After diving for several kilometers, the treasure location on the treasure compass is finally not far away.

Ye Qianxing found out that they should have reached the bottom of the earth by now.

He glanced at the bottom of the lava, and suddenly, an azure light attracted his attention.

"That is... an azure lotus? What kind of green lotus can actually live in a molten slurry of several thousand degrees?"

Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded, even metal can melt Lava, I can't melt this an Azure Lotus!

At this moment, this Azure Lotus is in a half-expanded and half-closed state, and it seems to be about to bloom soon.

Just when Ye Qianxing was secretly surprised, an even more stunned scene happened.

I saw those magic flames Venerable and Li Yan Venerable moving towards Qinglian, and when they were about to touch them, these magic flames Venerable and Li Yan Venerable turned into a pure flame. Qinglian absorbed it.

Every time one more Demon Flame Venerable or Li Yan Venerable is absorbed, the petals of Qinglian will open one more point.

"No, this is not a green lotus, but a flame like a green lotus!"

Ye Qianxing pupil suddenly shrink, if he didn’t look closely, he really thought it was just an Azure Lotus.

But whenever those Demon Flame Venerable and Li Yan Venerable turned into Fire Element and the energy poured into Qinglian, he could see Qinglian trembled.

It's like adding a pile of charcoal to the fire, making the whole flame vibrate and become vigorous.

No wonder it can survive in the Fire Mountain Cliff slurry. It turns out that this is simply not a plant, but a flame.

This is the first time Ye Qianxing has seen a flame that looks like a green lotus.

This is the first time I even heard of it.

"The eye of system, open."

Ye Qianxing hurriedly opened the eye of system to check the information of the green lotus flame.

treasure: Qinglian Earth Core Fire (prototype)

attribute: Shenhuo

Evaluation: Eight-star

Introduction: Born in The sacred fire in the lava in the center of the earth has been formed after thousands of years of tempering. The formidable power is unpredictable. It can grow by absorbing the fire in the lava. When it blooms, it will trigger a volcanic eruption and form a force that destroys nature. , Is the world’s first-class sacred fire, comparable to Phoenix’s sacred fire and Samadhi True Fire.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire? It is comparable to Phoenix's superb existence?"

Looking at system's introduction to this Qinglian flame, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but swallowed saliva and said.

He knows how strong Phoenix Surefire is. The most important point for Phoenix to become one of the Divine Beasts of the cream of the crop is their natural flame, Phoenix Surefire.

didn't expect the flame in front of me could be comparable to the Phoenix fire.

No wonder system has given an eight-star rating.

You know, apart from this Qinglian Earth Core Fire, Ye Qianxing has only encountered one 8-star material, and that is Xiao Taixu’s dragon egg.

The perverted existence of Xiao Taixu was born.

"It really is a good baby!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

It seems that this trip to Mount Fuji did not come wrong, and let him meet such a treasure.

Moreover, according to the system, Mt. Fuji has become an active volcano because of the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire.

At this time, the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire is in the growth stage. Once it blooms, it will immediately release explosive energy.

Trigger a volcanic eruption.

So, whether it is for treasure, or for, I have completed the task assigned by Kazuo Miyamoto.

He has to get this Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

"Master, do you want me to fetch it?"

Seeing the greedy color in Ye Qianxing's eyes, Xiao Kun asked what he thought and quickly asked.

"Wait, these magic flames Venerable and Liyan Venerable obviously intend to give birth to the green lotus Earth Core Fire, which is not a bad thing for us, as long as it really blooms before detonating the lava Just take it away."

Ye Qianxing said, and then, he and Xiao Kun waited quietly.

After all the magic flame Venerable and Li Yan Venerable have all turned into the nourishment of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, four petals of Qinglian Earth Core Fire have opened.

But this last piece alone has not yet started.

Outside the volcanic crater, those magic flame Venerable and Li Yan Venerable were stopped by Erbaiwu, and they couldn't get down at all.

"Well, take it first."

Ye Qianxing said, and ran towards Qinglian Earth Core Fire directly.

As soon as he approached, when he was about to reach out and grab it, suddenly, his predictive skills were passively triggered.

In Ye Qianxing's mind, a flame monster moved towards himself launched an attack.

"Little Kun, retire!"

Ye Qianxing yelled, pulling Xiao Kun back for a while.

Just escaped the attack.

At this moment, in the position where he just stood, a monster that looked a bit like Li Yan Venerable appeared.

But the flame of its head is azure.

The leaked breath is also countless times stronger than Li Yan Venerable.

Evil Spirit: Earth Core Fire Demon

attribute: Demi-God Fire Element

Rating: Six-star

Level: S7

Abilities: Burning Sky Flame, Fury Sorrow, Raging Lava, Fire Demon God Power

Weakness: God Water Element

Promotion conditions:...

Evolution route:...

Note: The body is a fire demon. Because it stays near Qinglian Earth Core Fire all the year round, it mutates due to the influence of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and the breakthrough limit is Evolve into Demi-God Fire Element. After devouring Qinglian Earth Core Fire, it can formally evolve into God Fire Element.


Ye Qianxing can't help being sucked in a breath of cold air (Of course, this is lava, there is no cold air for him).

This turned out to be the final evolution of Li Yan Venerable, the Fire Demon, and it is also a variant version of the Earth Core Fire Demon.

The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. It seems that this fire demon is also a child of the poor.

The limit of the fire demon is SLevel 3, but because of staying by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire all year round and absorbing the energy emitted by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the fire demon's breakthrough has reached the limit.

It even reached the S7 level.

"Not good."

Ye Qianxing cursed secretly, he could feel the anger from the Earth Core Fire demon.

This is also normal. This Earth Core Fire demon has waited for the growth of Qinglian Earth Core Fire for many years, and for this reason, it has abandoned the lives of so many clansman descendants.

Ye Qianxing wants to grab it at this time, and everyone will be angry when he changes.

The Earth Core Fire demon let out an indescribable roar, and directly moved towards Ye Qianxing and Xiao Kun and threw two big fireballs.

Ye Qianxing dare not underestimate the S7-level fireball.

A space teleportation with Xiao Kun escaped.

"The opponent is too strong, we are not opponents, Xiao Kun, later you find a way to hold it, I will take away the Qinglian Earth Core Fire as soon as possible, and then run away."

Ye Qianxing soul preaching.

As long as you escape, there are Erbaiwu and Xiao Taixu, even if the Earth Core Fire monster is S7, it is completely possible to fight.


Xiao Kun agreed, holding the Sea God Trident moved towards Earth Core Fire.

"space cage!"

Xiao Kun loudly roared, releasing a space cage to trap the Earth Core Fire demon.

But it won’t last long.

"Master, hurry up!"


Ye Qianxing's eyes condensed, and he fully mobilized the power of Power of Space and Vajra in his body. Shrouded by golden light.

Because he wants to charge ahead later, he is bound to be attacked by lava, so he must do a good job.


Ye Qianxing loudly roared, the silhouette disappeared instantly.

Then appeared beside Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

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