"hmph, Jiang Yuanfeng, don't be too confident. Although your strength is great, I am fast. You can't hit me. What's the use of strength?"

The thin-looking young man spoke, his tone full of disdain.

His body shape is the opposite of that of the inch-headed young man, standing together looks extremely abrupt.

But don't look at him thin, but his demon soul is extremely agile, and can avoid Jiang Yuanfeng and another young man's attack every time.

At this time, the last young man wearing brocade flowery clothed also spoke.

"Hey, Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen, if you want me to say, stop fighting, let me leave the top position of the pyramid to me. After this assessment, I will give each of you a million gold spirits. How about coins?"

brocade flowery clothed The young man saw that his family was particularly rich. For him, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

However, the two people who competed with him for the top of the pyramid are all the famous Heaven's Chosen in Jizhou City, so how can they care about this little money?

"Wu Xunyan, do you think you can act wilfully if you have money at home? I tell you, the pyramid Ninth Layer, my Jiang Yuanfeng is about to make a decision. Divine Immortal can't be robbed if it comes, I said! ”

The coldly snorted young man named Jiang Yuanfeng, who was coldly snorted, moved towards Wu Xunyan with a punch.

Wu Xunyan still kept a faint smile, and with a big hand, a palm-shaped flame moved towards Jiang Yuanfeng and shot.

The latter does not dodge or dodge, strikes on the palm of the flame and penetrates it.

But the burning sensation brought by the flame also forced Jiang Yuanfeng to step back a few steps.

Although Wu Xunyan has money in his family, he is also a dude, but he is not a wine skin and rice bag like other hedonistic sons of rich parents.

He can become one of the three prominent talents in Jizhou City, and his innate talent is also one of a thousand.

Coupled with the supply of a large number of resources from the family, its strength even faintly surpasses Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen.

"Hey, who do you think the three of them can take the position of Ninth Layer?"

Above the Seventh Layer, people have already gathered at this time.

They all looked at the Eighth Layer, where only the three Heaven's Chosen in Jizhou City belonged to them, and they didn't even plan to try it.

"I don’t know, these three Heaven's Chosen have similar reputations, and they haven’t had a duel before, so the stronger and weaker probably don’t know it themselves."

"Eh, we care What are we doing? Anyway, it’s not our turn. I still think about it. After their decisive battle is over, the Eighth Layer appears a position, let us go up."

Someone suddenly said.

The Eighth Layer can accommodate three people, which means that after one of the three Jiang Yuanfeng is on the Ninth Layer, the Eighth Layer will be able to vacate a place.

When the time comes, they also fight.

Suddenly everyone looked towards and the eyes of those around him were full of jealousy.

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly moved towards Eighth Layer and rushed over.

"Hey, you are crazy, go up before the battle is over?"

"Fuck, stop him now!"

This scene scared Seventh Those people from Layer have gone, and a few of them reacted quickly, and hurriedly moved towards Ye Qianxing to chase after him, trying to stop him.

Faced with a few fourth rank Monster Soul Master chase, Ye Qianxing face doesn't change.

There was an extra dagger in his hand, and the thunder flickered as he swung it.

Several bolts of lightning moved towards those Monster Soul Masters who were chasing them.

"Fuck, isn't this guy's demon soul Fire Element? Where did the thunder come from?"

"It's his Spiritual Artifact, and his Spiritual Artifact has its own attribute attack!" "

"This thunder is really strong, my whole body is paralyzed, Aiya!"

A few flashes of lightning struck the monster Soul Masters who were chasing down completely unprepared and fell back. Seventh Layer, the body is still paralyzed.

At this time, the faces of several new students in Sixth Layer were happy. When you were sick and killing you, they rushed directly to the Seventh Layer and threw those new students whose bodies were still paralyzed down the Sixth Layer.

replaced them.

Ye Qianxing naturally noticed these, but he did not intervene, but continued to rush towards the Eighth Layer of the pyramid.

Since those guys dare to target him, they naturally have to pay the price.

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