Zhuge Jun’s eyes burst out with a sharp glow, and his silhouette flashed in front of Zhou Lang.

"You have a breakthrough?"

Zhuge Jun asked excitedly.

"Almost, it's just A-Rank Peak now."

Zhou Lang's face is calm, shook the head.

He was conducting a breakthrough just now, but unfortunately, the Class A sirens affected him and stopped the breakthrough.

Judging from Zhou Lang's expression, there is no sign of loss at all, as if things didn't happen to him.

Because he is confident, breakthrough is only a matter of time for him, and there is no need for the so-called opportunity.

"It's not too late, you hurry up and go back to cultivation, you don't need to worry about things in Imperial Capital."

Zhuge Jun said hurriedly.

The opportunity for the breakthrough from A-Rank Peak to S-Rank is very important. He does not want Zhou Lang to delay the breakthrough because of this.

The conversation between the two did not hide, so everyone on the square heard it.

When they learned that Wu Chi Zhou Lang had actually reached the A-Rank Peak, they almost stared out in shock.

In just two years, even jumping a few ranks to reach A-Rank Peak, is this too enchanting?

And you have to know that even Zhuge Jun's Alliance Elder is just a late stage of A-Rank.

Zhou Lang's current strength has surpassed the Elder!

"This is too enchanting, isn't it? How did he do it?"

"Horrible, terrible, I thought my innate talent was good enough Now, his appearance hit me terribly."

"With Wu Chi's innate talent and strength, he can definitely be called the number one among the younger generation in the heavenly dynasty."

Among the crowd, Zhuge all listened to the discussion of the people around him, and the corners of his mouth evoked a smile.

secretly said in one's heart.

"Hehe, who has risen with Ye Qianxing's pervert, can it not be enchanting?"

"However, no enchanting is as good as Ye Qianxing enchanting, right? That guy, I don't know. What kind of strength is it now? If that didn't happen, he would have already climbed to the top of Peak."

Zhuge Jun didn't know that Ye Qianxing had returned and had just defeated Ji Tianzi.

But he can guess that with Ye Qianxing's abnormal innate talent, two years are enough to reach Peak.

After all, a partner who followed Ye Qianxing back then has now reached such a high level.

"No, a breakthrough can be a breakthrough at any time, but it is a major event that concerns the critical survival of the country. I can't retreat. I still know the truth that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country."

Zhou Lang said righteously.

He also went to the Southern Guard Pass for military service with Ye Qianxing, so he also has a strong sense of belonging to the Chinese dynasty.

Although he is a martial idiot, he also knows that a national major event is more important than personal cultivation.

"...Okay, let's go then."

Zhuge Jun and Zhou Lang looked at each other, and saw the firmness in his eyes.

So nodded again and again.

As soon as the order came out, the hundreds of powerful awakened alliances all went out of bounds and entered the Imperial Capital city for emergency rescue.


Ye Chenxi hurried in in the underground secret room.

"Something happened. I don’t know what’s going on outside. A lot of beasts appeared suddenly, attacking normal citizens everywhere."

As soon as Ye Chenxi said this, Long Everyone in the dental team stood up.

"If something happened at this time, will it be related to Ye Qianxing and the others?"

Long Ao, the leader of the Longya team, wondered.

"It shouldn't be, Ye Qianxing is cruel to the enemy, but he is absolutely impossible to harm innocent citizens, beastly mad, I think it may be related to the inhuman organization."

Ye Chenxi shook her head, she trusted Ye Qianxing very much.

And they have been in contact with the inhuman organization many times, so they quickly guessed that this matter may have something to do with the inhuman organization.

"No matter what is going on, those innocent citizens now need our help."

"The marshal just refused to let us participate in the robbery field, but he didn't say not to let us out. , We are impossible to watch those citizens get hurt." Long Ao, Shi Hao and the others said quickly.

Ye Chenxi and Ye Qinghan also looked at each other, and at the same time they were nodded.

The entire group left the secret room and went to the city for support.


Zhou Family mansion, at this time, the gate is closed tightly, and family soldiers guard the gate tightly.

At this time, Zhou Family has many corpses lying on the ground, including the corpses of the ordinary person and the corpses of the lycanthrope.

"Miss, uncle, there are many citizens outside who want to come in and take refuge, but there are also beasts in the vicinity. Should we let them in?"

Zhou Yue Standing in the yard with Sutila, commanding the guards.

Old Master Zhou died a few months ago, Zhou Yue’s father Zhou Shen inherited the Position of Patriarch.

But Zhou Shen's time is spent on business, so the current family affairs are handled by Sutila and Zhou Yue.

"Let them in."

Sutila said solemnly.

"But uncle, there are many orcs outside, and they may come in together."

"And we are not sure if any of the citizens will mutate again."

Is the steward of Zhou Family?

"Those are all living lives, listen to me, let them in, I will solve other problems."

Sutila said firmly.


Steward hesitated for a moment, but could only do as Sutila said.

He is only steward, and Sutila is the master.

The door of Zhou Family opened. A group of citizens flooded in like a flood and almost opened the door.

"áo hǒu!"

Behind the crowd, a roar sounded, and a group of lycanthropes chased them.

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