Although Ye Qianxing’s voice is small, there is no noise here.

Yan Shenshen, as a Monster Soul Master of the fifth stage and 9th dan, is also very capable of hearing. Ye Qianxing's muttering naturally entered her ears clearly.

Yan Shenshen originally thought that she was a fresh and indifferent girl with a gentle personality, but when faced with Ye Qianxing, she found that it was really difficult to suppress her inner anger.

She really wants to ask Ye Qianxing, how did you survive these twenty years?


Yan Shenshen took a deep breath for a long time before he finally calmed down his emotions.

"I won't talk to you anymore, there is one more important thing I'm looking for you."

"The monster beast dungeon is about to open. When the time comes, go in too. , It just so happens that we are not very short of money and resources now, there may be a solution to your problem."

Yan Shenshen said.

"Monster beast dungeon? What is it then?"

Ye Qianxing asked in confusion.

Yan Shenshen's eyes widened. The whole institution knows about this. Ye Qianxing hasn't heard of it yet?

Is this guy still from the Great Yan Emperor?

But when I think of Ye Qianxing, I don’t even know about the most grand event of the Heavenly Jade Continent, let alone a trifling monster beast, and I feel relieved.

"The monster beast dungeon, as the name suggests, is a prison where many monster beasts are imprisoned. It is rumored that it is a relic left by a force named Ascension Gate hundreds of years ago."

"The monster beast dungeon is divided into 18 layers. There are a large number of monster beasts in it, and there are even some monster beasts with very high bloodline grades. It can be regarded as a treasure place in Jizhou City. It will be opened for a period of time every year. At that time, many large and small forces in Jizhou City would send people in to slaughter the monster beast and deprive the demon soul."

"You should be aware of the value of the demon soul. The higher the quality of the demon soul, the higher the value. , If you can capture some high-quality ghost souls in it, you can sell them at a high price when you take them out, or you can exchange resources directly with the university."

Yan Shenshen patiently explained to Ye Qianxing.

"Anyway, now I have no money. If you want to continue to engage in resources, you have to work hard on your own."

Yan Shenshen said shrugged.

Ye Qianxing did not speak, but was excited.

He directly omitted any exchange of money and resources, and his focus was on the word demon soul.

Others capture demons to sell money for resources. Ye Qianxing is different. He has a system to recover demons.

The Great Yan Emperor is only an dynasty after all. Can the resources it possess is comparable to that of the system?

Even if you have enough money, you may not be able to buy the resources you need.

But system is different. As long as it has enough recovery value, it can do whatever it wants.

There are countless treasures in the system mall.

The so-called monster beast dungeon is the real treasure for Ye Qianxing.

"Is it interesting to see how excited you are?"

Although Yan Shenshen didn't know Ye Qianxing's inner thoughts, he saw his eyes light up. I also know that he must be very interested in this monster beast dungeon.

"Well, I am indeed very interested, but such a good place, shouldn't anyone be able to enter?"

"Of course, every force has a quota , Our Dayan Academy has a total of ten places. According to the rules of previous years, the school will organize student competitions, and these ten places will be given to the top ten students."

Yan Shenshen nodded, and then showed a proud face. The color.

"However, I have already told Palace Master Zuo. If you set a quota for you, you will be spared the test. Your strength Palace Master Zuo has also been seen before, and it can be completely ranked. In the top ten, Palace Lord Zuo directly agreed."

Bai Xianxin's previous strength in the school was enough to rank in the top ten, and Ye Qianxing's ability to defeat Bai Xianxin was enough to prove himself.

Now that Ye Qianxing is fully capable of entering the top ten, Yan Shenshen speaks again.

Then Palace Lord Zuo, why not be a good person, and by the way brush up on Yan Shenshen's favor?

"Well, then many thanks Shenshen mentor."

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate to thank him.

"Okay, don't use glib tongue, I just hope you can win glory for the country at the 1 month later Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting, so I thank you."

Yan Shen Shen No Said kindly.

According to Yan Shenshen, the monster beast dungeon will not be opened for a few days, and Ye Qianxing plans to return to his residence.

But before he left, the oriole ran over energetic and bustling.

"Shen Shen teacher, Palace Master Zuo asked me to inform you that the monster beast dungeon has been opened in advance, and he asked you to take Ye Senior Brother to the gate as soon as possible."

The oriole panted and said, brow beaded with sweat.

"What, it opened ahead of time?"

Hearing [monster beast dungeon] opened ahead of time, Yan Shenshen's expression suddenly stiffened, with a grave expression on his face.

[monster beast dungeon] It is opened regularly every year, why is it even earlier this time?

Although puzzled, Yan Shenshen did not ask much.

In an emergency, she grabbed Ye Qianxing's hand, spread the wings of Azure Phoenix behind her back, and quickly moved towards the gate of Dayan Academy and flew away.

Soon, they came to the gate of the academy.

Zuo Xiong, some Elders from the academy, and nine students gathered at the gate, with grave expressions on their faces.

When seeing Yan Shenshen coming, Zuo Xiong and the group of Elders all bowed to Yan Shenshen.

The courtesy still cannot be abolished.

The nine students with quotas watched this scene in shock. Although they had heard more or less news about Yan Shenshen, it was difficult for them to suppress it when it happened. surprise.

"Get up all."

Yan Shenshen waved his hand, and Zuo Xiong's entire group got up.

"What the hell is going on, why does the monster beast dungeon open ahead of time?"

Yan Shenshen asked frowned.

"It's not quite clear, but I suspect that it may not be related to the Xiting Noble Academy. The monster beast dungeon was opened three days in advance. The Xiting Noble Academy, Bailu Academy, and others The forces with a good relationship have entered early."

"Obviously, they are trying to earn more places next time."

Zuo Xiong said with a gloomy face.

Each faction has a different number of places to enter the monster beast dungeon. It depends on the quantity and quality of the monsters that each faction obtained in the dungeon last time.

Last year, the students of Dayan Academy captured the most monsters in the monster beast dungeon, and the quality is the best, so this year they have the most places.

If the results of Dayan Academy are not good this time, the number of places will be reduced.

The Xiting Noble Academy and other forces entered two or three days earlier, and the results have already pushed them far.

"Three days?"

Yan Shenshen frowned deeper.

"Then don't waste time, hurry up, now waste one minute more, it will be a great disadvantage to us."

Yan Shenshen said harshly.

If this time their Dayan Academy has captured the least amount of demon souls, there will probably only be one or two places to enter the monster beast dungeon next time.

This is definitely a great loss.

And this is also detrimental to the reputation of the Great Yan Academy, which is directly related to the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty. If it is detrimental to the reputation of the Great Yan Academy, then equivalent to hit the Great Yan Emperor in the face of the Imperial Family.

This is absolutely not allowed by Yan Shenshen.

"Okay, everyone, let's go. Although we went in a few steps later than them this time, it is not completely out of chance. I hope everyone can work hard in the dungeon and win glory for our Dayan Academy."

"If any of you can perform best this time, you will be rewarded!"

Zuo Xiong said solemnly.


The nine students roared together, and the entire group moved towards the monster beast dungeon and rushed quickly.

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