"You, hand in all the demon souls."

After a group of bear blinds took the lead, people from other forces also began to line up.

At first Ye Qianxing still only accepts half of the demon souls as previously said, but when the third squad is reached, Ye Qianxing suddenly said that he wants him to surrender all the demon souls.

"Why, you said before that you only need to pay half of it!"

That person will not do it right away. Why should the person in front pay half of the demon soul? Go out, and he wants to give it all?

Not only this person, but the people in the line behind are also starting to feel resentful.

If they only pay half of the demon souls, although they are not reconciled, they can still accept it.

But if they hand over everything, and if the people in front only hand over half of it, they won't be able to accept it.

Nothing else, but they are not comfortable in terms of unfairness.

"Others only need to pay half, but you, and those who scolded me before, must hand over all."

Ye Qianxing indifferently said.

He is very vengeful. Before these people scolded him, it was not very cool.

Now he makes these people feel good.

This is the fate of offending Ye Qianxing.

Adults, you must be in order to be responsible for what you have said and done.

With Ye Qianxing's explanation, the expressions of those in the line began to differ.

Some people secretly relieved secretly, some people complexion changed.

They remember that they had scolded Ye Qianxing before, and they scolded Ye Qianxing very well.

But how did they know that Ye Qianxing would make such a mess?

The person in front of Ye Qianxing also has a gloomy face. These monsters are all obtained through hard work by him, and he is very unhappy to give half of it.

Now that he is asked to give it all, he impossible agrees.

But he also knows that with his own strength, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent's opponent.

So he rolled his eyes, moved towards the crowd behind him shouted.

"Brothers, we must not let him slaughter them. These demon souls are obtained through our hard work and even paid our blood. Why should we give them to him in vain?"

As soon as he said this, those who had scolded Ye Qianxing before hurriedly agreed.

"Yes, we exchanged blood and sweat for the demon soul, why is it so easy for him to get it."

"We should be able to work with a common purpose, Kill this kind of greedy person!"

These words of enthusiasm can't help but shake the other people who were originally afraid of Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing looked at this scene, sneaked.

Human hearts, in fact, are the most vulnerable and easily affected.

Now, their hearts can be shaken by these words, and Ye Qianxing will make them fear themselves again later.

"We should work with a common purpose, together..."

Seeing that everyone else started to shake, the man suddenly became excited.

With a big wave, he intends to continue speaking.

But before he could open his mouth, Ye Qianxing shot out in a flash.

A Divine Lightning cleaved out, directly blasting him into a scorched corpse.

Turning his hands, he killed a Monster Soul Master of the fifth stage and fifth stage. Those who were still shouting passionate and inspiring words suddenly shut their mouths.

The scene suddenly returned to silence.

"If someone still wants to make trouble, you can continue, but I hope you can pay attention to the time, it's running out."

Ye Qianxing said.

Those people looked at each other, but no one dared to speak anymore.

Don’t look at the fierce shouting before, but each of them is actually the most afraid of death. It is impossible to be that early bird.

"Then continue."

With that, Ye Qianxing also took out the soul artifact from the scorched corpse on the ground, and injected all the spirits inside into his soul. The artifact is in.

The team continued to proceed in an orderly manner.

Ye Qianxing has long remembered the people who scolded him before. He still only charged half of the demon souls to other people, and he took all of those who scolded him.

With the lessons learned, those people dare not make a mistake anymore, they can only shed tears obediently and honestly, and hand over the demon soul to Ye Qianxing.

I don’t know if it’s because of the comparison of these people, the other people who have only paid half of the demon soul, feel a lot better at this time.


Beyond the monster beast dungeon.

The Elder and Sect Master of those forces are still waiting.

"The calculation time should be almost up, they should be coming out soon, Dean George, you Xiting Noble Academy can get the first place this time, congratulations."

The fat dean of the Bailu Academy said with a laugh to George cup one fist in the other hand.

George, the dean of the West Court Academy, is also very excited. If they can get the first place in the trial of the monster beast dungeon, they will have a long face.

And by next year, they will get more places.

This is the greatest benefit.

"Hahaha, Dean Li, Tongxi and Tongxi, don’t you think that White Deer Academy won second place this time?"

George’s tone was hard to hide his excitement , Began to blow up business each other.

And he didn't hide his volume in the slightest, so that people from other forces around him were envious.

The next dungeon trial for the first and second place will be able to get ten and nine places respectively.

Regardless of the difference between one or two places, it may directly affect the overall situation.

"The first place in the dungeon trials in the past years was taken by the Great Yan Academy. This time it can finally be regarded as a change of ownership. It is estimated that it will not be long before this is the name of the first Academy in Jizhou City. I’m going to be replaced by the Xiting Noble Academy. I’m here to congratulate Dean George in advance."

Another leader of the forces stepped forward to cup one fist in the other hand and complimented. Obviously I want to take a picture of George's flattery.

Since Dayan Academy established a branch in Jizhou City, Xiting Academy and Bailu Academy have always been overwhelmed.

Dayan Academy with the Imperial Family background, it is the strong dragon that directly overwhelmed the local tyrant.

This has always been the pain in the hearts of Bailu Xuegong and Xiting Academy.

Now I can finally get up.

George felt relieved when he heard the man's compliment.

"Dayan Academy? Hehe, even if Dayan Academy is abandoned this time, I entered three days late, and three people died at the start. Impossible will have a chance."

"This time it must be at the bottom. I am afraid that there will be few places next time."

The fat dean of the Bailu Academy is coldly smiled.

"Lost the monster beast dungeon is such a big treasure, even if it is supported by the Imperial Family, it is estimated that it will never fall. How can we compete with us?"

Although Dayan Academy has The Imperial Family background, but how many branch offices does the entire Yan Emperor dynasty have?

Basically every city has a branch.

The Imperial Family of the Great Yan Emperor didn't have so much thought to pay attention to all the schools, so they still had to rely on themselves.

If there is no other source of funding, the Great Yan Academy in Jizhou City may even be directly abandoned by the Imperial Family.

The fat dean speaks very loudly without any disguise.

Not far away, Palace Lord Zuo and the Elders and mentors of Dayan Academy listened to the conversations of these people, and their expressions changed in an instant, full of gloom.

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