Good fellow, I actually plan to catch it all in one go.

Qin Zhiqing's original plan was to catch some a fish that escaped the net, outlying geese, so as to better plunder.

With their strength, as long as they don't meet too many people, they can basically win.

Ye Qianxing has done it well, intending to guard everyone, all in one go.

It's just that, can they succeed?

There are too many forces entering the monster beast dungeon. Although most forces only enter one or two people, there must be dozens of them.

Plus the rest of Bailu Academy and Xiting Academy.

Ye Qianxing intends to rob everyone, will it be too big?

Although Ye Qianxing is indeed very strong, but if a few of them deal with dozens of people, even Qin Zhiqing, who has confidence in Ye Qianxing, is a little uncertain.

"Ye Junior Brother, I think it's still..."

"Okay, it's so decided. Anyway, I plan to stand directly at the entrance of the dungeon. If you are scared, you can You don't need to act with me, I am enough."

Before Qin Zhiqing could speak, Ye Qianxing decided directly.

He knew that Qin Zhiqing's long-winded character would definitely say a lot of words to persuade him, he didn't want to waste this time.

"This...oh, that's fine, I'll go crazy with you."

Qin Zhiqing pondered for a moment, and when Ye Qianxing was impatient, she made up her mind.

She doesn't know why she trusts Ye Qianxing so much, perhaps because she has seen his strength.

Maybe it's because Ye Qianxing rescued her.

"How about you guys?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards the three Chen Congs who were already on the ground panting.

"Ye Junior Brother, you let us take revenge so relieved, what else do we have to say? Whatever you say, we will support you unconditionally."

Chen Cong said that the students from the other two Great Yan Academy were also nodded.

"In that case, let's go. By the way, these three medicine pills are for you to restore Essence, Qi, and Spirit."

Ye Qianxing said, Two more medicine pills were taken out.

These three are just ordinary Grade 5 Medicine Pills, which can instantly restore a person's Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

Grade 5 Medicine Pill is nothing to Ye Qianxing. It was refined when he was bored and kept in his portable space.

These three are just a small part of them. He can't even count how many such "junk" medicine pills are in his personal space.

It's just that Grade 5 Medicine Pill is rubbish for Ye Qianxing, but it is different for Chen Cong.

Although it is not a treasure, it is definitely not low value.

Even in Jizhou City, Grade 5 Medicine Pill is very scarce, the price is very expensive, and sometimes there is still no market.

Ye Qianxing threw three Grade 5 Medicine Pills casually, and they almost couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

Qin Zhiqing was aside, also showing envious eyes.

"You have injured your right arm. This Grade 6 Hemostatic Powder is for you to use. It can recover quickly without leaving scars."

Ye Qianxing took out another pack of medicine powder.

Grade 6 Hemostatic Powder, as long as it is not a special wound, such as the kind of wounds that are injured by Ye Qianxing's Leiqie sword that will have bleeding effects, they can basically be restored instantly.

The claws of the Bone Erupted Wolf King contain a certain amount of toxins, but they are not particularly strong.

Grade 6 Hemostatic Powder can be useful.

"Six, Grade 6?"

Qin Zhiqing's eyes are shining.

Grade 6 Zhixue San, even the family behind her can't easily take it out.

Ye Qianxing gave it to her casually, which made Qin Zhiqing extremely moved.

"Why, don't you need it?"

Ye Qianxing saw that Qin Zhiqing had not received his hemostatic powder, thinking that the latter was not rare for trifling Grade 6 hemostatic powder, so he planned Retracted.

Qin Zhiqing hurriedly stretched out her hand to snatch the Hemostatic Powder away.

This Grade 6 Zhixue San can eliminate her wounds and scars. Women love beauty, and Qin Zhiqing is even more so.

She will never tolerate scars on her arms.

"Just put it on the wound, you can recover without one minute."

Ye Qianxing said.

Qin Zhiqing tore open the package, gritted his teeth and patted her wound.


Qin Zhiqing was ready for pain, but after a second or two, she realized that instead of feeling the slightest pain, there was a Cool and refreshing.

Immediately after that, there was a numbness, with some itching.

She knows that this is a sign of wound healing and scab formation.

"How come there is no pain at all? On the contrary, it is still very comfortable, covering up the original burning sensation of the wound." Qin Zhiqing asked suspiciously.

"It's Grade 6 hemostatic powder anyway. It must be different from the normal ones. You can take it off in a while."

Ye Qianxing explained.

About one minute later, Qin Zhiqing took away Zhixue San.

Sure enough, the scratches on her arm had disappeared, and the smooth skin was exactly the same as other places.

I can't see the injury at all.

"Ye Junior Brother, this Grade 6 Hemostatic Powder should be expensive? I can't ask for your things in vain. I will give it to you for how much you say."

"It's okay, it's not very expensive, just forget it."

Ye Qianxing said casually.

Indeed, the materials for refining this Grade 6 Hemostatic Powder are only a few Grade 5 spiritual medicine, and the cost is not much.

And this material was previously provided in Bai Family, Ye Qianxing only took a little time.

Seeing Ye Qianxing so generous, Qin Zhiqing couldn't help but guess what Ye Qianxing was.

Even if it is the largest family in Jizhou City, Grade 6 Zhixue San is not something you can take out casually.

Is he from the Great Family of imperial city?

While Qin Zhiqing was guessing Ye Qianxing's identity in her heart, Ye Qianxing spoke again.

"Okay, your injuries are healed, let's go."


Chen Cong agreed, entire The group moved towards First Layer and ran away.

During this period, I did not meet people from other forces.

Soon, their entire group arrived at the entrance of the monster beast dungeon.

Ye Qianxing is sitting right on the entrance ladder.

"Next, just wait for the prey to come."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, and then closed his eyes and rested.

As time passed, Ye Qianxing still fell asleep peacefully, but Qin Zhiqing and the others were very nervous.

Seeing that the time is approaching, those people should be coming soon.

The five of them robbed at least 80 people, which gave Qin Zhiqing a feeling of living in a dream.

Can't even think about it.

da da da ……

Finally, there was a sound of footsteps.

A team of five people came first. The strength of these five people is around the fifth stage and the fifth stage, so it is not difficult to deal with.

Qin Zhiqing smiled and wanted to step forward.

Ye Qianxing stopped her.

"Don't rush, take your time, and the others will talk, otherwise one by one will be too troublesome."

Qin Zhiqing stared wide-eyed, is it really necessary to wait for all the forces? When the people come together, do you rob?

When the time comes, it's hard to say whether they robbed others or others robbed them.

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