Ye Qianxing's silhouette quickly appeared in front of McGee, and punched again.

This time he was attacking McGee's chest.

But before Ye Qianxing's fist hit, there was a piece of steel armor on McGee's chest.

McGee was shaken back a few meters away again, feeling a little frustrated.

Although Ye Qianxing this fist didn't hurt him, and most of the power was resisted by his demon soul, the remaining power still made him a little uncomfortable.

"Damn it!"

McGee was angry.

He has been attacked by Ye Qianxing all the time, and he didn't even have a chance to shoot.

This makes him feel very passive, and this passive feeling makes him very unhappy.


With a kick on McGee's legs, two big springs were born under his feet.

He jumped directly more than ten meters high, and then punched out.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Suddenly, more than a dozen golden arrows moved towards Ye Qianxing were shot.

Ye Qianxing turned over and avoided easily, but McGee had already landed at this time, and his arm turned into a golden blade, directly moved towards Ye Qianxing and cut his neck away.

Ye Qianxing's head tilted, and the golden blade slashed on Ye Qianxing's shoulder.

But the scene where Ye Qianxing was cut in half in McGee's imagination did not happen.

A metal collision sounded from Pong, and the clothing on Ye Qianxing's shoulder was cut, revealing the golden light skin inside.

McGee was stunned, Ye Qianxing's skin was actually gilded!

"Do you think that you are the only Metal Element?"

Ye Qianxing clicked the corner of his mouth, flipped his hand, and Lei Qijian appeared in his hand.

Directly moved towards McGee's abdomen.

There was a sound of pu chi, but the Lei Che sword did not enter the flesh, and steel armor appeared on McGee's abdomen, and the thickness was very high.

Reche sword edge is very good. Although it can pierce the defense of McKina's steel armor, the flaw is too short.

Can't touch McGee's fleshy body at all.

Ye Qianxing kicked, and the huge force shook McGee back a few meters again.

Lei Qijian also pulled out.

Ye Qianxing looked towards McGee's abdomen, where the steel armor is still recovering.

But the speed is dozens of times faster than before.

It could be recovered in the blink of an eye, but now it only recovers in half in a few seconds.

"Oh? It seems that the blood weeping effect of Lei Qijian also has a certain effect on this metal lifeform demon soul."

Ye Qianxing was a little surprised, but he didn't at first. 't expect.

Ye Qianxing originally thought that the blood weeping effect of Lei Qi Sword was only effective for life with blood, but now it seems that as long as it is a lifeform, it has an effect.

It's just that the effect is not great for lifeforms without blood.

"Your Spiritual Artifact seems to be of very high level."

McGee looked at Ye Qianxing's Thunder Sword, which could break through his defense, then this The Spiritual Artifact must be at least Grade 6 or higher.

And he also found that his demon soul was injured by Lei Qijian, and his recovery speed slowed down.

This shows that the Spiritual Artifact also has special abilities.

It is likely to be Grade 7 or higher.

Grade 7 Spiritual Artifact, even in his capacity, currently there is none.

"Boy, your Spiritual Artifact, I want it!"

McGee said with a cold laugh.

He suddenly raised his hand to face Ye Qianxing, flipping his fingers.

Ye Qianxing suddenly felt that the Lei Qi Sword in his hand was a little disobedient, and even planned to move towards McGee and fly away.

"As long as it is metal, it is under my control, oh, yes, I almost forgot, now you seem to be metal too."

McGee suddenly thought of something, another One hand was also lifted, fingers dancing.

Ye Qianxing floated up directly uncontrollably, and then moved towards McGee and flew over.


McGee laughed and flicked his hand, Ye Qianxing moved towards one side of the wall and hit it.


Ye Qianxing complexion slightly changed, put away the Indestructible Vajra Body directly.

The feeling of being controlled finally disappeared, and then moved towards the ground fell.

Lei Qijian was also taken back into his portable space.

"Hehe, without the Vajra Body, you just wait to die!" McGee snered, his arm turned into a golden blade again, and moved towards Ye Qianxing and cut it away.

Ye Qianxing stands still, motionless.

But there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I won't play with you, let's end it."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

He moved his five fingers lightly, and five small black flames danced on his fingertips.


Ye Qianxing said softly, these five little flames moved towards McGee and flew away.

McGee looked at these five almost invisible flames, showing disdain.

"Are you going to burn me with fire, and then try to heat me to death? Don't worry about it, my demon soul can be isolated from temperature."

If it is even flame The temperature can't be isolated, so isn't his demon soul too weak.

So McGee didn't even dodge at all, and continued to move towards Ye Qianxing to cut away.

pa pa pa ……

The black flame hit McGee's steel armor, and then it melted directly in.

McGee was unconsciously, dreaming of Ye Qianxing being cut in half by him.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain.

The body was still flying in the air, so he fell directly, and then rolled on the ground.

Two hands clasped his head tightly and screamed.

At the same time, the steel armor covering him was also taken back, and the hellfire actually had a damaging effect on the demon soul.

"Human, self-confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is conceited."

"Embrace, that's terrible."

Ye Qianxing sneered , Being invaded by hellfire, but McGee feels better.

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