
Ye Qianxing just left the isolation hood created by Xiao Kun, and couldn't help uttering a cry of pain.

An unbearable burning sensation invaded the whole body, and Ye Qianxing's gilded skin was burnt red, emitting bursts of white smoke.

Although the pain was unbearable, Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to grab the green lotus Earth Core Fire.


As soon as Ye Qianxing's hand touched the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, he snorted.

His palm started to melt unexpectedly.

The temperature of this Qinglian Earth Core Fire is many times higher than the surrounding lava. As soon as it touches it, Ye Qianxing's hands will be useless.


Ye Qianxing didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly put it into his portable space.

However, Qinglian Earth Core Fire just started to burn as soon as it was taken into the different space.

Ye Qianxing has a lot of treasures in the portable space, if it is burned out, it will be a big loss.

And under the scorching of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the alien space became extremely unstable, and it seemed to be about to collapse.

Upon seeing this, Ye Qianxing took out the Qinglian Earth Core Fire again.

"Yes, there is still system space."

Ye Qianxing's head is still turning very fast at important moments, and soon I remembered that the system also comes with its own storage space. of.

Although it's not big, it's definitely more stable than an ordinary alien space.

After all, this is system.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and hurriedly put Qinglian Earth Core Fire into the system space.

After waiting for a second or two, there was no adverse reaction. Qinglian Earth Core Fire lay quietly in the system space, not as violent as before.

Ye Qianxing relieved, and then the silhouette flashed, teleporting back to the isolation hood made by Xiao Kun.

"Master, are you okay?"

Xiao Kun saw that Ye Qianxing's whole body was burned out of lava, especially the palm of his hand, which was almost half melted.

It looks extra scary.

"It's okay, as long as you can't die, this injury is nothing."

Ye Qianxing shook his head. Although it hurts, he has an Immortal Body.

Even if all limbs are broken, it can be regrown.


Not far away, the Earth Core Fire was taken away by Ye Qianxing, immediately furious.

The flames all over the body suddenly expanded and became very violent.

It roared wildly, turbulent flames erupted from the whole body, and strikes were above the surrounding space cage.

"Not good, master, run!"

Xiaokun complexion changed, yelled, and pulled Ye Qianxing to retreat.

In the Earth Core Fire demon's rage, the attack launched directly forcibly blasted the space cage arranged by Xiao Kun.

You know, a strength breaking myriad laws, formidable power is so powerful that even space can collapse.

even more how is just a cage arranged by Xiao Kun.

Xiaokun took Ye Qianxing a teleport and left a kilometer distance, but the speed of the Earth Core Fire demon was not slow at all.

Although it can't space teleportation, but lava is its home field, directly integrated into lava, you can quickly reach every inch of the lava.

Even compared to Xiao Kun's space teleportation, it is many times faster.

Of course, if it's not in the lava, it's a different matter.


The Earth Core Fire demon quickly caught up to Ye Qianxing and Xiao Kun, suddenly burst out of the lava, a sharp claw moved towards Ye Qianxing suddenly caught .

Ye Qianxing took away the Qinglian Earth Core Fire. That was the only opportunity for it to break through its own limits. Impossible didn't care.

Therefore, Earth Core Fire Demon Art impossible allows Ye Qianxing to leave.

"Be careful, master!"

Seeing that Xiao Kun turned pale in fright, his silhouette flashed in front of Ye Qianxing.

It actually intends to block the terrifying blow of the Earth Core Fire demon for Ye Qianxing.

But Ye Qianxing moved as early as Xiao Kun moved, and once again stood in front of Xiao Kun.

Xiaokun is currently only A-Rank Peak, absolutely impossible to block the magic blow of the S7 Earth Core Fire.

Even if you can save your life, you will definitely be seriously injured.

After all, it is not a defensive Spirit Pet.

"Reverse scale, Second Layer!"

Ye Qianxing roared, and suddenly a majestic energy gushed out from somewhere in the body.

Break into his limbs.

This force is extremely violent, Ye Qianxing can't help but spout a mouthful of blood directly.

But the imposing manner of his body is dozens of times stronger than before.

The latest skill from Xiao Taixu, reverse scale.

The reverse scale skills are divided into 4th layers. First Layer can burst ten times the battle strength, Second Layer can burst 20 times, Third Layer 30 times, and 4th Layer 50 times!

Ye Qianxing now activates the reverse scale Second Layer, and his strength directly increases twenty times.

His original strength has reached ALevel 5 or higher, and now his battle strength has soared twenty times, and he has directly broken through to S-Rank.

With the golden light all over the body, Ye Qianxing activated the Indestructible Vajra Body to the maximum extent, and then held the Thunder Sword and cut the sharp claw of the moved towards Earth Core Fire demon.

bang!! !

As soon as Ye Qianxing touched the sharp claw of the flame, he felt an overwhelming force flooding his body.

The twenty-fold increase only allowed him to reach SLevel 5 or so, and the Earth Core Fire demon is a powerful evil spirit of S7 level.

But I still took it. The formidable power of the sharp claw of the flame was mostly offset by the Leiqi sword.

The remaining half of the formidable power hit Ye Qianxing at the cost of making him spray a mouthful of blood again.

"Xiao Kun, withdraw!"

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to love fighting at all, grabbing Xiao Kun's hand, and pushing Power of Space with all his strength.

This time I crossed several kilometers directly and returned directly to the volcanic crater.

After all, Ye Qianxing's current strength has been upgraded to S-Rank, and the distance of space teleportation can be farther.

Back to volcanic crater, Ye Qianxing immediately canceled the reverse scale skill, and immediately felt fatigued, and his legs fell to the ground with a limp.

The reverse scale skill puts a heavy load on the body, even Ye Qianxing's Immortal Body dare not use it easily.

According to system's suggestion, the reverse scale skill of Second Layer can be used for up to five minutes. In fact, Ye Qianxing has just turned on less than one minute, and it feels almost unsupported.

As soon as it is closed now, Ye Qianxing feels as if his body is hollowed out.



"Thousand stars!"

Xiao Taixu and Lin Ruoxi saw movement Looking at it, he found that Ye Qianxing collapsed to the ground, his whole body injured.

Suddenly worried, he gave up on slaughtering those Venerable severe flames, hurried to Ye Qianxing's side, and protected him to the death.

Even Erbaiwu, who has always been Martha, has a worried look on his face.

"Didn't you say that you will protect the owner well, why did he suffer such a serious injury, but you are all right?"

Erbaiwu moved towards Xiaokun angrily roared.

Little Kun has tears in his two big eyes, and he has a look of guilt.

"Blame me, the master did this to save me."

"hmph, if the master has anything to do, I..."

Erbaiwu still Furious, and about to speak harshly, Ye Qianxing glared at it directly.

"Don't force me, I'm not dead yet."

With that, Ye Qianxing looked towards the guilty little Kun again, his eyes softened.

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