"Hey, you guys, why are you blocking this exit?"

Ye Qianxing is not in a hurry, but the five-man squad is in a hurry.

One of them stood up and shouted moved towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing didn't speak, but each minding their own business sitting on the stairs, with Erlang's legs tilted up, and his eyes squinted, looking like a leisurely look.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing was so arrogant, he ignored himself, and suddenly became angry.

"Chen Bu Mu Cao! Do you pretend to be deaf, be careful that I will make you really deaf!"

The man furiously shouted, and then went forward to Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing still didn't move, he didn't even open his eyes.

It's as if that person really doesn't exist.

As soon as the man walked a few steps, Qin Zhiqing held a rapier and stood in front of him.

"Dare to go one step further, kill without mercy!"

weng!! !

At the same time as the voice fell, Qin Zhiqing directly called out the demon soul, and the powerful aura of the fifth and sixth stages burst out.

The strength of the people who enter the monster beast dungeon this time is generally between the fifth stage and the fourth stage.

There are no more than ten Monster Soul Masters like Qin Zhiqing in five stages and six stages.

Obviously, the people in this five-person squad are not included in this list.

The powerful aura of Monster Soul Master in the fifth and sixth stages directly scared the person back a few steps.

He swallowed wildly. Although he was in the fifth stage and the fifth stage, even if it was only a small difference in the fifth stage, the difference in strength was huge.

Don't say it is him, even if he squad five people together, it may not be the opponent of the woman in front of him.

"Boss, this woman seems to be Qin Zhiqing from Dayan Academy. It is rumored that her strength can also be ranked in the top three among these old students at Dayan Academy, and she is also a direct child of Qin Family. Let's I can't afford to offend."

One of the five squad said softly.

The youth who wanted to attack Ye Qianxing before hearing this suddenly changed his expression.

"Miss Qin, sorry, I didn't recognize you just now. If you have sinned, I hope you can forgive me."

The young man hurriedly moved towards Qin Zhiqing and apologized.

Whether it is strength or status, Qin Zhiqing can't offend him.

Qin Zhiqing did not speak, but retracted the thin sword from her waist.

Seeing that Qin Zhiqing did not seem to be angry, the young man asked cautiously.

"Miss Qin, can you ask, why are you blocking this entrance?"

Qin Zhiqing glanced at the young man coldly, coldly said.

"You don't have to worry about so much, just wait here quietly."

"Um, okay."

The young man smiled awkwardly and didn't dare I asked more, and walked to the corner with a few of his partners and waited.

Time passed again, during this period, people from several forces arrived one after another.

At first, everyone in every force would think about breaking through, but Ye Qianxing didn't need Ye Qianxing at all, and they were scared off by Qin Zhiqing.

Going to the back, people who came found that many people had gathered at the entrance, but they did not leave.

People have a herd mentality, so they didn't ask too much about them one by one, they all stayed where they were, wanting to see what happened.

"How long will the entrance of the monster beast dungeon be closed?"

After a while, Ye Qianxing seemed to wake up from sleep, and slowly opened his eyes and asked.

Qin Zhiqing on the side has been calculating the time, Ye Qianxing asked, she hurriedly replied.

"There are more than forty minutes left."

"Are everyone here?"

"Basically, they are all here, usually this point is still Those who didn't come all died in the dungeon."

Qin Zhiqing replied.

Ye Qianxing nodded, stretched a lot, then stood up.

"Ha... if that's the case, let's start."

Ye Qianxing yawned, loudly said.

His voice suppressed the restless scene, and everyone's eyes were condensed on Ye Qianxing's body at the same time.

They are almost impatient after waiting so long.

"Hey, what the hell is going on, let us wait for so long."

"Yes, if you can't say one, two, three, four, be careful if you let me see To the sun tomorrow!"


Some grumpy people are already upset.

Ye Qianxing did not speak, but glanced across everyone, and secretly wrote down those who scolded him.

Those who cursed Ye Qianxing for a while found that the other party remained unmoved at all, and they didn't even move their eyelids. They immediately felt bored.

This is as uncomfortable as a punch on cotton.

I stopped cursing at all, and lost my voice.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Ye Qianxing spoke slowly again.

"Don’t you want to know why I’m stopping you here, I’ll tell you now."

"This road is mine, and this tree is mine. If you want to Go through this door and stay to buy money for the road."

"What the hell did you say, Niusi!"

There are people who have bad tempers and can’t turn their heads again. Screamed.

"Ai, does it have to be so obvious?"

Ye Qianxing sighed, and then continued.

"I mean, this road is mine now. If you want to go out, you have to pay for the road money first. I will not cheat you. Everyone will surrender their soul artifacts. Half of the demon souls can leave."


Ye Qianxing's words were immediately restless.

Qin Zhiqing smiled bitterly on the side, is it so direct?

She can already guess that there will be a big battle in the future.

Everyone surrenders half of the demon souls, and no one will agree to it. They have obtained these demon souls for five days, so why are they willing to give it to others?

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qianxing's voice fell, those people exploded immediately.

"Go crazy, we have worked so hard for five days to get these demon souls. You want to divide it in half in one sentence. Are you afraid that you are not dreaming?"

" That’s right, why don’t you rob the Niu Temple?"

"You are right, I am robbing now."

Ye Qianxing coldly smiled, sit back on the stairs again , Cocked Erlang's legs.

"In one word, those who are willing to give to the demon soul can leave. If not, then stay and be with the monster beast in the dungeon. Maybe you can go out next year."

"hmph, give you a face, right? I just want to go out now, I see if you can stop it!"

A dark-skinned young man of five big and three rough stood up, moved towards Ye Qianxing and cursed Scream.

Ye Qianxing glanced at him, corner of the mouth raise.

"You, all demon souls."

Ye Qianxing pointed to the dark youth and said.

"hmph, I'm afraid that you will have your life, and you will die!"

The dark youth almost raised his eyebrows with anger.

He stopped talking nonsense, directly possessed the black bear demon soul, and the terrifying aura of the fifth stage and the sixth stage broke out.

moved towards Ye Qianxing violently rushed away.

As soon as Qin Zhiqing was about to draw a sword, Ye Qianxing stopped her.

"I have to kill the chicken to warn the monkey."


Qin Zhiqing was nodded and did not insist.

If it were her, she might win, but it would definitely be difficult.

After all, the opponent's strength level is equal to her.

But if it is Ye Qianxing, then with his strength, a trifling 5th-stage 6th-stage Monster Soul Master, it is estimated that it can be killed directly.

After all, even if it is a bone-eroded Wolf King of the fifth stage and the eighth stage, facing Ye Qianxing, it will not last for five minutes.

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