"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a seven-star material [Somersault Cloud]."

[Somersault Cloud]: A seven-star material, which can be used to fly, and travel millions miles apart every day. Can be used as a creative material.

As the golden light dissipated, a white cloud appeared in front of Ye Qianxing's eyes.

Day trip million miles apart, then this [Somersault Cloud] is very fast, at least many times faster than Ye Qianxing's shuttle.

The most important thing is that the shuttle needs to consume energy, not [Somersault Cloud].

Ye Qianxing is not sure whether he can find the energy needed by the shuttle in Spirit World, but he will not be able to fly on his way in the future.

Now I doze off and meet the pillow, this [Somersault Cloud] can be regarded as a problem for Ye Qianxing.

"Somersault cloud? How do I feel that the name is so familiar, as if I have seen it in an ancient book before."

Ye Qianxing scratched his head, always feeling the name Very familiar.

After racking my brains for a long time, I suddenly remembered divine light flashed.

"Journey to the West", this is an ancient book handed down from the ancient times of the Kingdom of Heaven.

It records [Somersault Cloud], which is the mount of one of the protagonists, Sun Wukong, and is known as a million miles apart.

Although the legend and reality are somewhat different, the similarities are still great.

So Ye Qianxing thinks that the [Somersault Cloud] that appears here should be the [Somersault Cloud] mentioned in the ancient book "Journey to the West".

In fact, most of the legends in the ancient books handed down in the old times of the Star Star have found their prototypes in reality, including many monster beasts and Divine Beasts.

In this regard, Ye Qianxing guessed that people in the old age of Earth and Star should have known the existence of Spirit World.

The so-called legend actually records Spirit World.

"In Journey to the West, somersault cloud is Sun Wukong's mount. They are all apes. I don't know if Vajra can use it."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, [Somersault Cloud] Take it out, and then call Vajra.

"Try it, can you control it."

Ye Qianxing said.

Vajra nodded, moved towards 【Somersault Cloud】Sit down.

bang! ! !

The ground shook violently, and Vajra sat down on the ground.

[Somersault Cloud] As if there is spiritual wisdom, I have long avoided it.

Vajra got up and touched her red butt, very confused.


Ye Qianxing, Erbaiwu and Xiao Taixu laughed out loudly taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, Vajra's two faces were immediately reddened with shame than ass. Up.

"Boss, you bully me."

Vajra looked at Ye Qianxing faintly. He looked at the cloud like cotton candy, who knew he would move by himself.

"I didn't bully you, and I didn't know it would move on its own."

Ye Qianxing shrugged and said, this is the truth.

He can feel that [Somersault Cloud] does not have spiritual wisdom, but has his own consciousness.

What surprised him was that [Somersault Cloud] didn't allow Vajra to sit on it.

"Is it because there is the bloodline of the gibbons on the Diamond Body?"

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, the owner of [Somersault Cloud] Sun Wukong is Intelligent Stone Monkey, and It seems that the relationship between the arm and the ape is not good.

So [Somersault Cloud]'s attitude towards Vajra is not good.

"Somersault cloud, come here."

Ye Qianxing waved, [Somersault cloud] did not resist Ye Qianxing, and floated directly in front of him.

Ye Qianxing tentatively lifted his foot and stepped on the [Somersault Cloud], and there was no embarrassment like Vajra before.

It seems that [Somersault Cloud] is still loyal to Ye Qianxing. After all, it is produced by system, and the loyalty to Ye Qianxing has directly reached 100%.

"Okay, let's continue our treasure hunt next."

Two days have passed, and the red dot on the treasure hunt compass was not found by Ye Qianxing. It's only one tenth.

He has to take advantage of these last five days to collect more Heaven and Earth Treasure.

Just when Ye Qianxing left, his footsteps stopped abruptly.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Erbaiwu almost ran into Ye Qianxing and asked strangely.

Ye Qianxing frowned.

"The oriole is dangerous."

"The oriole? Is that the human girl you sent the Shadow Clone to protect? Boss, wouldn't you like her, right?"

"Boss, your eyesight has deteriorated. I think you have to look like Sister Xiao Yu no matter what."

Erbaiwu said mystifying.

Ye Qianxing gave Erbaiwu a white look, opened the door of the contract directly, and kicked the two goods back.

Vajra and Xiao Taixu also returned to the contract space by themselves.

Erbaiwu They cannot be exposed yet, at least until Ye Qianxing feels that he is strong enough, try not to expose their existence.

Ye Qianxing jumped on the somersault cloud and pointed in a direction.

With a cry, somersault cloud directly issued splitting the air sound, moving towards Ye Qianxing and flew in the direction pointed by.

This speed is estimated to be not much slower than Ye Qianxing's space teleportation.

In a forest, Wu Xunyan, Jiang Yuanfeng, Lu Chen and Oriole are watching their surroundings vigilantly back to back.

A squad of about ten people surrounded them.

After Ye Qianxing refused the Oriole’s request to form a team, Wu Xunyan took the initiative to find her.

Although Wu Xunyan is not as good as Ye Qianxing, they are also outstanding innate talents, and they are the strongest in this new year except Ye Qianxing.

They took the initiative to find the oriole to form a team, and of course the oriole would not refuse.

Of course, the Oriole is not stupid. She knows that Wu Xunyan is willing to invite her to form a team, not because of her own strength, but because she and Ye Qianxing are the same sect.

"You brat, you should return the seven-leaf fairy chrysanthemum plant to us as soon as you know it, otherwise, there will be a few corpses in Ziyao Mountain, but it's normal."

A middle-aged man takes a step forward, said with a cold laugh.

Wu Xunyan frowned.

"We discovered this seven-leaf fairy mushroom first, and we picked it up. Even the monster beast that guards this seven-leaf fairy mushroom was killed by our exhaustion of suffering untold hardships."

"Why do you say it's yours!"

"Just relying on our big fist, brat, I, as a person who has passed by, urge you to say that life is more valuable than these Heaven and Earth Treasures."

The middle-aged man said while playing with the dagger in his hand.

"Now give you two choices. One, I think I will hand over all the treasures on my body. Second, I will kill you all and take it myself."

middle-aged man Now I have to make an inch of it. Not only do I want the seven-leaf fairy chrysanthemum, but also all the treasures on them.

Wu Xunyan's eyes suddenly burst into endless anger.

He dignified Wu Shao, when has he suffered this kind of grievance?

"I advise you not to provoke us. We are from Dayan Academy. He is also the Young Master of Wu Family in Jizhou City. You can't afford to offend it!"

Chen threatened with their identities.

If Ye Qianxing was here at this time, he would definitely sigh.

After all, they are still too young to understand the evils of society.

At this time, you still dare to report your identity. Isn't this a death?

Originally, they were just making money. Now that they know your identity, if they don’t kill you, wouldn’t they be waiting for your revenge?

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