The wolf is a very intelligent animal, not to mention that the Monster Wolf leader has the spiritual wisdom of SSLevel 8.

It saw that Qin Zhiqing was injured, and instantly knew that this was a good opportunity.

Monster Wolf was very cautious before taking the lead, so even if she knew Qin Zhiqing's level was lower than it, she wouldn't make a shot easily.

Just let its wolf cubs consume Qin Zhiqing.

Now that Qin Zhiqing is injured, the leader of Monster Wolf will naturally not let go of this good opportunity.


The leader of Monster Wolf burst out with swift speed, moved towards Qin Zhiqing and ran away.

In a blink of an eye, she threw herself in front of Qin Zhiqing.

"áo hǒu!"

The leader of Monster Wolf opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and his body was more than several times larger than those wolf cubs.

Open your bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, as if you can swallow Qin Zhiqing whole in one bite.

Qin Zhiqing eyes shrank, but she is not one of those new students. Qin Zhiqing has a wealth of combat experience and has had several escapes from the dead.

So the reaction was very quick, and he hurriedly rolled and avoided this wolf's mouth.

Seeing Qin Zhiqing escaped her own blow, the leader of Monster Wolf stopped again. His character was very vigilant, and he couldn't kill Qin Zhiqing with a single blow, so he had to wait for another chance.

"Qin Senior Sister, are you okay?"

A student from Dayan Academy hurried over to help Qin Zhiqing and asked worriedly.

Qin Zhiqing shook her head, didn't speak, and stared at the Monster Wolf leader warily.

The monster beast of the fifth stage and the eighth stage, even if she meets it, there is only one point to escape.

"Qin Senior Sister, you should leave us alone. With your strength, you will definitely be able to escape. After you go out, tell the palace lord and the Elders about the things here. You must never let the despicable villains like Xiting Academy live better. !"

said the guilty Dayan Academy student before.

Qin Zhiqing looked at her injured right arm, still bleeding.

Bleeding in the monster beast dungeon is very serious, and monster beasts are very sensitive to the smell of blood.

Even if she escaped the siege of this group of Monster Wolf, she might not be able to leave the monster beast dungeon alive.

"Wait, maybe we can save it!"

Suddenly, one of the four Dayan Academy students saw a direction and his expression became excited.

His words made Qin Zhiqing and the other two young people stunned.

I’m here now, can I be saved?

This is impossible.

The young man did not explain, but shouted in the direction moved towards Ye Qianxing.

"Ye Junior Brother, Ye Junior Brother, please help us!"

Qin Zhiqing and the students from the other two Dayan colleges were stunned when they saw this, and at the same time moved towards Ye Qianxing.

A total of ten people came from Dayan Academy, and they naturally recognized Ye Qianxing.

Qin Zhiqing is frowned. She is not familiar with Ye Qianxing, but she has heard of more powerful characters in Dayan Academy.

Ye Qianxing is obviously not in this rank.

If it is not for the strong, even if they come, they will not be saved, only one more will die.

Ye Qianxing heard the shouting, and looked over, couldn't help being taken aback.

The people from these four Great Yan Academy were surrounded by many Monster Wolf, so Ye Qianxing did not see everyone's appearance clearly.

Now take a closer look. Isn't this guy the old student who gave him a map?

It seems to be called Chen Cong.

"Chen Cong, are you scared stupid? That person seems to be a freshman, right? You asked him to save us. Didn't you want him to die in vain?"

A young man moved towards Chen Cong cursed.

The glimmer of hope that was in my heart is completely shattered.

"No, Qin Senior Sister, he is not as simple as an ordinary freshman, Bai Xianxin was seriously injured by him and destroyed the demon soul, and Lin Tian..."

said When he arrived at Lin Tian, ​​Chen Cong hurriedly shut up.

Almost leaked, but he promised not to leak the matter out.

Although Ye Qianxing said it didn't matter at the time, he still wouldn't say it.

Qin Zhiqing was stunned when she heard Chen Cong say that it was the new born who destroyed Bai Xianxin's demon soul.

Bai Xianxin knows that he is definitely a figure in the senior students of Dayan Academy.

Although he only has a level of five stages and five stages, his demon soul is the purple power Tyrant Dragon soul. If it is really going to fight, even she dare not say that he will win.

It can be said that among the students of the Dayan Academy, the one who dare to say 100% is better than Bai Xianxin, only Lin Tian alone,

Ye Qianxing can seriously wound him and ruin him. Go to its demon soul.

Such strength is by no means weaker than her.

"áo hǒu!"

At this moment, the Monster Wolf leader, who had been crawling and waiting for the attack, moved again.

It felt that Qin Zhiqing was stunned. It was definitely a great opportunity.

So it turned into an afterimage again, exploded with leg strength, and rushed towards Qin Zhiqing at a swift speed.

And Qin Zhiqing was still thinking about Ye Qianxing, waiting for the reaction, it was too late to escape.

Looking at the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl getting closer and closer, as well as the sharp fangs.

Qin Zhiqing is desperate this time.

Really... is it going to fall?

Just when Qin Zhiqing smelled the stench in the mouth of the leader of Monster Wolf and thought she was about to die, suddenly, she felt something about her waist.

A strange smell poured into her nose, which was a bit sweaty, but more of a fragrant fragrance.

She doesn't know what this fragrance is, but it can cause throbbing in her life.

After that, a strong wind swept across.

Qin Zhiqing opened her eyes, and Ye Qianxing's slightly immature but extremely determined side face came into her eyes.

Before Qin Zhiqing had any inner monologue, Ye Qianxing let her go.

Then move a few steps away from Qin Zhiqing.

Qin Zhiqing realized that they were meters away from the Monster Wolf leader.

"hmph! Hmph!"

The boss of Monster Wolf was puffing up his nose, glaring at Ye Qianxing and Qin Zhiqing.

The fat to the mouth was robbed like this, no wonder the leader of Monster Wolf was so angry.

However, it has always been cautious, but it still didn't directly pounce on it.

On the contrary, a few Monster Wolf near Ye Qianxing moved towards Ye Qianxing with a hoarse grin and pounced.


Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, with a wave of his hand, a flame directly swallowed those Monster Wolf.

Burn to ashes instantly.

"Really strong."

Qin Zhiqing on the side saw stared wide-eyed.

Casually kills a few Tier 5 Monster Wolf in seconds. With such strength, he is no longer weaker than himself.

"Thank you, many thanks life-saving grace."

After Qin Zhiqing reacted, she bowed to Ye Qianxing.

Recalling the time when Ye Qianxing held her waist and the refreshing smell on Ye Qianxing's body, Qin Zhiqing did not know why her heartbeat was a little faster.

Ye Qianxing did not answer Qin Zhiqing, and did not even look towards her.

His eyes are always on the Monster Wolf leader.

"The 5-Star level Wolf King, um, it's okay."

Ye Qianxing looked at the Monster Wolf chief, slightly nodded.

The 5-Star level quality demon soul is quite satisfactory to him.

Seeing Ye Qianxing, Qin Zhiqing ignored herself, even without even looking at herself.

Can not help but pouting, she is still very confident of her appearance.

But Ye Qianxing's behavior made her feel self-doubt.

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