Sure enough, hearing Lu Chen’s self-reported identity, the middle-aged man's face immediately changed.

Dayan Academy, which is an institution established by the Imperial Family, is extremely powerful.

But if they were just students from Dayan Academy, the middle-aged man would not be so shocked.

After all, it's just an ordinary student. Dayan Academy is impossible to deal with them because of a few ordinary students.

But Lu Chen also revealed the identity of Wu Xunyan Wu Family Young Master.

This group of people are all natives of Jizhou City. Although they stay in Ziyao Mountain all year round as bandits, they are also very clear about the power of Jizhou City.

Wu Family, that is one of the most powerful families in Jizhou City.

If he must choose one to offend, he would rather choose Dayan Academy than to offend Wu Family.

How do you say that sentence, the strong dragon can't overpower the local tyrant.

Although the Dayan Academy is strong, it is only one of the branches in Jizhou City, but Wu Family is an Ancient Family with a history of nearly a thousand years in Jizhou City.

"Wu Family Young Master......"

The middle-aged man's face is gloomy, and he is beginning to regret it a little.

Knowing that there will be someone from Wu Family, he is impossible to grab the treasure.

People who have offended Wu Family, don't even want to hang around in Jizhou City.

When Lu Chen saw the middle-aged man's expression, he immediately raised his courage.

He was sneaked.

"It's too late to roll now, we can assume that nothing happened, otherwise, when the time comes, none of you can escape!"

middle-aged man in the heart Digging about whether to leave now.

At this moment, another person stood up and said.

"Big brother, all of these Great Family people have their own personalities, and even if we let them go, they will definitely not give up. Instead of doing this, we might as well kill them all."

"Anyway, a lot of the students sent by the Dayan Academy to practice in Ziyao Mountain in the past years have died. We have removed all the traces, and they can't find us."

"Moreover, since they are all children of Great Family, there must be a lot of treasure on them. After we grabbed this order, it is estimated to be as good as the previous years. After at worst kills them, we will leave Jizhou City."

"No matter how powerful his Wu Family is, it is only limited to Jizhou City."

An Iron Pagoda brawny man more than two meters tall said in one breath, don't look at his stubborn appearance. , The mind is very delicate and can see through.

The other bandits around hearing this also shine.

Especially the sentence behind the Iron Pagoda brawny man, there must be a lot of babies in the younger generation of the great family. If you grab them, then send it.

As for whether they will be retaliated, they simply can't think of so much.

People who dare to rob in places like Ziyao Mountain don't put their heads on their belts. Why are they afraid of this?

"Yes, boss, let's do it!"

"hmph, what I hate most in my life is the children of Great Family, boss, kill them!"

The band of gangsters echoed.

The middle-aged man's expression reversed for a while, and finally stopped in a cruel expression.

He was moved.

"Brat, we originally only wanted to make money and don't want to kill, but to blame it is your status as the children of the family, we are all very hateful of the rich."

middle-aged man coldly said.

Wu Xunyan's heart slammed, and the secret road was over.

He can see that the eyes of these guys looking towards him are full of greed.

He glared at Lu Chen fiercely. If it weren't for this guy's cheap mouth, there would be no such things.

Lu Chen also had a bitter expression on his face. He thought that speaking of Wu Family would shock these people, but who knew it would stimulate them even more.

"We give you all the treasures we have, and promise not to retaliate, how about you let us go?"

"If I die, Wu Family will definitely not give up , When the time comes, you must not escape."

Wu Xunyan said, he can only hope that the other party can be scared by himself.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the courage of these bandits.

"I, I prefer to believe in the mouth of a dead person."

The middle-aged man's tone was cold, and he waved his big hand, and all the bandits around immediately moved towards Wu Xun Yan. The entire group rushed over.

Huang Li's face changed suddenly, she was just a fourth-rank Monster Soul Master, and the weakest among the group of bandits on the opposite side was seventh-rank fourth.

If Wu Xunyan and the others were all thinking about running away, the oriole knew that they couldn't hold on for long.

"Damn it!"

Wu Xunyan clenched his fists and yelled angrily.

"What should I do?"

Lu Chen asked anxiously.

"hmph, what else, one word, fight!"

Jiang Yuanfeng was not afraid, loudly roared, possessed by the kangaroo demon soul, and directly moved towards the group of bandits. Rushed over.

"There is no way, there is only one battle. Later, we try not to be in love with each other. We can escape one by one, and then announce the things here."

"hmph, Even if it's dead, I won't make this group of gangsters feel good!"

Wu Xunyan suppressed his fear at this time, and said cruelly.

He dignified Wu Family Young Master, one of the three Heaven's Chosen in Jizhou City, when has he suffered this kind of grievance?

Isn’t it a battle? It's not always true who is dead and who is alive!

Wu Xunyan, Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen charged ahead and stood up with the group of gangsters.

The oriole lost its protection and was immediately noticed by several bandits.

After all, she is the weakest present, and she is still a girl.

"Old horse, how long have we not been driving?"

A wretched man looked at the oriole and chuckled.

Another gangster around him is also staring at the oriole, his eyes full of lewdness.

"Almost two months, this Little Lass looks mediocre, but the figure is really good, tsk tsk tsk, especially those long legs, enough for me to play for a while."

The gangster called the old horse rubbed his hands and said with a smile on his face wretchedly.

Their conversation did not abate at all, and the expression of the oriole changed immediately when the oriole heard it in their ears.

Back again and again.

The silhouettes of the two wretched men flashed when they saw it, and they quickly moved towards the Oriole and rushed over.

"Don't go, Little Sister, have fun with the big brother, as long as the big brother is cool, maybe you can spare your life."

With a laugh, he was so fast that he had reached behind the oriole.

A hand patted the oriole on the shoulder and rubbed it, showing an expression of enjoyment on his face.


The oriole screamed, and one staggered and fell to the ground.

After all, she is still a girl who has never experienced setbacks. At this time, she is so scared that she will not let go of the demon soul.

"Hehe, old horse, let me go first."

The wretched man laughed heartily, and moved towards Oriole directly.


Oriole's eyes were filled with despair, because of fear, she was already weak at this time, and she didn't have the slightest strength.

I can only watch the wretched man pounce on him.


Just as the wretched man was about to pounce on the oriole, a sigh sounded.

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