After leaving the Zidian Mink area, Ye Qianxing moved towards Seventh Layer.

He also found a more detailed map from the dísciple of the five Bailu Academy.

From First Layer to Tenth Layer, there are dozens of monster beast areas marked by each layer.

Compared to the map given to Ye Qianxing by the old student of Dayan Academy before.

On the blueprint, some areas are marked with red crosses, indicating that they have been emptied, but there are still dozens of areas that have no red crosses.

Among them, there are some high-star monster beast races comparable to the sable family.

Ye Qianxing intends to follow the route on the blueprint to those monster beast areas.

In one day, Ye Qianxing "visited" more than a dozen monster beast areas, all of which were marked with the highest star rating on the map.

The effect is also very obvious. Ye Qianxing's recovery value has skyrocketed by more than two million.

It's a pity that there is no monster beast with six-star quality like the blue electric mink, otherwise it would be impossible to be as little as two million.

After all, it is the same sentence, a high-star demon soul is definitely worth more than hundreds of low-star demon souls.

"If this continues, it is estimated that there will not be much recovery value in one day."

Ye Qianxing thought inwardly.

Because the monster beast dungeon was opened early, he only had two days. Now that one day has passed, there is only one day left.

He plans to go directly to Tenth Layer, where there should be more high-quality monster beasts.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing no longer hesitated, and rushed towards the Tenth Layer directly.

Ye Qianxing had just entered the Tenth Layer, and before he could see anything, there was a sound of fighting and scolding in his ears.

I saw a large group of wolf clan monster beasts besieging four humans. These four Ye Qianxing are familiar, and they are also students of the Great Yan Academy.

The strange thing is that in addition to the people from the four Great Yan Academy, there are also people from other forces watching.

But this group of wolf clan monster beasts seems invisible, and only launched a fierce attack on the students of the four Great Flame Academy.

The monster beasts of this group of wolves are generally between SS1 and SS5, but the number is extremely large, there are no one hundred and eighty.

Among them, the leader of the wolf clan is an SSLevel 8 monster beast.

On the other hand, the students of the four Great Yan Academy, the strongest is only the fifth stage and sixth stage.

At this time, he was suppressed to death by the wolf clan monster beast.

"Peter, you despicable people, dare to do this, are you not afraid of being held accountable by my Dayan Academy after you go out?"

Those four Dayan Academy Among the students, a girl with a baby face was full of anger at this time.

It's just that her baby face is matched with an angry look. Apart from being cute, she doesn't feel the slightest anger at all.

She is moving towards the wolf clan monster beast. Outside the encirclement, smiling hehe, a group of people on the sidelines roars.

Don't look at the girl who looks like a harmless to humans and animals baby face, but the level is the strongest among the four, which is the Monster Soul Master of the fifth and sixth stages.

She is the strongest and the most stressed.

Not only has to deal with the pack of wolf cubs around, but also must always pay attention to the wolf clan leader.

If the wolf clan leader launches an attack, she will definitely be defeated by her strength.

I can only choose to escape, but in that case, the students next to me will have to die here.

Unless as a last resort, she will not give up these classmates.

"Hahaha, Qin Zhiqing, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. This group of Monster Wolf besieged you because you killed the wolf cubs. What does it matter to us?"


Outside the wolf clan monster beast, a handsome young man with a high nose bridge and golden hair is snered.

"hmph, do you think I don’t know? You killed the wolf cub. You sprinkled the blood on us and deliberately gave us the demon soul of the wolf cub. Then This group of Monster Wolf was attracted again, just to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits!"

Qin Zhiqing was so angry that her face blushed, this group of Xiting Academy people are too shameless, right? .

Forget about doing such a despicable thing, and now I don’t even admit it.

When Qin Zhiqing's voice fell, a student from the Great Yan Academy not far away showed guilt on the face.

If he hadn't been greedy for petty and cheap, thinking that these people from Xiting Academy were really kind of demon souls who sent him wolf cubs, these things would not happen.

"Qin Senior Sister, it's all my fault."

The student said in a guilty tone.

"Now it’s useless to say this, and furthermore, with the bad minds of this group of despicable villains, even if you don’t accept the wolf cub’s demon soul, they will definitely want other methods. "

Qin Zhiqing coldly said, especially the four words that mean villain accentuates her tone.

However, the Xiting Academy entire group, who watched the theater outside, did not feel any guilt at all because of Qin Zhiqing's scolding, but laughed even more arrogantly.

"Miss Qin, I think you should stop talking, save your energy and deal with this group of Monster Wolf, the wolf chief is very difficult to deal with."

Peter of Xiting Academy said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, if you want to seek our help, it is also possible, as long as you give us all the demon souls you have captured during this period, and then Miss Qin agrees to do mine Girlfriend, then I don’t hesitate to help."

As Peter said, he looked at Qin Zhiqing with his obscene eyes.

Qin Zhiqing's pure and lovely baby face just satisfies his aesthetics, and from the moment he first saw it, he was deeply attracted.

Qin Zhiqing looked at Peter coldly, and spit out two words coldly.


After that, Qin Zhiqing no longer paid attention to Peter, focusing on the Monster Wolf around him.

Peter is right in at least one sentence. Instead of wasting his energy to quarrel with them, he should concentrate on dealing with those Monster Wolf.

"Pu chi!"

Qin Zhiqing held a rapier in her hand, and in a single spin, she would pounce on her from four directions to kill several Monster Wolf.

Her rapier is also a spiritual outfit at the first glance. It is extremely sharp and can easily break through the defenses of the Monster Wolf with a single stroke.

But at this moment, a Monster Wolf had already quietly approached Qin Zhiqing.

Wolfclaw moved towards Qin Zhiqing's chest.

Qin Zhiqing's face suddenly changed. She couldn't hide herself, so she could only break her wrist.

She crossed her right arm to block her chest, and the wolf's claws ran across her arm, and suddenly several deep blood stains were drawn.

If her demon soul is a monster beast with high defense like Totoro, otherwise this claw can directly cut off her arm.


Qin Zhiqing kicked the Monster Wolf hard in the abdomen. The huge force kicked it directly for several meters, and there was also a blood hole in his stomach. .

There is a dagger on the toe of Qin Zhiqing's shoes.


After kicking the Monster Wolf flying, Qin Zhiqing couldn't help groaning in pain.

Those few scratches on the arm are bright and blood is still bleeding. The most important thing is that this is the right arm.

The injury of her right arm is definitely a great injury to someone like her.

She doesn't know how to make a sword with her left hand yet.

"ao wu!"

At this moment, a sharp wolf howling sounded.

It is the leader of the wolf clan.

Its deep green eyes are now braving the cold light, staring at Qin Zhiqing.

It saw that Qin Zhiqing was injured...

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