After Ye Qianxing and the nine other students from the Great Yan Academy entered the monster beast dungeon, five students ran towards several directions without saying a word.

Obviously, it is not the first time that they have entered the monster beast dungeon and have experience.

Just when Ye Qianxing was about to go in one direction, a sturdy silhouette suddenly stopped in front of him.

Then three silhouettes blocked Ye Qianxing's left and right and back roads.

Ye Qianxing frowned, looked towards the sturdy youth in front of you.

Before coming, Yan Shenshen introduced to him the nine students who have obtained the quota. They are all senior students who have had at least three years of school age in Dayan Academy.

The strength of each one is not weaker than Bai Xianxin.

One of them is Yan Shenshen's most important explanation, and that is the sturdy youth, Lin Tian, ​​who was stopped in front of Ye Qianxing at this time.

Lin Tian is the oldest student in Dayan Academy today, and he is also one of the strongest. I heard that he has reached the fifth-stage and seventh-stage strength level.


However, when Ye Qianxing faced the strongest student of the Great Yan Academy, his expression remained unchanged, he was still very calm.

"It was you, who seriously injured Bai Xianxin and destroyed his demon soul?"

Lin Tian looked at Ye Qianxing with cold eyes, because he was much taller than Ye Qianxing, so When I looked towards Ye Qianxing, I looked down.

Ye Qianxing understands that Lin Tian should have something to do with Bai Xianxin, so he stopped him to avenge Bai Xianxin.

In this case, Ye Qianxing does not need to be polite.

"What if it's me, what if it's not me? If a good dog doesn't stand in the way, get out of the way quickly."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

It's just that when he said this, the three old students on the left, right and behind couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

They have the best relationship with Lin Tian, ​​and they know Lin Tian's explosive temper.

If you dare to scold him face-to-face, isn't this a death?

Originally, I only intended to teach Ye Qianxing a lesson, but now, it is estimated that Lin Tian has the heart to even kill him.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qianxing's voice fell, Lin Tian's face suddenly sank.

The veins on his face burst, and the bones squeezed in his fists rang straight.

When Lin Tian was scolded like this?

"Okay, very good, I haven't had this kind of urge to kill for a long time."

Lin Tian gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother God, calm down. I heard that this kid seems to have a good background. Even the palace owner attaches great importance to it. If you kill him, you may have trouble."

An old student on the left of Ye Qianxing quickly persuaded him.

"hmph, how about the background is not small, this is not outside, in the monster beast dungeon, the dead person is normal, when the time comes, he threw his body to those monster beasts to eat, Can anyone investigate us?"

Lin Tian coldly said.

Seeing to persuade Lin Tian, ​​the old student stopped talking.

Lin Tian was really telling the truth. He killed people in the monster beast dungeon and threw the corpse to the monster beast. No one could investigate it.

"No, don't waste time, or just get out, or come and die."

Ye Qianxing looked impatient.

"Okay, since you are in a hurry to die, then I will fulfill you... violent demon bear, demon soul possessed!"

Lin Tian's eyes are already full at this time Blood light is bloodthirsty.

With a boom, a black bear illusory shadow covered Lin Tian's body.

The breath of horror is pouring out.

Rage Demon Bear, 5-Star level monster beast, dual attribute of battle system and demon system.

Yan Shenshen didn't lie to Ye Qianxing, Lin Tian's strength level is indeed five-stage and seven-stage.

This strength, placed in peers, is already a very enchanting evildoer.

Of course, Ye Qianxing is not included.


A non-human roar yelled from Lin Tian's throat, and saw that his silhouette moved directly into an afterimage.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Ye Qianxing, and a huge bear paw moved towards Ye Qianxing suddenly patted his head.


Lin Tian smiled grimly, as if he had seen Ye Qianxing's head being slapped to pieces by himself like a watermelon.

"Titan fist! Cunjin!"

Ye Qianxing did not evade in the slightest, but also threw a punch.

His fist is more than half smaller than Lin Tian's bear paw, which is obvious in everyone's eyes without the slightest comparability.

Dare to meet force with force with Lin Tian, ​​isn't this just death?

Who doesn't know, Lin Tian's advantage is this strength.

"bang! !!!"

As two fists collided, a tyrannical wind exploded from it moved towards all around.

Soon, a shocking scene appeared.

Lin Tian's face turned out to be painful, and then he flew out backwards.

It's like being hit by a speeding train.

peng sound, Lin Tian's huge body fell to the ground, and the ground trembled.

"Brother Tian."

Seeing this, the three students who had surrounded Ye Qianxing hurriedly ran towards Lin Tian and helped him up.

But I don’t know, I was shocked when I looked closer, when they helped Lintian, they found that his right arm was dislocated.

"How did this guy do it, even under the strength of the fight, he steadily surpassed Brother Tian?"

One of the old students cry out in surprise.

The gaze they looked towards Ye Qianxing is no longer a mockery of at first, but a deep jealousy and fear.

If you want to beat Lin Tian in a pure power competition, you have to be at the same level, right?

Could it be that Ye Qianxing, a youngster who is only twenty years old, also has the strength of the fifth stage and the seventh stage?

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