"Ye Qianxing, you can rest assured, your innate talent is excellent, and the palace lord understands the righteousness, and he will definitely not take your S-Rank title away from the words of Elder Luo alone."

On the way, Mentor Yan Shenshen saw that Ye Qianxing didn't say a word, so he said comforted.

Ye Qianxing's innate talent really made her extremely satisfied, although Dayan Academy has more than one S-Rank innate talent student.

However, she knew very well in her heart that the innate talent of those S-Rank students in the academy was not comparable to Ye Qianxing at all.

Judging by his red quality monster soul and his record of easily defeating three Monster Soul Masters of the same level, if it weren't for the higher rating of the university, Ye Qianxing is definitely more than S-Rank.

"I'm not worried."

Ye Qianxing's expression is indifferent. In fact, the things that just happened Ye Qianxing didn't take it seriously, it was just an episode.

Yan Shenshen glanced at Ye Qianxing with some surprise. Not only did he dare to beat Elder Luo, but afterwards he thought nothing happened.

With such a mentality, is it a big heart, or is it not afraid?

It’s not a good thing for youngsters to be too mad, trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind In the cradle.

"Will he be the person I'm looking for?"

Yan Shenshen murmured in the heart, with a complicated expression.

Soon, the entire group came to the bottom of Ziyao Mountain.

Thanks Elder looked towards the new students, and finally said after clearing their throats.

"Next is the seven-day experience. During these seven days, you will all stay in Ziyao Mountain. Many of you are locals from Jizhou City, so you should No stranger."

"Ziyao Mountain is part of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Although it only belongs to the peripheral zone, there are also many powerful monster beasts. You are all well-known figures among youngsters. I hope to see a lot of you in seven days."

Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is the largest mountain range on the Heavenly Jade continent, spanning almost half of the Heavenly Jade continent.

At the same time, Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is also the world of Monster Beast Race.

Although Ziyao Mountain is located in the peripheral zone of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, it is also very dangerous.

Maybe you can come across a powerful high level monster beast.

"Well, I wasted a lot of time because of some things before, so I won't be too nonsense. I just warn you that the experience of Dayan Academy is very cruel. In these seven days, yours Life and death depend on our own efforts and providence. We will not intervene."

"So, you must always be careful, not just be careful of monster beasts, but also be careful of people. After all, in the Ziyao Mountain In addition to the people in our Dayan Academy, there are also people from other forces. When there is a conflict of interest, they will not be the slightest softness because you are a student of the Dayan Academy."

Xie Elder Finally, he told him again, and then he waved his hand to indicate that the new students could enter Zi Yao Mountain.

huhuhu ……

one after another silhouette quickly moved towards Ziyao Mountain and rushed away.

Although there are endless dangers hidden in Ziyao Mountain, there are also endless opportunities hidden in the same way.

Benefits are what drives people the most.

"Brother Ye, do you want to team up for experience? Let's join the four operations. It must be no problem to persist for seven days."

Ye Qianxing just wants to enter Ziyao Mountain, and we are familiar with each other. The voice rang.

Ye Qianxing doesn't need to look at you to know that it is Wu Xunyan, Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen who are talking.

Don't look at these three guys as enemies of life and death during the rating assessment, but after the rating assessment is over, these three guys stick together every day.

It seems that the relationship is very good.

This is actually a gift from Ye Qianxing. The three of them have similar reputations in Jizhou City. Even if one of their three people gets an S-Rank rating, the other two will not accept it.

But now that S-Rank has been evaluated by Ye Qianxing, they naturally have no conflicts of interest.

They are all smart people. For those with outstanding innate talents, they must be friends and try not to be enemies as much as possible.

Ye Qianxing looked towards Wu Xun Yan, shook the head directly.

"No, I am more accustomed to acting alone."

Ye Qianxing decisively refused, not to mention that he has a lot of secrets that he doesn't want to reveal, even without him, he doesn't want to be with this group of people Team up.

Especially that Wu Xunyan, he always feels that this guy has a problem with his sexual orientation.

"Uh, Brother Ye, danger and opportunity are side by side in Ziyao Mountain. If the four of us work together, we will definitely be able to make money in seven days."

Wu Xunyan was unwilling and continued.

Ye Qianxing ignored him directly and moved towards Zi Yao Mountain.

But at this time there is another person here, the oriole.

"Ye Senior Brother, I, can I... be with you?"

The Oriole asked very nervously, especially when it came to the back, the voice was even weaker.

If it wasn't for Ye Qianxing's strong hearing, he might not be able to hear it.

The Oriole is very nervous. Her innate talent is only average among the freshmen. If she acts alone, she may not be able to safely support her for seven days in Ziyao Mountain.

So she really wants to team up with Ye Qianxing. With the protection of Ye Qianxing, her safety should be guaranteed.

But she doesn't know if Ye Qianxing will agree. After all, she saw Ye Qianxing's rejection of Wu Xunyan's three-person team.

Ye Qianxing is a little embarrassed.

He could unceremoniously refuse Wu Xunyan’s stubborn guys, but the oriole is a girl, and she entered the door of Yan Shenshen with him, so to a certain extent, It is the same sect fellow apprentices.

Even with the face of Ye Qianxing, it is hard to refuse directly.

But he really can't team up with others. There are too many secrets in his body. If nothing else, Erbaiwu alone can't be exposed.

"Uh, oriole, sorry, I don’t like teaming up with other people very much, and I like adventure very much. I go to dangerous places. If you are with me, I’m afraid I can’t protect you. Safety."

Ye Qianxing finally refused with a cheeky.

"Oh, okay."

The oriole looked lonely, but did not insist.

Ye Qianxing sighed, silhouette disappeared, and the next moment appeared in a hidden place.

"Shadow general, send a Shadow Avatar to follow the girl."

Ye Qianxing said.

The shadow will soon split into a Shadow Clone, and then lurks beside the oriole.

This is just an A-Rank Shadow Clone, Ye Qianxing does not expect it to protect the oriole.

It's just that if the oriole encounters danger, Ye Qianxing can also know it in time and go to support it in time.

This can be considered Ye Qianxing is the greatest help to the oriole.

After finishing this, Ye Qianxing didn't hesitate anymore and went straight to the Zi Yao Mountain.

"The door of contract, open!"

After entering Ziyao Mountain for some distance, Ye Qianxing sensed that there was no one else around, and then stopped, and then contracted The door opens.

Erbaiwu, Xiao Taixu, Xiao Yan and Vajra have all come out, and Sister Ruoxi is still training in the contract space.

When she was in Earth Star, she used the skill [Nature Guardian] that covered the whole city.

Until now, he has not recovered, so he can only stay in the contract space to cultivate.

Ye Qianxing also wondered if he could find spiritual medicine to help Sister Ruoxi recover.

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