The location of the monster beast dungeon is on a hill outside of Jizhou City, but it is not Ziyao Mountain.

Hundreds of years ago, a large sect named Ascension Gate stood on this hill.

But I don't know what happened later, this sect was destroyed.

The monster beast dungeon is the remains of the Ascension Gate.

When Zuo Xiong brought the Ye Qianxing entire group to the Ascension Gate ruins, a large group of people had already gathered there.

Looking at the distribution of their positions, it is clear that they are not the same force.

"Oh, isn't this Palace Lord Zuo? Long time no see, I trust you have been well since we last met?"

The appearance of Zuo Xiong attracted them Attention.

The eyes of this group of people looked towards Zuo Xiong obviously with a different color.

At this time, a middle-aged man with an aquiline nose, fair skin, and facial features that look different from those of the Yan Emperor, stepped forward and said with a laugh to Zuo Xiong.

"Eh? The monster beast dungeon has been open for three days, Palace Master Zuo, why haven't you guys from Dayan Academy entered yet?"

The aquiline nose man seems to be just now Seeing Ye Qianxing and other academies behind Zuo Xiong, he pretended to be extremely surprised.

"Haha, Dean George, I guess Palace Master Zuo should be very confident in the students of their school, so we specially let us come three days in advance. This is the true powerhouse style. "

Another obese man stood up and said with a smile.

Although they are all laughing, as long as they are not fools, they can hear the ridicule in their words.

Zuo Xiong's face obviously sank, but now he has no intention of fighting each other with these two men, and directly speaks to the ten students behind him.

"Let's all go in."


entire group cup one fist in the other hand, then moved towards the entrance of the dungeon and rushed .

Upon seeing this, both the aquiline nose man and the middle-aged fat man sneered.

"hmph, the monster beast dungeon has only been opened for a total of five days. Now three days have passed, I don't believe it, what else can they achieve in two days."

" Yes, hehe, it seems that Dayan Academy is going to be the bottom this time, and there is a good show."

The two voices did not hide at all, they all fell into Zuo Xiong's ears.

His face was gloomy, and he stared at the two men coldly.

"hmph, if you let me find out that this matter is related to your Xiting Academy and Bailu Academy, I will surely level your two Academy, don’t doubt what I said."

Zuo Xiong coldly said, the powerful aura of the sixth rank is pouring out.

Immediately scared the leaders of many forces present shiver coldly.

Even George and the obese dean of the White Hart Academy are no exception.

Although the status of Xiting Noble Academy and Bailu Academy in Jizhou City is not lower than that of Dayan Academy, in terms of individual strength, no one in the room can match Zuo Xiong, the sixth rank Demon Soul King.

If Zuo Xiong is really crazy, they really can't bear Zuo Xiong's anger.

So, George and the obese dean closed their mouths and looked towards a stone tablet beside the monster beast dungeon.

This stone tablet is marked with some names, such as:

1. Xiting Academy McGee: white quality monster*200, orange quality monster*98, yellow quality monster Soul*40, azure quality monster*8, green quality monster*1, a total of 5530 points.

2. Li Lin of Bailu Xuegong: white quality demon soul*300, orange quality demon soul*50, yellow quality demon soul*20, azure quality demon soul*2, a total of 4680 points.

3. Peter from Xiting Academy: white quality monster...


Note: white monster=10 points, orange monster=20 Points, yellow monster soul=30 points...

The monster beast dungeon used to be the place where Ascension Gate was used for dísciple experience. The stone tablet can show the names of the experienced people and their achievements.

As for the principle, it is too complicated to explain. (It's really too complicated, so complicated that the author doesn't quite understand it/wittery smile/)

After Ye Qianxing and other students from Dayan Academy entered the monster beast dungeon, ten more names appeared on the stone tablet , Unfortunately it was at the end, and the score was zero at first.

Zuo Xiong looked at the top ten scores on the stone tablet, his face getting worse and worse.

The top ten are basically from the Xiting Noble Academy and Bailu Academy. The first place has more than 5,000 points. The probability that their Dayan Academy can catch up is almost zero.

"Palace Lord Zuo, don't worry, Ye Qianxing is here. I believe he will be able to turn things around."

Yan Shenshen saw the worry in Zuo Xiong’s eyes. comforted.

She is still very confident in Ye Qianxing, especially since she knows that Ye Qianxing is now in the fifth stage and eight stages, her confidence has increased greatly.

No one in this monster beast dungeon will be Ye Qianxing's opponent.

"I hope so."

Zuo Xiong took a long breath, worrying was useless, he could only hope for them.

[The author has something to say]

Tonight is New Year's Eve. Well, I wish you all good health, peace and happiness in the new year in advance.

By the way, do you plan to sleep until next year or next year?

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