"Don't worry, I won't let it go silent again."

Ye Qianxing said firmly.

He believes that he will surely let the name "Unlimited Moon Under the Moon" resound through Spirit World.

"I hope so."

After Hei Lao said quietly, he disappeared again.

Ye Qianxing also put the classics of [Unlimited Link under the Moon] back to the bookshelf, and then left the Martial Dao Pavilion.

At the gate of Martial Dao, a girl of about 20 years old is pacing back and forth.

There seems to be some worry on his face.

Ye Qianxing just came out from the door, and the girl's face was suddenly happy.

"Ye Senior Brother, you are finally out. Mentor Yan Shenshen asked me to take you to see her."

This girl entered the Yan Shen Shen guide sect with Ye Qianxing. Oriole.

She is obviously a freshman at the same level, but this little girl always likes to call Ye Qianxing Senior Brother.

Ye Qianxing also said that she should not be called that way, but it seems that this little girl still hasn't changed her words.

Ye Qianxing didn't correct it any more, but asked instead.

"What's the teacher Yan Shenshen asking for me?"

Seeing the expression of the oriole seems very anxious.

"Oh, that's it. The university organizes our newly enrolled students to go to Ziyao Mountain for experience. All freshmen must participate, so Mentor Yan Shenshen asked me to come to you."

"The other freshmen are ready, we should be left."

The oriole has actually been here for a long time, but she does not have permission to enter the Martial Dao Pavilion, so she can only stand outside. Wait.

Fortunately, this is already the seventh day, otherwise this little girl might have to wait a long time.

"Oh, let's go."

Ye Qianxing hearing this, with a calm expression, complementing each other well with the oriole.

Under the lead of the oriole, the two came to the school gate of Dayan Academy. At this time, a group of people had gathered at the school gate, all freshmen with Ye Qianxing.

"Shenshen teacher, we are here."

Huang Li took Ye Qianxing to Yan Shenshen, which was sighed in relief.

The eyes of all the people around were on Ye Qianxing and the oriole. Ye Qianxing didn't care about his thick skin. The oriole lowered his head so shy that he wanted to find a slit to get in.

"Hey, that man seems to be the only S-Rank student in our class. It turns out that we have waited for so long to wait for him."

"hmph, by Why is it that he alone kept us blowing the cold wind here for so long?"

"Just because he is an S-Rank student, he has a higher status than us."

"...you I can't refute this."

There were whispers in the crowd, and most of them showed dislike.

It’s too irritating to waste the time of a large group of people because of one person.

But they only dared to complain secretly. After all, Ye Qianxing is an S-Rank student. The status in Dayan Academy is much higher than them.

You should know that in Dayan Academy, there can only be one S-Rank student in each class.

It can be seen that the status of S-Rank students in the academy.

"Why come out so late? Didn't the staff of Martial Dao Pavilion remind you of the time?"

Yan Shenshen asked, looking towards Ye Qianxing.

The university organizes freshmen to participate in the trial to confirm the time. It is exactly seven days to take care of the S-Rank students and give S-Rank students time to enter the Martial Dao Pavilion.

But Ye Qianxing is still more than an hour late, and Yan Shenshen feels a little strange about this.

"I don't know, someone called me, it seems to be Hei Lao. I will be out as soon as he called me. The time should be in line with me. Did you advance it?"

Ye Qianxing speak frankly.

"Hei Lao?"

Yan Shenshen was obviously taken aback when he heard the name.

Heilao is an Elder, the highest Chief-In-Charge of Martial Dao Pavilion.

Remind Ye Qianxing that the person who is up to the time will actually be him?

"We did not advance, but gathered on time. You were indeed an hour late. Did the old man deliberately give you more time to learn martial arts?"

I guessed it quickly. If Ye Qianxing hadn't lied, it must be that the old man deliberately gave Ye Qianxing more time to cultivation martial arts.

It's just a black old man who has always been staid thinking and paying great attention to rules. Why did he make an exception for Ye Qianxing?

Isn't even the black old man convinced by Ye Qianxing's innate talent?

This is also possible. After all, there has only been one such demon soul of red quality in the entire Yan Emperor in the past 100 years.

"Since everyone is here, let's set off."

An old voice sounded. It was Xie Elder, who was in charge of enrollment before, and this time led the freshmen to Ziyao Mountain. The leader of the trial is also him.


Just then, another voice sounded.

It is Elder Luo, that is, the Elder Luo who took the initiative to solicit Ye Qianxing but was rejected by him.

Yan Shenshen frowned immediately, knowing that Elder Luo definitely didn't have any good things in his mind.

Sure enough, Elder Luo continued talking soon.

"Because of this person, we all wasted an hour of time. We can't just let this matter go. I believe all the students here are also resentful, right? "

Elder Luo finished the conversation, but no one spoke up.

After all, if you talk to him at this time, it will be regarded as offending Ye Qianxing.

Although Ye Qianxing is just a freshman like them now, they have seen his strength with their own eyes and are obvious to all.

Even the three A+ grades Jiang Yuanfeng, Wu Xunyan and Lu Chen were easily defeated by Ye Qianxing.

If they make their heads at this time, who knows if Ye Qianxing will target them in the days to come.

When the time comes, even if you don't kill them, but just wound or abolish them, with his S-Rank title, the institution will not punish them.

Seeing no one was speaking, Elder Luo's face suddenly collapsed.

He glared at a young man beside him. This was the only dísciple among the freshmen he had accepted, named Luo Wen, an A-Rank student.

It stands to reason that Elder Luo, a student of A-Rank innate talent, didn't look at him at all, but this Rowan is a descendant of Elder Luo, and Elder Luo reluctantly accepted it.

Luo Wen understood the color of Elder Luo, and hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

"Elder Luo is right, because one person wastes hundreds of us time. Such behavior is simply angry and must be punished, otherwise it would be too unfair."

Ye Qianxing frowned slightly. Of course he knew that most of these freshmen were really upset about their lateness, but no one showed it.

Even other instructors and Elder are unwilling to offend him as an S-Rank student for this trivial matter.

But Elder Luo just did so, apparently in revenge against Ye Qianxing.

The reason is simple, because Ye Qianxing rejected him in public before.

"It is indeed Ye Qianxing's fault for being late. As his mentor, I am here to apologize for you."

At this time, mentor Yan Shenshen suddenly spoke. Up.

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