"Damn, these guys are so ridiculous!"

Xie Elder flushed with anger.

A face of Palace Lord Zuo is also murderous-looking.

"One day, I will make them pay the price."

Palace Lord Zuo almost said this sentence through gritted teeth.

"Look at that stone tablet!"

At this moment, an exclamation sound sounded.

Everyone looked at the stone tablet at the entrance of the monster beast at the same time.


Palace Lord Zuo and Xie Elder and the others were immediately stunned, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

And Dean George and the fat Dean, who were still smiling, were even more dumbfounded when they saw the name on the stone tablet.

An expression like seeing a ghost.

I saw that the name on the stone tablet was changing rapidly.

First place: Ye Qianxing of Dayan Academy, 3,000 white quality monsters, 1,000 orange quality monsters, 300 yellow quality monsters, 50 azure quality monsters, green Five quality monster souls.

Second place: West Court Academy McGee...

Third place:...

McGee, who had always been the first place steadily , Was replaced at this time.

And it's still a very strange name to them.

Ye Qianxing? Does Dayan Academy have this person?

They didn't know, and they had never heard of it. There were only a few people that Dayan Academy could really pay attention to. Among them, Lin Tian, ​​the strongest, was dead.

Ye Qianxing is not among them.

But it was not this incident that shocked them even more, but...

The number of demon souls displayed behind Ye Qianxing’s name is rapidly increasing. Increasing.

Basically, there are nearly a thousand more in the blink of an eye.

What the hell is going on?

"Is there something wrong with this stone tablet?"

Everyone feels very strange, even if those monster beasts stand and let them kill, it is impossible to be so fast The growth rate.

"Impossible, it must be your Dayan Academy cheaters. The first place has always been McGee from Xiting Academy!"

The original smiling face of George at Xiting Institute Head At this moment, he had turned into a hideous man, he glared at Zuo Xiong, and these words almost roared out.

He doesn't believe anyone will surpass McGee, let alone far surpasses.

That is the best student of their Xiting Academy innate talent.

There is only one possibility, and that is the fraud of Dayan Academy.

They must have done tricks on the stone tablet.


When George said this, the shock and excitement on Zuo Xiong's face slowly turned into a sneer.

"Then I want Dean George to talk about how my Dayan Academy cheated?"

"This...you must have done something to the stone tablet !"

George said with violent veins on his face and said angrily.

"Hehe, what you said is easy, don't you know the origin of this stone tablet? This is from the Ascension Gate. Do you think I have the ability to manipulate it?"

"Besides, our Dayan Academy is the latest to arrive. If you talk about hands and feet, you can only move the first person, right?"

Zuo Xiong snered, and easily took the ball. Kicked back to George and the others.

George opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

He was angry for a while, and what he just said didn't pass through his brain at all, so he didn't expect too much at all.

So that I don’t know what to say to refute now.

"Look at me, someone is coming out!"

Suddenly I don't know who shouted, and I saw the rays of light flashed at the entrance of the monster beast dungeon, and the entire group was gone. come out.

It is the bear blind team that came out first.

Everyone's eyes in this brief moment are on that team at the same time.

As soon as those people came out, they felt the gaze of nearly a hundred line of sight, and they were stunned.

"Xiongping, what's the matter with you?"

A middle-aged man with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear, which is six points similar to a bear blind, ran away quickly In the past, he looked worriedly at the bear blind who was carried by his companion.

They should be the seniors of the bear blind force.

"Father, my skills are not as good as others, which disappointed you. All my demon souls were robbed, and they also lost half of their demon souls."

Xiong blind said with a guilty expression that after losing so many demon souls, their sect's ranking this time may be at the bottom.

When the people around heard the words of bear blind, they were shocked.

They all know the bear blind, it is a ruthless, and its strength is definitely ranked in the top five among the younger generations who entered the monster beast dungeon.

How could this end? Not only was he seriously injured, but he didn't even save the demon soul?

There shouldn't be anyone who can do this in the monster beast dungeon, right?

Even McGee of the Xiting Noble Academy might not be able to do it. Bear blind may not be his opponent, but if he wants to escape, McGee should be difficult to stop.

"What happened to you inside? How did Xiong Ping get his injury?"

The back of a tiger and waist of a bear, which is similar to the bear blind. The middle-aged asked hurriedly.

Xiong blind did not speak, and he was always extremely proud of his strength. How could he tell his embarrassment in front of so many people?

So the middle-aged asked a few teammates of Xiangxiong blind.

"Sect Master, they are all made by people from Dayan Academy. They are guarding the entrance of the dungeon. They also said that if they want to come out, they must hand over half of the demon soul, Brother Xiong..."

The companion carrying the bear blind started without omission and in detail telling what happened in the monster beast dungeon.

After listening to these, the expressions of all the forces present have changed.

After all, according to that person, Ye Qianxing robbed everyone in the monster beast dungeon.

Naturally, these dísciple descendants are also included.

Zuo Xiong and the Elders and mentors of Dayan Academy were shocked after hearing this.

Even Yan Shenshen couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

She guessed that Ye Qianxing would definitely not be honest, but she really didn't expect him to have such courage to rob everyone directly.

And it seems to have succeeded.

While speaking, more and more silhouettes walked out of the entrance of the monster beast dungeon, and their faces were full of frustration.

Elder and Sect Masters of those forces all went to ask about the situation one after another, and they all got the same answer.

They were all robbed.

And it was still robbed by one person.

"Why are you so persuaded, so many people have been robbed by one person?"

A leader of the power was extremely irritable and directly scolded.

"Sect Master, we don’t want to, but that guy is too strong, and he is ruthless. Some people who don’t cooperate are killed directly by him."

The reprimanded youth said aggrievedly.

Even those who are better than him dare not make a second, even more how about him?

When everyone at the scene heard that there were still people inside, it caused a tumult.

Neither the fat dean of the Bailu Academy nor George of the Xiting Academy missed this opportunity. Taking advantage of the anger of those powers, they glared at Zuo Xiong and began to inquire.

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