"Boy, get behind me!"

Ye Qianxing naturally followed the crowd towards the pyramid.

However, a young Monster Soul Master who ran behind him soon passed over Ye Qianxing's head.

Ye Qianxing frowned suddenly.

If this guy ran past him, he would not be so good, but jumped over his head, it would be too much.

But before Ye Qianxing gets angry, the man kicked towards Ye Qianxing instead.

"courting death?"

A cold glow burst into Ye Qianxing's eyes.

He has merged the Indestructible Flame Soul early in the morning, so now he looks like a demon soul possessed.

Just when the opponent's foot was about to hit Ye Qianxing, he shot.

Quickly shot with the thunder and invisible, grabbed the ankle of the young Monster Soul Master, and then moved towards behind him and threw it forcefully.


The young Monster Soul Master only had time to scream and flew out.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although Ye Qianxing did not hurt him, it is estimated that he won't be able to come back for a while.

By the time I came back, the pyramid was already occupied.

Some of the freshmen around who saw this scene couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air. Although this guy looks the smallest, he definitely not to be trifled with.

So one by one, they moved farther away from Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing ignored them, and after throwing away the young Monster Soul Master, he continued moving towards the pyramid and rushed in the direction.

The expression remains unchanged, as if throwing a fourth rank Monster Soul Master, as simple as throwing away a piece of trash.

Soon, those Monster Soul Masters around found out that as long as they don't provoke Ye Qianxing, the other party will not take the initiative. They are sighed in relief.

After a while, everyone rushed to the pyramid. Most of them jumped to the First Layer first, but some jumped directly to the Second Layer or even the Third Layer.

Ye Qianxing slammed his feet and jumped directly towards the Third Layer.

"Well, this guy is so young, he dare to walk directly to Third Layer?"

Several people found that Ye Qianxing beside him was so young, but he was as daring as them I crossed a second layer directly, showing disdain on his face.

"It’s expensive to have self-knowledge, but you don’t. You are destined to be eliminated."

A young man with two scars on his face has a grim expression and a big knife in his hand. moved towards Ye Qianxing and moved towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing squinted his eyes, and the cold light suddenly started.

Why is there always someone who wants to kill him?

But now that he has decided not to keep a low profile anymore, Ye Qianxing is also impossible to avoid.

He stepped forward directly and reached out and moved towards the big knife to grab it.

"hmph, it's really courting death, I'm a Grade 4 Spiritual Artifact with this big sword, broken gold and stone with no difficulty, would you still dare to pick it up with your hands?"

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and his hands doubled.

The machete directly releases splitting the air sound and slashes towards Ye Qianxing's hand.


However, at the next moment, the expression of the scar young man immediately freezes.

His big knife touched Ye Qianxing's hand, and there was a sound of metal collision.

Ye Qianxing grabbed the young man's blade with his backhand, loudly roared.

"Break me!"


A crisp voice sounded, Ye Qianxing actually used fleshly body strength to directly crush this Grade 4 Spiritual Artifact.

Spiritual Artifact is a spiritual outfit. The name is different. Grade 4 Spiritual Artifact, placed in a place like Jizhou City, is considered relatively strong.

"This...how is it possible!"

Scar youth's already hideous expression was even more terrifying because of shock.

Ye Qianxing did not give him a chance to think. He took a step forward, punched out, and struck directly on the chest of the scared young man.

The latter's chest sank directly, making the sound of ka-cha bone breaking.

Pu chi!

The scared youth spouted a mouthful of blood, his body was hit by a train, and he flew out directly, and then disappeared from everyone’s sight .

I guess I went to meet the young Monster Soul Master who was thrown away by Ye Qianxing before.

"This guy is so powerful. Chen Da Scar is the fifth rank Monster Soul Master. He didn't even have the power to fight back, so he was punched and flew!"

"We Don't mess with him anymore."

Those people who are with the Third Layer looked towards Ye Qianxing with a look of fear.

Ye Qianxing didn't pay attention to them either. It's better for no one to hinder him, so he directly moved towards Fourth Layer and rushed away again.

Like the Third Layer, the Fourth Layer is almost full.

At this moment, I saw a strange and young person coming up, and suddenly there were several Monster Soul Masters at Ye Qianxing's location at the same time.

pa pa pa!

With a few crisp sounds, Ye Qianxing slapped a Monster Soul Master away and fell under the pyramid.

They have no killing intent for Ye Qianxing, so Ye Qianxing did not let them have the same consequences as the scar man before.

Fifth Layer, Sixth Layer...

Almost everyone in each layer will take action against Ye Qianxing. After all, the higher the level, the fewer people can be accommodated.

How could they allow someone they don’t know to occupy a position?

But after seeing Ye Qianxing solve a Monster Soul Master with a single A, they all chose to watch.

Fortunately, Ye Qianxing did not stay at their level for a long time, but continued to climb.

"Fuck, is a ruthless again, and this guy looks so young, probably not even twenty years old."

"His purpose should be Eighth Layer or even Ninth Layer, but those two layers should have been booked by those guys, and I don’t know if he can replace them."

"Not good said, those three guys are very powerful, then After all, the kid is too young. If you wait a few more years, it should be comparable. Now..."

Many freshmen who have seen Ye Qianxing's strength are talking about it.

Before they participated in the rating assessment, they had a rough idea of ​​the level of this freshman, and they also had a plan on where they could stand.

But really didn't expect, this time a dark horse appeared.

Even the Monster Soul Master of the seventh rank of the fourth rank was solved by his few Aces.

They estimate that Ye Qianxing may also be the Monster Soul Master of the fourth rank 9th dan.

This strength already has the qualification to compete with the top Heaven's Chosen.

Pyramid Eighth Layer, at this time there are three silhouettes that are fighting fiercely.

Each of these three people releases a powerful aura.

They turned out to be Monster Soul Masters of the fourth rank nine dans.

The fourth rank is the number one expert in Meteor Town.

Here, there are only three freshmen who are about to enter the Great Yan Academy.

"Hey, if I say you guys don't fight with me, I have booked the Ninth Layer, you should stand on the Eighth Layer with peace of mind."

One naked The voice of the strong young man on the upper body said loudly.

At this time, he is still possessed by a demon soul, his demon soul turned out to be a kangaroo, that is a natural boxer.

Therefore, this young man with an inch head is a monster Soul Master of strength type.

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