Thinking of the previous explosion, she has lingering fears.

An explosion of such intensity may be able to reach the full strength attack of the sixth rank strong.

And she was at the center of the explosion.

If Ye Qianxing hadn't taken her away in time, she would have been seriously injured even if she didn't die.

speaking of which, Ye Qianxing saved her life.

"What the hell is going on, why is there such a big explosion?" asked Yan Shenshen frowned.

"Because Luo Tinggan’s fart contains flammable gas, and the temperature of your Azure Phoenix fire is countless times stronger than ordinary flames. When the two come into contact, they directly produce high-intensity Explosion."

Ye Qianxing tried his best to explain in easy-to-understand language.

If you use professional terms to explain, let alone Yan Shenshen, even he himself probably doesn't quite understand it.

Yan Shenshen’s eyes flashed with self-blame. Although she didn't quite understand what Ye Qianxing meant, she understood at least one thing.

That is because this explosion is all because of her, she is the culprit.

Such an explosion of formidable power, I am afraid that those students and instructors will not be spared?

Yan Shenshen blames himself when he thinks of the death of hundreds of young lives because of his ignorance.

"Teacher Shenshen, look!"

However, when Yan Shenshen was deeply self-blaming, Ye Qianxing suddenly creded out in surprise.

Yan Shenshen looked up subconsciously, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

As the dust and smoke from the explosion dissipated, a large pit nearly ten meters deep appeared in the area covered by the explosion.

In and around the big pit, the freshmen and tutors stood unharmed, and an earth-yellow shield appeared all around them.

These freshmen and mentors, who were shrouded in the earth-yellow mask, were also embarrassed at this time.

I don't know what happened.


Suddenly, a coldly snorted sound rang.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette came out of the forest.

As the sun shines on him, everyone can see his appearance clearly.

This is a middle age person with a scumbag face and shaggy hair. He is dressed in a black robe. Ye Qianxing does not know him.

But some freshmen and all the mentors showed respect.

"Palace Lord."

A neat voice sounded, Ye Qianxing realized that this middle age person is the Lord of the Jizhou City Branch of Dayan Academy, Zuo Xiong .

"Is the sixth rank Demon Soul King?"

Ye Qianxing looked at the sub-host of the Great Yan Academy's Extreme Day Sub-Mansion, and couldn't help swallowed saliva and said.

The sixth rank monster beast, also known as the king-level monster beast, or Monster King.

Naturally, the sixth rank Monster Soul Master is also honored as the Monster Soul King.

Whether it is monster beast or monster soul master, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to upgrade, and the greater the difference in strength.

The fifth rank and sixth rank are even more obvious dividing lines.

This can be seen from the title, otherwise why not honor the third rank, fourth rank, and fifth rank as the king?

The sub palace lord Zuo Xiong did not speak, and with a wave of his hand, the earth-yellow shield around everyone disappeared.

"Palace lord, if you hadn't arrived in time, we might not be spared. Our subordinates have not fulfilled their obligations to protect the students. Please punished the lord."

Thanks Elder reacted first, reproaching himself.

Zuo Xiong glanced at Xie Elder, coldly snorted again.

"Of course your punishment is inevitable, but if you want to punish, you must first punish the culprit of this incident."

As he said, Zuo Xiong's gaze shifted to Luo Tinggan's body. .

Luo Tinggan was staring at Zuo Xiong's gloomy gaze, and suddenly couldn't help shaking.

Don't look at him as the fifth-order Peak, just one step away from Zuo Xiong, the sixth rank Monster Soul Master.

But this step is far away from Heaven and Earth.

Unless the quality of the monster soul is excellent, or there is some killing move, a fifth-rank Peak Monster Soul Master facing a sixth-rank Monster Soul Master can only be the end of a spike.

"Palace lord, it was the kid who committed the crime and treated me several times with disrespect, even ignoring the regulations of the institution, fighting with the same sect, and ruining the demon soul of my discipline."

"I wanted to catch that kid and punish it according to the rules of the institution, but his mentor Yan Shenshen blocked it several times, and even did not hesitate to do it with me. This caused the thing just now."

"Palace lord, I can't shirk the blame for causing such a big thing, and I will be punished later, but the two of them are the culprits, and the lord is asked to call the shots."

Luo Tinggan quickly organized it. Language directly covered Ye Qianxing and Yan Shenshen's heads.

Ye Qianxing hearing this frowned, if the other party is only targeting him, he won't have any ideas or even bother to argue.

But then Elder Luo actually pulled Yan Shenshen in at this time, Ye Qianxing couldn't bear it anymore.

However, as soon as he was about to speak, Yan Shenshen patted his shoulder and shook his head.

This is to signal him not to speak, just watch it quietly.

"Let me be the master? How do you want me to be the master?"

Palace Lord Zuo Xiong asked with a strange expression on hearing this.

Luo Tinggan didn't see Zuo Xiong's expression, and he said with each minding their own business.

"This child disregarded the regulations of the academy and mutilated the same sect, so he asked the palace lord to take action personally to abolish his demon soul and drive out of the academy."

"and his tutor Yan Shenshen, Don’t tell right from wrong, take the side of the evil-doer, and even almost killed all the students and instructors present. The crime is a plus, I suggest killing on the spot."

"You let me kill on the spot."


Zuo Xiong pointed to Yan Shenshen, his face and tone of voice were very strange and asked.

"Yes, only this way..."


Before Luo Tinggan finished speaking, Zuo Xiong raised his hand and slapped him directly. Face.

The huge force directly lifted Luo Tinggan into the air and threw him a few meters away.

A face quickly swelled.

"Palace Lord, you...why are you hitting me?"

Luo Tinggan got up and asked in a daze.

But because the face is swollen, I can't speak clearly.

"Why hit you? I even want to kill you now!"

"Luo Tinggan, you should be glad that she didn't have an accident, otherwise, let alone you, even your whole Family, don't even want to be spared!"

At this time, Zuo Xiong had disregarded the qualities of the dignified palace lord, his expression was very hideous.

Looks like he can't wait to swallow Luo Tinggan.


When Zuo Xiong said this, Luo Tinggan was immediately dumbfounded.

Not only him, but the surrounding freshmen, mentors and even Xie Elder are all confused.

Isn't Yan Shenshen a primary level tutor? Is there any hidden identity?

Let Zuo Xiong, the Lord of a Prefecture who has always been extremely calm no matter what happens, lose self-control like this.

Is it Zuo Xiong's illegitimate daughter?

Some imaginative guys started to guess inside, and it seems that only this probability will work.

But soon, Zuo Xiong's move overturned their guess.

It also made them all understand.

I saw that after Zuo Xiong slapped Luo Tinggan, he moved towards Yan Shenshen and knelt down.

Then he said respectfully.

"Her Highness the Princess, the minister is late, so you are wronged."

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