
A cold and severe cat cry came from Li Lin's mouth.

Next moment, his silhouette flashed, turning into an afterimage, flashing past the blue electric mink.

Immediately afterwards, the dying blue electric mink let out a penetrating scream.

There was a splash of blood on its body.

But this is only the beginning, not the end. Li Lin's silhouette flickers and flickers beside Lan Dian.

Every time you pass through the body of a blue electric mink, the latter will burst out a burst of blood.

But Li Lin was obviously prepared. Every time he attacked, it was not the life gate, so the blue electric mink could only endure pain forever, but couldn't die.

Unless suicide, but almost all monster beasts have a strong sense of pride in their bloodline.

This sense of pride does not allow them to commit suicide, such humiliation.

"Animal, let me kill you obediently, isn't it all right? You have to die. If this is the case, then I will let you experience what it means to be executed by Ling Chi!"

A cold voice came from Li Lin's mouth, but his attack on the blue electric mink did not stop in the slightest.

The more screams of Blue Electric Sable, the more he can stimulate his inner desire to kill.

This guy is already abnormal.

"I heard that if the willpower of Monster Soul Master itself is not strong enough, it may be affected by the demon soul, even the backlash. Li Lin Senior Brother is now like this, a bit dangerous."

There is a worried look on the face of a student from the Bailu Academy.

He is right, Monster Soul Master's own willpower is not firm enough, it is very likely to be affected by the monster soul.

Slightly, he was stimulated to primordial animal desires and turned into a psychopath.

He is directly possessed by the demon soul backlash body.

Li Lin's current situation is the former.

"I heard that Li Lin Senior Brother’s Shadow Cat, Demon Soul, was a monster beast with dual attributes of the Shadow System and the Ghost System during his lifetime, and his resentment is extremely strong. It is indeed extremely difficult for the willpower of Li Lin Senior Brother’s willpower Control."

"So his personality is so varied and tyrannical, just to vent the hostility generated by the demon soul backlash."

There are students who are familiar with Li Lin. Explained.

one after another A penetrating sneer came from Li Lin's mouth, accompanied by the screams of blue electric mink and the splashing blood, making the students of the White Deer Palace feel trembling.

But no one dared to persuade Li Lin to stop.

"Stop it."

At this moment, a loud shout rang out.

The students from the Bailu Academy suddenly glanced at each other, thinking it was someone among them shouting.

Li Lin also stopped and moved towards looking in one direction.

I don't know when there will be more one silhouette.

"Who are you?"

Li Lin asked hoarsely, he has not recovered from his previous violent state.

The shadow cat demon soul on his body is also humming softly, two deep green eyes flashing cold light, looking at Ye Qianxing.

"You can't kill people, I don't care if you kill the monster beast, even if you deprive the demon soul, I don't care, but why do you want to kill it?"

Ye Qianxing has the same eyes Glowing cold light, looking at that Li Lin.

Just now he followed the sound of fighting and saw Li Lin cruelly killing the blue electric mink.

Ye Qianxing knows he is not a good person, but he absolutely can't stand this kind of thing.

Like human beings, monster beasts are lifeforms with thinking and spiritual wisdom. They will also be painful. Ye Qianxing understands that you slaughter them for profit, but there is really no need to slaughter them like this.

Such a behavior, if heavens have eyes, will definitely be angry.

"jié jié jié, are you teaching me to do things like this?"

Li Lin moved towards Ye Qianxing and let out a gloomy sneer.

"If you want to understand this way, it's not wrong. Then I will teach you what is equal to all things and what is born to be a human being when I send a kind heart today!"

Ye Qianxing's heart The anger was detonated.

He has never felt that monster beasts should be inferior to others. He does not oppose people's slaughter of monster beasts, and he is more disgusted with monster beasts devouring humans.

But that is based on his identity as a human being.

But even so, he will not tolerate seeing others abuse monster beasts.

The monster beast eats people and swallows it in one bite, so it won't make people feel much pain.

In that case, why do you want to kill monster beast?

This is not Holy Mother, it has touched the bottom line of a normal person.

tone barely fell, Ye Qianxing moved towards Li Lin and rushed away.

"It's boring to kill monster beasts, it's really cool to kill humans. If you want to make a living for this beast, then suffer for it!"

Li Lin sneaked on his face The expression became even more hideous.


Suddenly, a black mist burst out of Li Lin.

Then, it disappeared.

Ye Qianxing stopped, and his anticipation skills were triggered automatically, and Li Lin was behind him.


Sure enough, the moment Ye Qianxing spotted Li Lin, the latter also launched an attack.

Five bloody claws moved towards Ye Qianxing.

"Shadow Bloodclaw!"


Ye Qianxing is coldly snorted, without dodge or avoid, just hit it with a punch.

oh la la, five blood-colored claws slashed across Ye Qianxing's arm, but directly tore his clothes, and couldn't open his Indestructible Vajra Body at all.


At the same time, Ye Qianxing's fist blasted against an entity.

A scream appeared in the void, and Li Lin's silhouette flew out of the darkness.

wa'ed, spit a mouthful of blood.

"Who the hell is he actually resisted Li Lin Senior Brother's sneak attack, and seriously injured Li Lin Senior Brother!"

See you from the four students from Bailu Academy Shocked.

They are very aware of Li Lin's concealment ability. Once hidden in the darkness, it is difficult to capture the breath.

And Li Lin's shadow blood claws are also extremely sharp, even on iron essence can cause some scratches.

That person, but nothing happened.

"courting death!"

Ye Qianxing gave a violent shout, and rushed away on the winning chase.

But as soon as he rushed to Li Lin's body, the latter burst out a black mist again, and then disappeared.

"hmph, do you play sneak attack with me?"

"Then I will have fun with you, assassination!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted , Next moment, his silhouette began to become illusory.

It disappeared in an instant.

This scared those few Bailu Xuegong.

"What is going on, how can that kid hide?"

At this moment, Ye Qianxing and Li Lin disappeared from their sight at the same time.

They don’t even know where to look.


But it didn't take long for a cry to sound.

A black shadow flew out, fell to the ground and rubbed several meters before stopping.

The four students from the Bailu Academy hurriedly looked around, and when they saw the face of the dark shadow, their expressions changed drastically.

"Li Lin Senior Brother!"

They ran over to help Li Lin up.

When they approached, they were horrified to find that Li Lin's body was full of blood at this time, the black clothed had become cloth strips, and his body was full of knife marks.

"Li Lin Senior Brother...dead, dead!"

A student from the Bailu Academy put his hand under Li Lin's nose, and he could no longer feel a trace of breath.

The student was so scared that he fell back and fell to the ground.


Someone yelled, and the four students from the Bailu Academy moved towards all around and fled.

"I didn't seem to let you go, right?"

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