"Horned Dragon of the abyss, come out!"

Ye Qianxing's current strength does not dare to easily face the monster beast of SSLevel 2.

So directly summon the Horned Dragon of the Abyss Demon.

The predecessor of the Horned Dragon of the Abyss was the Abyss Ghost. After the death of the Venerable Azu, Ye Qianxing merged the Thunder Sword with the Dragon Soul Spear, and the Abyss Ghost Soul was also controlled by Ye Qianxing.

Later, with the help of Xiao Taixu's dragon blood, she turned into a dragon.

Although it is only the lowest dragon, it is also a True Dragon.

It is also SS1 level, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with an iron-eater.

"áo hǒu!"

The Horned Dragon of Abyss Demon rushed out of Lei Che's sword, directly rammed into the leader of the iron-eater, and fought with him.

Ye Qianxing continued to slaughter the iron-eaters around him, and then beautifully recovered the demon soul.

Below SS-Rank, Ye Qianxing's attack cannot be blocked at all.

"Recover a three-star half-level iron-eater demon soul to get five thousand recovery points."

"Recover one three-star half-level iron-eater demon soul to get five Thousands of recovery points."


Ye Qianxing killed the iron-eaters while recovering their demon souls.


Suddenly, Ye Qianxing noticed the battle on the Horned Dragon side of the abyss demon, and it actually fell into a disadvantage.

I don't know when, another SS1-level iron-eater deputy leader appeared, and together they besieged the Horned Dragon of the abyss demon.

The Horned Dragon, the abyss demon, was already reluctant to the iron-eater leader, but now that there is one more, it immediately fell into a disadvantage.

"I'm Gan, don't you have support for bullying me here?"

Ye Qianxing was suddenly upset, his silhouette flashed and appeared beside the Diamond Body.

Throw that black gold mysterious iron into Shennong Cauldron, and add a few Metal Element spiritual medicine and a few monster cores of iron-eaters.

Soon a Golden Core was formed.

"Eating it will help you breakthrough."

Ye Qianxing said.

Vajra did not hesitate, took Golden Core and swallowed it directly, suddenly bursting into a terrifying imposing manner.


Seeing that the food was swallowed by Vajra, the iron-eaters roared suddenly.

Everything moved towards Vajra rushed away.

"Good come!"

Vajra looked at these iron-eaters with a humane sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

He has breakthrough to SS-Rank, and the power that floods his body because of the breakthrough has nowhere to vent.

Seeing this group of iron-eaters approaching, Vajra laughed heartily and directly activated the skill [Celestial Phenomenon Land], which increased her size several times and became a Titan giant ape.

He held the Heaven Supporting Pillar in his hand and swept the ground, and a large group of iron-eaters was directly lifted off.

Then he grabbed it with a big hand and held nearly ten iron-eaters in his hand. With a fist, those iron-eaters were directly pinched to death like an insect.

"Okay, don't bully these brats, go and help a bunch of Horned Dragons."

Ye Qianxing said.

Vajra screamed, then moved towards the battlefield on the Horned Dragon side of the abyss demon and ran away.

In the process of running, dozens of iron-eaters were trampled to death.

With the help of Vajra, the Horned Dragon of the Abyss suddenly reduced the pressure.

Vajra has a dual bloodline of ancient Titans and gibbons. Although it has just broken through to SS-Rank, its strength is even stronger than that of the SSLevel 2 iron-eater leader.

Wielding the Heaven Supporting Pillar a few sticks down, the iron-eater leader dazed was stunned.

Ten minutes later, the corpses of iron-eaters lay on the valley floor.

Ye Qianxing's silhouette is gone, he has already taken Erbaiwu to the next treasure location.

Not long after Ye Qianxing left, another squad came to the valley.

They were all stunned when they saw the iron-eater corpses all over the floor.

"Fuck, isn't this the iron-eaters group, why are they all dead?"

"It's incredible, which ruthless is so strong, can actually slaughter the iron-eaters group, And looking at the appearance of this battlefield, it’s like a one-sided massacre."

"I don’t think it should be a single person, it may be a powerful team, but if you want to kill the whole Iron-eaters, that squad has at least two or more Tier 5 powerhouses."

The people of that squad were shocked by the scene.

One of the team members looked around, his face suddenly changed.

"Judging from the deaths of these iron-eaters, there should not be many people on that squad, at least not many people shot them, because the wounds of these iron-eaters are very consistent, and some of them died Sword wound, and it was a sword seals the throat, and the other part was crushed directly into meatloaf."

Hearing that player's words, the others couldn't help but swallowed saliva and said.

When did such ruthless appear in Ziyao Mountain?

"Did that ruthless also go to the seriously injured quasi-king-level monster beast."

"It is possible, it seems that Ziyao Mountain is going to be lively this time. Now."


Two days passed quickly. In these two days, Ye Qianxing searched nearly ten places where treasure was hidden.

I have found a lot of Heaven and Earth Treasure, but Ye Qianxing is most satisfied with recovering the demon soul.

His recovery value has reached as many as one million.

"Hehe, one million recycling value is enough for one high level lottery."

Ye Qianxing rubbed his hands, he has coveted that high level lottery for a long time.

Divine Grade lottery needs tens of millions of recycling points, Ye Qianxing has no extravagant hopes yet.

The high level lottery only needs one million recycling value at a time, and it can explode up to seven-star materials.

If the seven-star materials are in the mall, they need at least five million in recycling value.

Therefore, Ye Qianxing feels that lottery is more cost-effective, of course, the premise is good luck.

If you are unlucky, it is possible to get a 5-Star level material.

"Lucky Goddess, take care of me."

Ye Qianxing bathed in incense and prayed sincerely for an hour or two. Only then did he calm down and prepare to start lottery.

In the mind control system interface, open the lottery pool and click the button of the high level lottery pool.

The one million recovery value that was not easy to raise disappeared instantly, and the high level lottery pool began to spin.

"Seven-star, seven-star, must be seven-star!"

Ye Qianxing nervously murmured his forehead sweating.

He finally knew what the gamblers were in when they were gambling, and it was his current mood.

Expectation, but fear.

As if thousands of years have passed, and as if only a few seconds have passed, in the tense waiting, the lottery pool finally stopped spinning.

A golden light burst out, and the rays of light began to dissipate, gradually revealing its true colors.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting..."

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