"get lost!"

Sutila screamed, turned on the awakening state, and merged with Dabai.

Jumped up and stood in the back of the crowd, punched out.

"Zero Blasting!"

The two repulsive energies of Ice and Fire merged with each other, and a terrifying bombardment broke out immediately.

The dozen or so lycanthropes rushing to the front were directly blown up.

But soon afterwards, a large group of lycanthropes swarmed in.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant nest. If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. Although these lycanthropes have only equivalent to E and F-rank strengths, they cannot hold up their numbers.

And they were still real human beings ten minutes ago.

Now that Sutila kills them as monsters or evil spirits, he really may not be able to do it.

"Thousands of miles of ice!"

Sutila punched the ground, and suddenly a layer of ice mist moved towards all around spreading towards him.

All the beasts covered by ice mist were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.


All lycanthropes are sealed in ice, and equivalent to several layers of ice walls are created here, which can effectively prevent other lycanthropes Close.

Sutila finally let out a long relaxed breath, and turned back to Zhou Mansion.

"Thank you, you are really good people."

Those survivors who hid in Zhou Family all thanked again and again.

"Don't worry, everyone, it's safe here."

Sutila loudly said, and then looked into the distance with a worried expression.

Zhou Yue on the side knew what Sudila was thinking and patted his shoulder.

"Just do what you want, I am here."

Zhou Yue said.

I have been with Sutila for more than two years, and she knows her man very well.

She knew that Sutila wanted to go out and help more people.

"Okay, you must also pay attention to safety."

Sutila nodded said.

"Don't worry, I am not much weaker than you. Although there are many beasts, but the individual strength is not strong, I am enough to guard Zhou Family."

Zhou Yue said with a smile.

Although she and Sutila did not work as hard as Zhou Lang over the years, they did not slack off.

Their Spirit Pet has evolved a high level bloodline with the help of Ye Qianxing, and the upper limit is extremely high.

Relying on the resources provided by Zhou Family, they are now in the ranks of A-Rank.

Zhou Yue can't help showing a look of loneliness when he thinks of Ye Qianxing.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Xing. If he were there, maybe this crisis could be resolved."

Zhou Yue sighed.

She and Sutila followed Ye Qianxing all the way, so they know Ye Qianxing better than anyone else.

Ye Qianxing has too many magical methods, and there seems to be nothing he can't accomplish in this world.

"Yes, I don't know how this kid is going, but if he comes back and learns about the Beiming Family being exterminated, he will definitely be so angry that he will make the Imperial Capital City a Heaven and Earth turning upside. Go down."

Sutila is also sighed.

Of course he knows what happened to the Beiming Family, but Zhou Family is only a second-rate family, and even Ye Xiaoyao is overcast, and they can't help.

They didn't know that Ye Qianxing had actually returned, and had already made a lot of trouble in the execution ground.

With the chaos in the Imperial Capital city, many family forces started to act after reacting.

Some are just self-protection, and some are more responsible, such as Zhou Family, Spirit Master Association, and Awakened Alliance.

But what they can do is extremely limited. This crisis covers the whole city.

As the capital of the Celestial Kingdom, Imperial Capital City, with aboriginals plus outsiders, has a total population of over one million.

At least 400,000 beasts were affected.

In just ten minutes, the entire Imperial Capital city was completely messed up, with wailing sounds everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder and blood-reeking qi in the air.

The execution ground, Ye Qianxing, listening to Ye Xiaoyao's overview of the Imperial Capital city, his face worsened.

"Azu, those are some innocent ordinary persons, how can you be so cruel?"

Ye Qianxing scolded angrily.

He is really angry. Although he thinks he is not a good person, he is absolutely impossible to hurt the innocent.

Not to mention that there are dozens of innocent people at every turn.

"Hehe, innocent?"

Who expected Azu to laugh this, smiling, and a layer of mist appeared in his eyes.

These words of Ye Qianxing stimulated him.

"They are innocent, so am I not innocent?"

"I, I was an innocent citizen at the beginning, but it was just because I saw my death and couldn't save me. Thousands of people across the country have been criticized and criticized. Some people even broke the location of my home and sent me not knowing how many blades and threatening letters."

"My mother committed suicide because he couldn't bear the pressure. My wife and children have left me."

"But what's wrong with me, I'm just an ordinary person, I'm also afraid of death, if I save that person, I It will die!"

Azu roared in a frantic manner.

Who is a bad person at birth, in the final analysis is still forced.

Azu is like that.

Before the new era, his family broke down and died because of online violence.

From then on, Azu was crazy. He hated and hated all human beings.

Soon afterwards, the evil spirit descended on the earth star, and the earth star entered a new era. Azu survived forcibly by relying on the hatred in his heart.

He did not embark on the path of mastering the Spirit Master like others, but went through difficulties and obstacles and found the strongest evil spirit at the time, the abyss ghost flood.

Azu betrayed his soul to the Abyssal Ghost Flood Dragon, and thus gained a strong strength.

Over the next few hundred years, he created the inhuman organization and developed it into a dark force capable of influencing the world.

At the same time, Azu's strength is also rapidly improving.

Slowly, he became unwilling to be reconciled to his own life being controlled by the abyss ghost flood, so he planned several decades, and finally took advantage of the abyss ghost flood to kill him when it was about to break through.

And extract the Remnant Soul of the Abyssal Ghost Flood Dragon, refining the Dragon Soul Spear, which is infinitely close to the eight-star spiritual outfit.

What happened hundreds of years ago has always been the pain in Azu's heart.

Even now, recalling that he still couldn't help shaking.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of the eyes.

Ye Qianxing was silent as he listened to Azu's words.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering. The original ancestors were innocent, and now the citizens of Imperial Capital are also innocent.

To blame, you can only blame the impermanence of this world.

Azu wiped away the blood and tears on his face, then his expression returned to calm, as if nothing had happened before.

"I told you this, not to make you feel that I was forced to become like this."

"Actually, I have started to enjoy this kind of life now. , Strength, powerful power, only with powerful power can you control your own life."

"Even, control the destiny of others!"

In a frantic manner, Azu said with a smile.

Suddenly, he seemed to be thinking of something, and his madness turned into a sly expression.

"By the way, do you want to know, how did I turn these people back into ancestors?"

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