
At the same time, everyone's eyes followed Ye Qianxing's hand towards the young female instructor.

She should be the youngest among all the mentors present, at the age of twenty-seven or eighteen.

And it is shown on the badge that she is just a primary level tutor who is just entered. Generally, this kind of tutor has just finished the internship, and may even have just graduated.

Regardless of the teaching experience or the resources controlled, they are much less than those of high level tutors or Elder.

They never thought that Ye Qianxing would make this choice.

"Does this guy think that Mentor Yan Shenshen is young and beautiful, so he chose her?"

"Maybe, after all, Mentor Yan Shenshen is really beautiful. Even if compared to some of our freshmen, they have more mature charm."

"But how can this mentor be a joke? Yan Shenshen is the primary level mentor and can’t teach anything at all, he This time I got an S in the rating assessment, even Elder Luo bluntly said that he would be accepted as a dísciple, so he couldn’t take this opportunity very well."

He was violating the heavens and wasting his S-Rank rating.

Admissions Director Xie Elder also hurried to persuade.

"Students, choosing a mentor is also extremely important. It will have a great impact on your future cultivation in the institution. You still have to seriously consider it."

"I I know that you youngsters may be longing for beautiful women, and Yan teachers are indeed young and beautiful, but cultivation and academics are still very important after all..."

Xie Elder obviously also thinks that Ye Qianxing chose Yan Shenshen's tutor because of the latter. Age and appearance.

Ye Qianxing knows that Xie Elder's words are sincere for himself, so he smiled.

"Thanks Elder, thank you for your kindness, but I have already decided, I will choose this Yan Shenshen tutor."

Ye Qianxing bowed slightly and said.

In fact, he chose Yan Shenshen as his mentor, not because of his appearance.

Ye Qianxing is not a good-looking dog. Of course, good looks can add points, but Ye Qianxing really chose Yan Shenshen as a mentor for other reasons.

In the eyes of others, Yan Shenshen is just a new primary level tutor, but in the eyes of Ye Qianxing, it is different.

He had already opened the eyes of system and checked all the mentors and Elder's data.

This Yan Shenshen's information was paid special attention to by him.

[Name]: Yan Shenshen

[Race]: Human Race

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