In any case, being late is a fact, and Ye Qianxing is indeed wrong.

Ye Qianxing didn't bother to apologize, but Yan Shenshen stepped up to apologize for him in order not to cause trouble.

With Yan Shenshen’s apology, the uncomfortable color on the faces of many new students has been reduced a lot.

After all, this is really not a major event. If someone apologizes, they won't be angry anymore.

But Elder Luo will never forget it.

"Apologizing can't solve anything. I think there must be substantial punishment."

"What kind of punishment does Elder Luo hope for?"

Yan Shenshen She also frowned, but still held back, and asked.

"Simple, this kind of person who doesn't pay attention to time is not worthy of the S-Rank title of my Dayan Academy. I suggest depriving him of the S-Rank title and all benefits."

Elder Luo said that everyone present couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Just because of this little thing, Ye Qianxing S-Rank will be deprived of the title and treatment. Is this too harsh?

Yan Shenshen even directly said no.

The benefits and benefits of S-Rank are extremely high. If Ye Qianxing S-Rank is deprived of the title, it would be a great loss.

"Elder Luo, I think that just because of this little thing, this student will be deprived of the S-Rank title. It's a bit too much. It's better to punish it and give it a warning. Just give it a warning."

Xie Elder also thinks that Elder Luo is a little harsh, and he persuades him.

But Elder Luo's attitude is unwavering, and he is determined not to forget it.

"Shen Shen teacher, I want to ask you one thing, does Elder have the right to deprive students of the title and treatment?"

Ye Qianxing, who has been silent for a while, spoke.

Yan Shenshen shook his head.

"If you are a general student, Elder has the right to deprive the title, but you are the S-Rank title, only the palace owner has the right to decide whether to deprive it."

Ye Qianxing and Yan Shenshen’s The conversation did not deliberately lower the voice, so everyone present heard it, and Ye Qianxing glanced at Elder Luo.

sneered, asked.

"Since only the palace lord has the right to deprive me of my S-Rank title, I will not bother Elder Luo? Or does Elder Luo think he can act on behalf of the palace lord?"


Ye Qianxing's provocation in this sentence was unconcealed and shocked everyone.

So far, no freshman has dared to be so angry with an Elder.

No, even an old student didn't dare to attack Elder.

Ye Qianxing is definitely a Number One Person.

In fact, Ye Qianxing didn't want to be like this, but Elder Luo made him very upset.


Elder Luo pointed at Ye Qianxing angrily, but couldn't say anything that was ashamed.

On talk big, Ye Qianxing hasn't been afraid of anyone yet, and no one dares to offend Elder Luo until now, so he has no experience of shameless people.

Naturally, Ye Qianxing is no more.

"Then I will report to the palace lord, let him be the master, and deprive you of your S-Rank title!"

Elder Luo angrily said, he does not believe that the palace lord will offend a new student Own.

"Oh, what do you mean is to let us give up this trial and waste these time confronting you in front of the palace lord?"

"I just wasted Everyone who participated in the trial for only one hour would be punished so much. If you directly caused everyone to give up the trial, would they be punished even more?"

Ye Qianxing said with a sneer.

" are confusing, talk nonsense!"

Elder Luo was shaking with anger.

Ye Qianxing is indeed picking bones in the egg, picking the weak spot in Elder Luo's words.

But what about it, Ye Qianxing's purpose was to make Elder Luo unable to refute.

"hmph, wait until the trial is over, I will apply to the palace lord to deprive you of the S-Rank title!"

Elder Luo coldly snorted and said.

"Then wait until the trial is over, don't waste everyone's time."

Yan Shenshen spoke with a bad tone, apparently regarding Elder Luo's targeting of Ye Qianxing Also very angry.

Elder Luo is not only a freshman in Ye Qianxing, but now even a primary level tutor dared to speak to him in this tone, and suddenly became even more angry.

He was about to swear, Xie Elder on the side spoke before he saw it.

"cough cough, the time is almost up, let's set off quickly and go to Ziyao Mountain."

"Elder Luo, the trial is still more important, I hope you don’t It hurts the interests of other students because of personal grievances."

Thanks Elder looked towards Elder Luo, and said in a bad tone.

He has lived for so many years, how can he not understand that the reason why Elder Luo held on to this incident was because he was very upset about Ye Qianxing's rejection of him before.

For Elder Luo's behavior, Xie Elder also looked down in his heart, but didn't want to offend Elder Luo.

But this Elder Luo entangled again and again, wasting everyone's time, Xie Elder couldn't help it.

This time he is leading the team. If the trial time is wasted, he will also be affected.


Even Xie Elder spoke up, and Elder Luo couldn't get entangled anymore.

Had to give up temporarily, but his look towards Ye Qianxing and Yan Shenshen got worse. A freshman, a primary level instructor, dare to be disrespectful to himself as Elder.

He won't just let it go.

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