"en? "

The wretched man was startled by the sudden sigh.

But he turned his head left and right, but he didn't see anyone.

At this time, he still moved towards the paralyzed oriole, and when his head turned to the oriole again, pupil suddenly shrinked.

In just a few seconds, a silhouette covered with flames appeared in front of the oriole.

At this time, the wretched man is still in the air, because the inertia is basically impossible to stop.

Just when he was about to turn around, that silhouette flew out quickly.

The speed was so fast that the wretched man didn't even react, so he kicked his face directly.

With just one sound of ka-cha, the bones on the face of the wretched man were kicked to crack.

His body flew back under the impact of tremendous force, and he broke five or six thick trees before he could stop.

Only in time to look up at Ye Qianxing, he fell down.

The vitality dissipated, and those who are already dead can no longer die.

The demon soul floated out and was also recovered by Ye Qianxing.

"Old Li!"

The old horse who was about to watch a good show was stunned.

He was still thinking about watching a live broadcast of pa pa pa, why did Old Li fly out in the blink of an eye, and he died immediately?

At this time, Lao Ma suddenly saw Ye Qianxing beside the oriole.

Could it be that Old Li was killed by that guy?


Lao Ma pointed to Ye Qianxing, but before he could say a complete sentence, a flame swallowed him.

"Ye, Ye Senior Brother!"

It took half a minute for the oriole to spirit slowly recovers and recognize the silhouette beside him.

It is Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing looked towards Oriole, he made the sigh just now.

The oriole is actually not low in innate talent. After all, those who can join Dayan Academy are definitely high-level innate talents among the younger generation.

It is a pity that she still has too little experience. When she was frightened by the other party, she completely lost her ability to resist.

Although the level of Oriole is lower than the two gangsters Lao Ma and Old Li, but her demon soul quality is several grades higher than that of the other party.

Even if you lose the opponent, you can run away.

But just because I have no experience, I have never experienced this kind of catastrophe, I simply don't know what to do.

I wasted this innate talent.

"I can save you once, but I can't protect you all the time. I hope this experience will make you understand that this world is not beautiful. If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself."

"Your innate talent is not weak. If you can train your mentality well, you may not be able to become a side powerhouse in the future."

Ye Qianxing did not lift up the oriole, or say any comfort. Words.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, I want to wake up the oriole.

Sure enough, hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the oriole's eyes fluctuated.

Obviously, Ye Qianxing's words, she listened carefully.

If you can understand this now, it is not too late.

"My Gan, Brother Ye, don't chat anymore. If you don't help us, we will be beaten to death."

At this moment, Wu Xunyan's The voice rang.

He is being besieged by three bandits at this time. Of the three bandits, two of them have a fourth rank of nine dans and one has a fourth rank of eight dans.

Although Wu Xunyan has a high innate talent, he lacks experience after all.

At the same time dealing with three strong men of the same level who have had a career of licking blood for more than ten years, they soon fell into a disadvantage.

Had it not been for the advantage of the earth fire Jin Yan, he would have been defeated a long time ago.

Jiang Yuanfeng and Lu Chen are even more miserable. They have been crushed and beaten, and they have injured several places on their bodies.

Originally, Wu Xunyan noticed that Ye Qianxing was coming, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he found out that Ye Qianxing was only chatting with the oriole, but didn't help, so he actively shouted.

"Ye Senior Brother, they have been taking care of me for these two days, or you..."

The Oriole looked at Ye Qianxing and said.

Actually Ye Qianxing didn't intend to stand by.

Of course, he knew that it was Wu Xunyan and they were taking care of the oriole these past two days. It can be seen that although these three guys are a little dull, their quality is not bad.

Since we are both students of Dayan Academy, please help.

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