Not only Elder Luo, except Ye Qianxing, everyone was shocked.

A primary level instructor, unexpectedly possesses a strength level of 5th and 9th steps.

Even some Elders of Dayan Academy may not be able to achieve such strength.

Is this world crazy?

"Brother Ye insisted on choosing Yan Shenshen as his mentor at the beginning, maybe he knew about this a long time ago, right?"

Wu Xunyan couldn't help but feel at this moment. Guessed.

Otherwise, as long as Ye Qianxing is not a fool, he is impossible to choose a primary level tutor.

He must have seen it through a long time ago. Mentor Yan Shenshen is not just an ordinary primary level instructor.

"Luo Tinggan, Ye Qianxing is my student, how can you decide his life and death?"

Since it has been exposed, Yan Shenshen no longer chooses to be low-key.

She gave a violent shout. Although it was a fifth-order and ninth-dan level, the imposing manner that burst out was not weaker than Luo Tinggan of the fifth-order Peak.

Luo Tinggan is Elder Luo's real name. Yan Shenshen directly called out his name, which shows that he is really angry.

Luo Tinggan wanted to kill Ye Qianxing directly.

In his opinion, no one in the room should be able to stop him, even Xie Elder, who is also in the Elder seat, don't want to stop him.

But Yan Shenshen's sudden eruption broke his progress.

"Yan Shenshen, although I don't know how you have such strength, you are only a primary level tutor anyway, and I am Elder."

"The following commit is a big taboo of the Great Yan Academy. Are you sure you want to lose your great future for this little bastard?"

Luo Tinggan already has some refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the The vases are gone, so I dare not attack.

I had to use the rules of the Dayan Academy to suppress Yan Shenshen.

However, Yan Shenshen is only sneaked.

"You are worthy of saying that I am committing the following crimes?"

"Also, Ye Qianxing is my student, and the teacher protects the students. That is justified, if you dare to insult again He said, don't blame me for being impolite!"


As Yan Shenshen's voice fell, her Azure Phoenix demon soul also roared towards the sky.

Many birds and beasts in the mountains and forests are fleeing in waves.

Luo Tinggan's face was gloomy, and Yan Shenshen's words made it clear that he would not give him face and provoke his dignified Elder's face.

First provoked by Ye Qianxing, a student, and provoked by a primary level tutor.

Luo Tinggan felt that he was greatly humiliated.

At this time, even if he knew that the opponent was not weaker than himself, Luo Tinggan couldn't help but feel angry.

"Okay, okay, it seems that someone has been silent for too long. You all think I'm a bully, right."

"Today, I will Let you have a taste, the price of committing the following!"

"The ferret demon soul, possess!"

Luo Tinggan gave a violent cry, and a demon soul that resembled a wolf and a rat possessed his body. .

The terrifying aura of the fifth-order Peak is pouring out.

"It's the Yellow Weasel Soul. I heard that Elder Luo's previous nickname was Luo San Pao because of his Yellow Weasel Soul."

"Luo San Pao this What is the connection between the nickname and the yellow ferret demon soul?"

Someone asked if they didn't understand.

"A yellow weasel is actually a weasel. One of the strongest abilities of a weasel is farting. You should know this."

"And Elder Luo's famous skill is farting like a cannon. Very few people can withstand the power of his Three Cannons. Even if they are not bombarded to death, they will be suffocated from stinky farts. That's why they are called the Three Cannons."

I have heard of Elder. Luo's once prestigious student explained.

The three artillery bombing the sky and cracking the earth, once was famous in Jizhou City, there are few rivals.

And this prestige still came out.

The previous Elder Luo was ruthless, killing without blinking an eye, and established countless enemies.

It was only after Elder, who was specially recruited as the Great Yan Academy, slowly fell silent.

But this does not mean that his temper has improved.

Ye Qianxing and Yan Shenshen's provocation against him once again inspired his baleful aura.

"Shooting the sky and cracking the earth, three cannons, the first shot, blasting the sky!"

Luo Ting gave a violent shout, turned around, turned his back to Yan Shenshen and Ye Qianxing, and slapped his butt.

A huge energy ball condensed by yellow gas gets bigger and bigger, and then peng sound flies out.

The goal is Yan Shenshen who stands in front of Ye Qianxing.

"Azure Phoenix fire, Fengyan Nine Heavens!"

Yan Shenshen's expression remains unchanged, although the opponent's level is higher than her.

But her Azure Phoenix demon soul is not comparable to a trifling demon soul.

Although Azure Phoenix is ​​not a purebred Phoenix, the Azure Phoenix fire it controls is also an Arcane Fire at the Heavenly Fire level.

Suddenly an azure flame emerged from Yan Shenshen, turning into a pair of huge fire wings.

For a while, the fire wing must be moved towards Elder Luo with the bombardment.

"Shen Shen teacher, don't!"

At this moment, Ye Qianxing's expression changed suddenly.

Shout out.

He suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

Elder Luo released farts, and Yan Shenshen released fire.

Fire and fart touch, but there will be a big explosion!

Ye Qianxing learned some chemistry when he was on Earth, and knew that the fart contained methane, a combustible gas.

If it is a normal person, the methane will dissipate after a short time when the fart is excreted from the body.

But is Luo Tinggan a normal person? He is Monster Soul Master, how big is his fart formidable power?

There must be a lot of methane gas contained in it, and Yan Shenshen’s fire is not a normal fire. If the two collide with each other, the explosion will be huge.

Ye Qianxing can't imagine it.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late to stop.

The fire wings released by Yan Shenshen still collided with Luo Tinggan's butt cannon.

Ye Qianxing only had time to hug Yan Shenshen's waist, and then quickly activated the space teleportation skill, dodge dozens of meters away.


As soon as the Azure Phoenix fire touched Luo Tinggan's fart, it ignited instantly.

Next moment, it exploded with a bang.


This explosion sounded through Heaven and Earth, and the formidable power generated by the explosion swept away.

Even Ye Qianxing and Yan Shenshen, who had been hiding dozens of meters away, still did not escape. Ye Qianxing hurriedly embraced Yan Shenshen and blocked the wave of lingering power for her.


Ye Qianxing couldn't help groaned, even if it was Yu Wei, it made him a little uncomfortable.

It is conceivable that the group of students closest to it may not survive.

"You, can you let me go?"

Ye Qianxing reacted with a weak voice, and there was a softness in his arms at this time.

He was too anxious just now, so he hugged Yan Shenshen before he could think too much.

Now that I reacted, even Ye Qianxing's face couldn't help but blush.

Quickly let Yan Shenshen go.

The latter's face became even more blushing, and fiercely shaved Ye Qianxing a glance.

"Uh, sorry, Shenshen teacher, I was so anxious just now, I didn't think too much."

Ye Qianxing scratched his head and said embarrassingly.

"hmph, forget it, it's because you are saving me."

Yan Shenshen snorted, and the blush on his face quickly receded.

Then he wiped a cold sweat from his forehead.

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