"Don't fight, I will admit defeat."

Wu Xunyan said, spreading his hands.

Anyway, Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen also lost, and he is not ashamed of losing.

On the contrary, knowing that you must lose and return, this is death.

Ye Qianxing glanced at Wu Xunyan, and it seemed to his heart that this guy was quite familiar.

Originally, I was wondering if he could take the opportunity to get this guy's Jin Yan, but this guy was so acquainted to admit defeat, so he had to give up.

So he jumped up and jumped directly to the Ninth Layer of the pyramid.

He looked down below, and everyone looked up at Ye Qianxing at this time. He has become the most eye-catching presence in the audience.

"I thought that Ninth Layer would only be selected from the three Jizhou cities Heaven's Chosen, Wuxunyan, Jiang Yuanfeng, and Lu Chen. Didn't expect, unexpectedly, there was another dark horse."

"Speaking of who, what is his origin? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I don't know, but starting today, his reputation should be able to sound. With the power of one person, defeating the three Heaven's Chosen without one minute, this kind of record is terrifying."

Everyone discusses spiritedly.

"Does anyone want to come up to compete for the position of Ninth Layer?"

Ye Qianxing overlooks everyone, his voice is calm and arrogant.

But everyone didn't feel disgusted at all, because they all knew that Ye Qianxing was completely qualified for this arrogance.

At this moment, all freshmen, nearly a thousand line of sight, are looking up at Ye Qianxing at the top of the pyramid.

More than ten minutes have passed, and no one has chosen to compete with Ye Qianxing for the Ninth Layer of the Pyramid.

At these times, everyone's location has been determined.

The Eighth Layer of the pyramid is naturally occupied by Jiang Yuanfeng, Wu Xunyan and Lu Chen.

Although they lost to Ye Qianxing, it is definitely not something other any cat or dog can provoke.

"Okay, the rating appraisal is officially over."

Ten minutes have passed, but the position remains unchanged and has been fixed.

Admissions Elder finally announced the end of the assessment.

He looked towards Ye Qianxing at the top level, and his eyes were also appreciative.

He was also very surprised by the appearance of Ye Qianxing.

I didn't expect that such a ruthless appeared in the enrollment this time. He seemed the youngest but the strength was the strongest.

Even with a strong force, easily defeated the three strongest Heaven's Chosen in Jizhou City.

To be able to recruit Ye Qianxing such an evildoer is also a great achievement for him.

"Please come out of the list of students who have not climbed the pyramid. I'm sorry, you have no relationship with Dayan Academy this time, but I believe you will be able to stay next time when enrolling students."

Xie Elder said to the freshmen who had no place on the pyramid, it's a pity that they were still eliminated.

The expressions of the young Monster Soul Masters were dim, but they had no choice but to leave in despair.

"Then, the rest of the Academy, congratulations to you, you have passed all the tests and officially become a member of the Great Yan Academy."

Xie Elder continued, the remaining students They suddenly showed excitement.

Including those freshmen who can only stand in the First Layer Second Layer, although the rating is not high, as long as they can stay in Dayan Academy, it is enough.

"According to the grading rules of Dayan Academy, students from First Layer to Fifth Layer will not be rated and are ordinary students."

"Sixth Layer students are rated as B-Rank , Rewards one hundred gold coins per year."

"Seventh Layer students are rated as A-Rank, and rewards five hundred gold coins per year."

"Eighth Layer students comment It is A+ level, rewards a thousand gold per year, and the viewing time limit of Martial Dao Pavilion First Layer for three days."

"The last is the Ninth Layer students, rated as S-Rank, and rewards 10,000 per year. The time limit for reading gold coins and Martial Dao Pavilion Second Layer is seven days, and there is also the right to choose a tutor."

Xie Elder said that the higher the rating, the better the benefits.

Especially the highest S-Rank, and the right to choose a tutor.

This means that even those Elders cannot refuse.

However, even Elder students who can obtain an S-Rank rating will be rejected.

"Okay, the next step is to select a mentor or be selected by a mentor. Just now your performance, the mentors are all in the eyes, they will choose between you, do you agree or The right to refuse."

"But you have to pay attention, think before you refuse. If no instructor chooses to accept you in the end, then you have to leave Dayan Academy the same as the previous ones."


Xie Elder said, and then walked a few steps to Ye Qianxing's side.

"You have obtained S-Rank, you have the right to choose a mentor, and the other party can't refuse, so you have to think about it."

Xie Elder said softly.

"en. "

Ye Qianxing nodded, soon all the tutors came forward.

There are men and women, there are old people and some who look quite young.

There are also levels among the mentors, ordinary mentors, high level mentors and Elder.

Elder's status in the academy is extremely high. It can be said that he is the second only to the lord of the palace.

Both teaching experience and resources are much more than those of ordinary tutors and high level tutors.

So many students hope to get their favor.

But unfortunately, these Elder's vision is very vicious, for those students below the 7th Layer Pyramid simply look down on them.

Ye Qianxing glanced at the dozens of mentors in front of him, Elder, and seemed to be thinking about who to choose. In fact, he has been analyzing their data with the eyes of the system.

"tsk tsk tsk, all Monster Soul Masters above level 5, especially those Elders, even not far from the king-level Monster Soul Master."

Ye Qianxing in the heart tsk tsk sighed.

The fifth rank is equivalent to SS-Rank.

After the fifth rank, that is the king, equivalent to SSS-Rank.

This Dayan Academy really deserves to be backed by the Imperial Family, and even a trifling branch is so strong.

"youngster, see your innate talent is good, be my dísciple."

As Ye Qianxing was observing these instructors, a voice suddenly sounded.

is one of those Elders.

"Wow, it's Elder Luo, eh, this should be the first time he has offered to accept dísciple, this guy is so happy."

"Who said no? Elder Luo's status in Dayan Academy is not low. I heard that it can be ranked in the top three among all Elders. To be able to be Elder Luo's dísciple, resources are definitely indispensable."

"Ai, I'm so envious. "

There are a few freshmen who know the Elder who speaks with admiration.

Ye Qianxing is frowned.

He didn't like the tone and expression of Elder Luo's speech.

It's like accepting him as a dísciple is a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

But Ye Qianxing still held back, his gaze scanned among all the mentors, and finally stayed on a young female mentor.

"I choose her."

Ye Qianxing pointed to the young female tutor and said.

[The author has something to say]

I feel a little sick today, maybe I'm sick, so let's take two more chapters. Please forgive me.

As the weather is getting colder, everyone should also pay attention to keeping warm. Good health is the most important thing.

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