millennium?"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly changed the subject.

"Queen Your Majesty? It's okay, but it's busy to review memorials, and I stay in the study most of the time."

said the maid.

Ye Qianxing shook his head. After all, he was just an ordinary maid. It seemed that there was nothing to ask from her.

Under the leadership of the maid, Ye Qianxing soon came outside a study room.

Two fully armed soldiers stood at the entrance of the study. When they saw Ye Qianxing, a look of vigilance flashed in their eyes.

"It's the queen Your Majesty summoned."

The maid moved towards Two soldiers showed a token, and the soldier saw the token, decisively stepped aside, and opened the door.

"Mr. Ye, you go in, I'll be sent here."

The maid said, then turned and left.

Ye Qianxing walked into the study, and a familiar silhouette was sitting on a chair and correcting documents.

Looking at Qianxi's slightly pale face and tired eyes, Ye Qianxing discovered that this little girl is no longer the carefree Princess.

She is now Lord of a Country, and she has a lot to do.

"Ah, you are here!"

Millennium seemed to feel that someone was looking at him. When he looked up, it happened to meet Ye Qianxing's eyes.

There was a flash of light in his tired eyes, and he stood up quickly, with a look of excitement on his face.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing finally saw a little shadow from her body.

"Millennium, I haven't seen you for a long time, now you are a dignified country lord, a high authority, do you need to bow down when I meet you?"

Ye Qianxing felt the smell of solidification in the air and started playing said with a smile.

"Night, of course you don't need to bow down."

Millennium took Ye Qianxing's words seriously and said hurriedly.

But when Ye Qianxing said that high position, a lonely color flashed in the eyes of Millennium.

This was captured by Ye Qianxing.

"Night, after you left the country of the sun before, the pilot who took you away never came back, and even the wreckage of the plane was not found. I thought I thought you..."

Millennium did not dare to say the word death, at that time she was really worried.

Even sent many people to investigate, after a series of investigations, finally came to a conclusion.

The aircraft may have entered the Devil’s Sea.

The millennium that got this result almost collapsed, because none of the people who have strayed into the Devil Sea from ancient times to the present can come back alive.

I heard that there is a Disaster Level evil spirit Eight-Different Snake inhabiting it.

The people of the Sun Country all over the three words Devil Sea have been fascinated.

"We did stray into the Devil Sea. The pilot died unfortunately, but I escaped, and then..."

Ye Qianxing will roughly talk about what happened after leaving the Sun Country. Once again, I told Millennium about the fact that I came to the Sun Country as a refuge.

It took Ye Qianxing four full hours of this story, but Qianxi was not impatient at all and even enjoyed it very much.

During this time, she was not only correcting memorial chapters, but also memorializing memorial chapters, which was very boring and boring.

Listening to Ye Qianxing's story is a long-lost enjoyment for her.

It is also her only time to rest.

"The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven hates me deeply. If he knows that I am hiding in the Kingdom of the Sun, I am afraid he will not let it go, and it may be here by then."

"So if you don't want me to stay here, I can understand."

Ye Qianxing said seriously.

Millennium is now the Monarch of the entire Country after all, and everything you do has to consider the country first.

So if she wants to drive Ye Qianxing away, Ye Qianxing will not blame her.

"Ye, you don't say this, how could I drive you away, huh, the lord of the heavenly kingdom repays virtue with grievances, night, I really hold injustice for you!"

"Would you like me to help you, and the power of the nation to conquer the Heavenly Dynasty?" Qianxi said angrily. The story Ye Qianxing just told contained the contradiction between him and the Lord of the Heavenly Dynasty.

This makes Millennium heard very angry, didn't expect there are such people in the world!

"No, this is the enmity between me and Tianzi Ji. I don't want to rise to the level of the entire country. If I use the power of the sun country, then I will be treason."

Ye Qianxing shook his head with a serious face.

He hates only Tianzi Ji, and only Tianzi Ji he wants to kill, but he is absolutely impossible to treason.

And he still didn't say a word, the power gap between the kingdom of the heavens and the kingdom of the sun is too big, even if the kingdom of the sun is a nationwide force against the kingdom, the final result will only be annihilated.

One is a small country that is closed and closed, and the other is a big country that dominates Eastern Continent.

Although the power of the Celestial Kingdom is weakening day by day, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, it is not a trifling that the Sun Kingdom can contend.

Of course, he must not say this sentence, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"By the way Millennium, how are you doing?"

"Huh? How about what?"

Millennium didn't expect Ye Qianxing Suddenly asked this, and was slightly taken aback.

"How about life, and whether you can sit in the Queen's position?"

"It's all okay. Although everyday all is busy, I have a good time."

Millennium's face changed slightly, but he still forced his way into a happy expression and said.

Ye Qianxing shook his head, Qianxi’s acting skills were so bad, how did he deceive him.

"Millennium, there is no need to hide it from me. Your queen's position should be very unstable, right?"

"Ah? How do you know?"

The millennium heard this for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

After the question came out, I realized that this is not an acknowledgment?

"An important place like the customs is controlled by the Jingtian family, and the two soldiers outside your door shouldn't be yours either?"

Ye Qianxing Said.

From the moment Jingtian Teng'an broke into his room to challenge him, he realized that something was wrong.

He had just arrived at the customs, and he hadn’t even heard about the millennium. Ida Teng’an knew about it and came as fast as he could.

What does this mean? I am afraid that the customs has been controlled by the Jingtian family.

The customs is one of the most important places in a country. Even the customs are controlled by other families. It seems that the position of the queen of Millennium is not easy to sit in.

"There is no need to hide it from me. Tell me about you, I might be able to help you."

Ye Qianxing said softly, and Qianxi stared at him. After a long time, I finally let go.

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