Qin Zhiqing was really taken aback.

She had always thought that McGee, the number one Heaven's Chosen of Xiting Academy, was also on the same level as Lin Tian of their Dayan Academy.

But didn't expect, this guy quietly promoted Mimi to the fifth stage and eighth stage.

This Xiting Academy is hidden deep enough. Before that, she hadn't received the slightest news about this matter.

This is not easy.

Qin Zhiqing's gaze towards Ye Qianxing couldn't help but show another worry at this time.

McGee of 5th stage and 8th stage, I don't know if Ye Qianxing can deal with it.

Compared to Qin Zhiqing, Ye Qianxing does not have the slightest expression of surprise.

As early as when he saw McGee, he knew the opponent's strength level. The fifth and eighth stages are really good, and it is definitely a rare well-known figure among peers.

But he is not in this list.

"Since you like to pretend to be forced, then I will accompany you."

Ye Qianxing watched McGee burst out of his own breath, which caused Qin Zhiqing's few people to be shocked and worried. , Sneaked.

His body also shook suddenly, and an imposing manner that was several times more terrifying than McGee's breath spread.

Although they are both in the fifth stage and eight dans, McGee is only beginning to enter the fifth stage and eight dans, but Ye Qianxing is not far from the fifth stage and ninth dan.

If the junior high and late stages are also divided between each small rank, McGee is only Early-Stage.

Ye Qianxing is already Peak.

Not to mention, Ye Qianxing still has so many hole cards.


McGee, who was proud of seeing the worry on the faces of Qin Zhiqing's faces, suddenly changed his face and his eyes were about to come out.

The other Xiting Academy students beside him were so shocked that their jaws almost dislocated.

In their opinion, McGee Senior is definitely considered a monster among his peers, even in imperial city.

But at this time they found out that they were wrong.

The word "Wicky", McGee Senior, is not worthy, and the person from the Great Flame Academy of the other party is qualified to be called such a name.

After all, anyone who is not blind can tell that Ye Qianxing is definitely younger than McGee.

Being younger and stronger, what is this not an evildoer?

It is also the first time that Qin Zhiqing feels Ye Qianxing release her own breath without any scruples, and her eyes suddenly shine.

This kind of breath is even stronger than some Elders of the fifth stage and nine stages in the Academy.

"No wonder Ye Junior Brother is so powerful, even the Wolf King of the fifth stage and eight stages can be killed in seconds. It turns out that it is close to the existence of the fifth stage and nine stages."

Qin Zhiqing thought inwardly. Watching Ye Qianxing's eyes are full of small stars.

Which Heaven's Chosen Lin Tian, ​​the number one of the Great Yan Academy?

What is the first Heaven's Chosen McGee of Xiting Academy?

Compared with Ye Qianxing, it is a tuoxiang, it is not comparable at all.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, a trifling Jizhou city, how could there be someone like you innate talent, you must be a fake!"

McGee could not accept it at this time Ye Qianxing's breath was stronger than himself.

He can be so strong at such a young age, not only because of his innate talent, but also because of his strong family background.

His family was not weaker than the Imperial Family in Xiting Dynasty.

Xiting Dynasty is known for its abundance, so McGee has no shortage of resources at all.

Innate talent is enough, and resources are inexhaustible, so it can be so.

But what about Ye Qianxing? Is he also a great family younger generation of the imperial city of the Great Yan Emperor?

"Fake? Hehe, then I will let you see if I have cheated!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, no more explanation.

Directly moved towards McGee rushed forward, punched out splitting the air sound, and hit McGee's face.

McGee complexion changed, and a steel helmet appeared directly on his head.

Ye Qianxing strikes with a punch on the steel helmet, and only a dull metal crash sounded.

McGee thumped back a few steps, and a hole broke out where the steel helmet hit by Ye Qianxing on his head.

But it will recover in the blink of an eye.

"Ye Junior Brother, be careful, that McGee's demon soul is a bit special, but a metal lifeform, not only extremely hard, but also excellent in healing power."

Qin Zhiqing Reminded.

Ye Qianxing nodded, he has the eyes of the system, and he has known McGee's demon soul for a long time.

I just tried it to confirm it.

This demon soul of McGee is somewhat similar to the Metal Attribute element body, but not as powerful as the element body, so it is somewhere in between.

"hmph, what's the use of being careful? Boy, I have to admit that your level is indeed higher than mine, but your level is not equal to strength."

McGee coldly snorted, but In fact, the face hidden in the helmet also showed a look of panic.

Ye Qianxing's punch just pierced his helmet directly. Although it was just a small hole, it still shocked him.

While frightened, he became even more concerned about Ye Qianxing killing intent.

He will never allow anyone more enchanting than his own innate talent.

Thinking of this, McGee intends to take the initiative.

But Ye Qianxing is faster than him, because the time to close the entrance of the monster beast dungeon is getting closer and closer.

He doesn't want to be trapped here for a year.

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