While speaking, the dark youth rushed to Ye Qianxing’s front.

The huge fist moved towards Ye Qianxing under the cover of the palm shadow of the black bear, and flew away with an angry hammer at the front door.

Facing the attack of the dark youth, Ye Qianxing stood still motionless.

As if shocked.

The corners of the dark youth's mouth lifted, revealing a sneer.

Let you pretend to be so compelling, today Young Master will let you pretend to be compelling and get slapped in the face!

Just when the dark young man imagined that the thin man in front of him was smashed into meat pie with his own punch, his fist was about to hit Ye Qianxing.

However, at the crucial moment, Ye Qianxing finally moved.

He raised his hand, seemingly slow, but he raised it in the blink of an eye.

With the bang light sound, the dark youth's hideous expression instantly turned into shock.

"How...how could it be!"

The dark youth stared wide-eyed.

The power he was proud of, this time actually failed.

His this fist was easily caught by Ye Qianxing with one hand.

Moreover, the latter did not even take a step back!

The dark-skinned youth only feels that this fist seems to have hit an iron plate weighing dozens of tons, and simply can't move it.

"Fuck, bear blind, this guy didn't have the upper hand in terms of strength this time!"

"You call it not the upper hand? It's half the hair with the upper hand. Does money matter? This Niu Temple is completely crushed!"

The dark youth was shocked, as were the other people who knew him.

Even if you don't know him, you can feel how strong the imposing manner exploded from the dark youth just now. Even so, Ye Qianxing can still easily control it.

The gap is not too big.

"I don't believe...Ah!"

The dark youth just wanted to speak, but then he screamed.

Accompanied by a ka-cha, the sound of broken bones.

Ye Qianxing squeezed lightly, and the fist possessed by the dark young demon soul was directly crushed by his immense power.

"Compared with me in strength, you are not qualified."

Ye Qianxing said disdainfully.

His power, but at the same time gathered the power of Erbaiwu, Vajra, Xiao Taixu, Xiao Kun and other Spirit Pets.

Don't say that this dark youth is only a Monster Soul Master of the fifth stage and the fifth stage. Even if he is at the same level as Ye Qianxing, it is extremely difficult to compete with him in strength.

"Ah, I'm taking it, I'm taking it, let me go quickly."

The dark youth screamed again and again, and the expression on his face was distorted because of the pain.

He can no longer care about dignity at this time, and if he continues, his fist will probably be abolished.

"All the demon souls."

Ye Qianxing didn't let go, just took a little bit of strength.

When the dark-skinned youth heard Ye Qianxing's words, his eyes began to turn.

He was thinking about agreeing first, and ran away when Ye Qianxing stopped. Anyway, he was not the only one who was upset about Ye Qianxing, so he didn't believe Ye Qianxing dared to break into the crowd.

It's a pity that Xiao Jiujiu can hide this little Jiujiu from Ye Qianxing?

Without waiting for him to speak, Ye Qianxing's strength in his hands increased a little again, and the pain caused the tears of the dark youth to flow out.

"I give, I give, you let go first."

"Don't talk nonsense, first take out the soul artifact, otherwise I can kill you now, and then personally I caught the soul artifact and took it."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

The body trembled of the dark youth, he felt the killing intent in Ye Qianxing's words.

He has no doubt that if he doesn't do it again, Ye Qianxing will kill him immediately.

"I take it, I take it."

The dark-skinned young man did not hesitate to take out a storage bag from his waist with the other hand.

As soon as the mind moved, the soul artifact inside was immediately taken out.

Ye Qianxing picked up the soul artifact with one hand and saw that there were nearly a thousand soul artifacts in it. Among them, the one-star and two-star are the most, with more than 800.

There are only more than a hundred pieces above 3-Star level, and only three pieces above 5-Star level.

Not too much nor too little, barely satisfied.

As soon as Ye Qianxing pushed, the dark-skinned youth flew out and smashed into the crowd.

But looking at Ye Qianxing's expression, doing everything is as casual as throwing garbage.

His eyes focused on the soul artifact in his hand.

Ye Qianxing, of course, impossible to recover these demon souls directly, so he transferred all of them into his own soul artifact.

After doing this, Ye Qianxing lifts the head and looked towards the group of people.

"Go on."

Ye Qianxing said calmly.

This time the people below no longer scold Ye Qianxing as before, they just whispered.

After all, they are very clear about the strength of bear blind, the fifth stage and sixth stage bear blind, in terms of strength, they can definitely be in the top five among their group of people.

Even such a strong player is defeated in an instant, how can they beat the weaker ones?

"Ah, I remember now, I said, why is this silhouette so familiar? Didn't he just behead the bone-eroded Wolf King not long ago, and also beat the people like Peter from the Xiting aristocratic Academy Are you from the Great Yan Academy of Zhutou?"

Someone suddenly recognized Ye Qianxing, creded out in surprise.

There were many people who saw all this in Tenth Layer at that time, but because there were too many wolves at that time, some people didn't see Ye Qianxing's appearance.

Now that some people say this, they remember it too.

Look at this silhouette, there is still strength, isn't it the ruthless?

No wonder you can easily defeat the bear blind in seconds.

A trifling bear blind, a man who can kill even Wolf King?

The exposure of Ye Qianxing's identity was even more shocking than the fact that he immediately defeated the bear blind.

"You can continue to waste time, anyway, there is less than half an hour before the entrance will be resealed. When the time comes, you can only stay here for one year."

Ye Qianxing shrugged and said.

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the people below reacted.

Time really seems to be running out, but it is still unwilling to let them surrender the demon souls they have worked so hard to raise in vain.

So the group of people are still struggling, hoping someone can help them.

But unfortunately, a little bit of time was lost, and the person they expected never appeared.

"Ai, we are willing to hand it over."

Finally, a group of people came out, one of whom was carrying a half-defective bear blind.

It seems that they should be a team.

The team came forward and took out the soul artifact obediently and honestly.

Ye Qianxing glanced, most of the demon souls in their team were in Xiong Blind's place, and the demon souls in the soul artifact were caught by several others.

But mosquito meat is also meat, even more how it is not mosquito meat.

Ye Qianxing took out half of it and put it in his soul artifact.

"Okay, you can go now."

Ye Qianxing waved his hand, and the team gathered up the soul artifact and left without looking back.

Someone started, and then more and more people came out.

Although he was unwilling, he still reluctantly handed over the soul artifact to Ye Qianxing.

If half of the demon souls leave in peace, it is not a disadvantage.

They can only comfort themselves in this way.

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