Inside the monster beast dungeon, when an uproar was caused by Lin Tian’s death outside, Ye Qianxing had already stepped onto the ladder to enter the Sixth Layer.

According to the map given by the old student, there is no high-quality monster beast on the first few floors. Of course, it may also be because the old student has not found it.

But Ye Qianxing doesn't care about this. He only has this map now. Since there is no high-quality monster beast on this map, Ye Qianxing will go down for the time being.

He knows very well that a high-quality monster beast is worth more than dozens or even hundreds of low-quality monster beasts.

So, he plans to go to Sixth Layer at the first stop.

The old man said before that, Sixth Layer, he has seen a blue quality monster beast.

Blue quality is equivalent to six-star, which is worth a million in recycling value.

Thinking about it, I'm excited.

"The purple electric mink family?"

Ye Qianxing looked at the map in his hand. There was an area marked on it, with the words sable electric mink written on it.

And below these four characters, there is a line of small characters.

"Purple electric mink is generally yellow quality monster beast, but among them, evolver is blue electric mink and bloodline quality is blue."

This is what the old student said to Ye Qianxing blue quality monster beast.

According to the route markings on the map, Ye Qianxing moved towards the area of ​​the Zidian Mink tribe.

The monster beast dungeon is actually in the state of an inverted pyramid. The First Layer has the largest area, and the 18th Layer has the smallest area.

Compared with First Layer, the area of ​​Sixth Layer is much smaller.

But Ye Qianxing just walked for a while before reaching the area of ​​the sable family.

"What a strong thunder and electric breath."

As soon as he approached the area of ​​the sable electric mink clan, Ye Qianxing could feel the strong thunder and electric breath.

He has acquired the power of Nine Heavens Thundercloud, and he is particularly sensitive to thunder and lightning.

Soon, Ye Qianxing entered the territory of the sable mink clan.

A purple mink appeared in front of him, but not a living thing, but a corpse.

"Someone came one step ahead of me?"

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle.

There are no demon souls in the corpses of these sables, and they were obviously taken away by the previous group.

The people of Spirit World have a special method to capture the demon soul. Before Ye Qianxing came in, Yan Shenshen gave him something, which looked a bit like a gun.

According to Yan Shenshen, such a thing is called catching soul artifact.

As long as you kill the monster beast, and then press the trigger of this gun at the monster soul, you can receive the monster soul into it.

The demon soul can be used to sell money in Spirit World, and the value is not low.

Suddenly, his astonishing hearing heard the sound of battle not far away.

It seems that another group of people came one step ahead of him, but not too long in advance, so they have not left yet.

"There is still a chance."

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing moved towards the direction where the battle fluctuations came.

At this time, there is a fierce battle in the central area of ​​the Zidian Mink territory.

Five human Monster Soul Masters are besieging a mink whose whole body is shining with blue electric light.

The strength level of this mink is not too high, it is only about the fifth stage and the fifth stage, but the thunder it controls is a higher level 1 blue power than the purple power.

This has reached the category of Heaven Grade Thunder.

With Heaven Grade Thunder, this blue electric mink is stronger than his surface level.

But unfortunately, it faces five human Monster Soul Masters.

These five Monster Soul Masters are all above the fifth stage and five stages, and the strongest one has even reached the fifth stage and seven stages.

The blue electric mink is simply no match for them, and at this time it is also at a great disadvantage.

I've suffered a lot of injuries, but I'm still holding on.

On the battlefield, there is only one living mink from the blue electric mink. The corpses of the blue electric mink are lying on the ground, all of which are obviously slaughtered.

"Hehe, Brother Li, this blue electric mink should not last long. Its demon soul is of blue quality. If you take away its demon soul, your score will definitely surpass McGee. , Become the first place."

"When the time comes, we can get more places in the Bailu Academy."

A student from the Bailu Academy said with a laugh.

"It's a lot to owe Zhang Feng. If he hadn't found this place by mistake, we would have missed a big baby, Zhang Feng, this time I will give you a wave of awards."

The person they call Brother Li is also laughed.

"many thanks Brother Li."

Zhang Feng hurriedly thanked him.

He discovered a mutant blue electric mink here by mistake, so he hurried to inform Li Lin, because he knew that he was impossible to deal with the purple electric mink clan.

It's better to sell Li Lin as a favor.

Blue quality monster beast, even if it is below the 10th layer, you may not be able to find it.

So this news is indeed good news for Li Lin, and it is worth trading for his favor.

"Okay, thank you later, let's talk about it later, first solve this beast, don't be careless, don't let it go."

Li Lin asked road.


As soon as Li Lin said this, the other four Bailu Academy students immediately returned to serious expressions, and said solemnly.

If all the cooked ducks were to fly, it is estimated that Li Lin would be so angry that he would kill them on the spot.

So the more you get to the end, the more you can't be careless.

"Dark Night Cat, Night Claw!"

Li Lin suddenly coldly snorted, and the blood light of the Night Cat monster's soul eyes widened.

Next moment, Li Lin was enveloped in black mist and disappeared instantly.

The other four students from the Bailu Academy obviously knew Li Lin's methods, so the moment Li Lin disappeared, the four of them surrounded the blue electric mink.

But not attacking, just staring at it, not letting it escape.


A penetrating cat cry suddenly sounded in the void, next moment, five bloody rays of light flashed by.

The blue electric mink let out a scream, and its body was splashed with blood, exactly where it was struck by the five blood-colored rays of light.

peng sound, the blue electric mink fell heavily to the ground, its breath weakened a lot.

I can't even get up.

Li Lin's silhouette reappeared, also panting.

This blue electric mink is still very strong. In order to be foolproof, he has consumed a lot of energy to play that trick, one strike certain kill.

Although there is no spike to kill the blue electric mink, but the state of the blue electric mink can not live long.

"hmph hum, struggling again, won't you be killed by me in the end?"

Li Lin sneaked and moved towards Blue Dable.


At this moment, a bolt of lightning shot from the mouth of the blue electric mink and hit Li Lin.

However, Li Lin reacted quickly, and he dodged, and lightning struck a deep hole in the ground.

With this blow, the blue electric sable finally ran out of energy, and his eyes showed despair and anger.

The anger is because their race was killed by the humans in front of them, and the despair is that it cannot avenge the race.

"You bastard, dare to sneak attack me, huh, I won't let you die!"

Li Lin was angered by the blue electric sable's behavior, his face Showing a hideous color.

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