"McGee Senior!"

The other students of Xiting Academy saw McGee's appearance at this time, and their faces changed suddenly, creded out in surprise.

McGee screamed for a long time, seeming to think of the current situation.

He hurriedly got up, forcibly suppressed the burning sensation in his soul, and tried to call out the demon soul again.

But it failed.

Hellfire is very harmful to the soul, and McGee can be better, because his soul is protected by Soul Sea.

But his demon soul is terrible.

Because he was directly touched by hellfire, McGee's demon soul suffered the most damage.

It is already tenacious without dissipating.

"Damn it, what the hell are you releasing!"

Maijii's ferocious face was even more distorted under the roar because of the burning of his soul.

Ye Qianxing did not answer, but rushed to McGee's front.

A sword stabbed him in the heart.

McGee's pupils shrank suddenly, trying to dodge, but because his soul was wounded, his reaction power was not enough. When he reacted, Ye Qianxing's sword had touched his skin.


There was a sudden stop sound, Ye Qianxing paused, and Lei Qijian could pierce McGee's skin by one centimeter.

McGee felt like he was spinning around Gates of Hell, and a cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Ye Qianxing frowned and turned his head. The reason why he stopped obediently was because it was Qin Zhiqing who was calling.

Seeing that McGee was not dead, Qin Zhiqing let out a long relaxed breath.

Seeing the question in Ye Qianxing's eyes again, he explained.

"Ye Junior Brother, McGee's identity is not ordinary, not just from Xiting Academy, his family is also very large in Xiting Dynasty, if you kill him, it will be very big Trouble, even the palace owner may not be able to keep you."

Qin Zhiqing said.

Although she had faintly heard of Ye Qianxing's identity, she seemed to be unusual, and even the Palace Lord's attitude towards him was different.

But McGee is different from others, and his family also belongs to the Great Family in the Xiting Dynasty.

If you die in the hands of Ye Qianxing, when the time comes may cause diplomatic problems.

Ye Qianxing frowned again after hearing Qin Zhiqing's explanation.

Before changing it, his temperament would definitely not be a taboo. Whatever his identity, he was the Imperial Family younger generation of the Xi Ting Dynasty. Ye Qianxing wanted to kill and killed him.

At worst, he just ran away after killing him.

But not now, he still needs to stay in the Great Yan Emperor, and he needs to use the Great Yan Emperor to become famous in the future Ten Thousand Pilgrimages.

Let your reputation be heard throughout the Heavenly Jade continent.

So Ye Qianxing finally endured it and took Lei Qijian back.

"Come on."

Ye Qianxing stretched out a hand.


McGee was taken aback and asked subconsciously.

"Catch soul artifact, hurry up."

Ye Qianxing said impatiently.

McGee rolled his eyes, coldly said.

"If you don't give it, kill me if you have the ability."

He heard clearly what Qin Zhiqing said to Ye Qianxing just now, knowing that the other party is afraid of his identity, definitely not Dare to kill him.

So I became hardened.

Ye Qianxing half-squinted his eyes, cold light suddenly appeared from his eyes.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth twitched and a wicked smile appeared.

"You are very smart, knowing that I dare not kill you, but well, the feeling of burning the soul just now, do you want to try it?"

"I can grasp It’s a good standard. It’s absolutely cool to make you survive."

As Ye Qianxing said, a black flame burned out of his fingertips.

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to release too much hellfire, otherwise he would burn the soul flew away and scattered directly.

There is only a small flame, which can not only prevent McGee's soul from burning the soul flew away and scattered, but also make him unhappy.

This method Ye Qianxing did it more than once, and it was more difficult than XX's top ten tortures.

After all, it is directly aimed at the soul.

The human soul is like a flower warmed in a greenhouse, without external stimulation.

So it is very sensitive, even a small injury is dozens or hundreds of times stronger than the physical feeling.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Qianxing's words, McGee immediately recalled the pain before.

His complexion changed instantly.

But he was still unwilling to hand over his demon soul like this.

Ye Qianxing, upon seeing this, of course understood McGee's thoughts, sneaked, and didn't say much, just flicked his finger directly.

The small black flame jumped directly into McGee's body and hit his soul.


McGee hugged his head again and screamed, and his companions trembled with fear.

Qin Zhiqing was also a little worried, and wanted to speak, but was directly stopped by Ye Qianxing.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure, he will not die."

Ye Qianxing said, and then added to his heart that he would be more uncomfortable than death.

Qin Zhiqing's mouth opened and closed, he wanted to talk but stopped, and finally he didn't say a word.

But after ten seconds passed, McGee couldn't stand it anymore, he almost yelled loudly and said.

"I give, I give, you take it back quickly!"

"Ah? What are you talking about? I can't understand."

Ye Qianxing deliberately opened his ears with his hands and asked loudly.

McGee almost wants to bullshitting.

But he also knew that his life was in Ye Qianxing's hands now, so he didn't dare to scold him.

So he shouted again.

"I said, I am willing to hand over the soul artifact!"

"Still can't hear."

Ye Qianxing continues to pretend to be inaudible .

Even Qin Zhiqing on the side couldn't help but twitch his lips.

This Junior Brother is really ruthless, and it seems that I will never offend it in the future.

McGee also understood that Ye Qianxing just wanted to play with himself, so he stopped talking, just flipped his hands, caught the soul artifact, and threw it directly to Ye Qianxing.

"I caught the soul artifact for you, take it back soon!"

"That's right, I heard it now."

Ye Qianxing slightly Smiled, glanced at the soul artifact, couldn't help but shine.

There are so many demon souls captured by this girl, directly as many as more than five thousand, and the quality is many times better than other people's generally.

What surprises Ye Qianxing most is that there are actually two six-star monster souls in this soul artifact.

Two six-star monster souls, that is equivalent to two million recovery points!

There are also a dozen demon souls of 5-Star level, which are more than one million recovery points.

To do the math, McGee's demon soul alone is worth at least five million in recovery value, which is more than the total demon soul robbed from those other people.

"Hurry up, I'm dying."

McGee was almost crying, Ye Qianxing was still in a daze.

Especially when I saw the happy expression on Ye Qianxing's face, it was completely opposite to McGee's expression. Such a contrast made McGee feel uncomfortable.

"Oh sorry, forget it when you get excited, hehe."

Ye Qianxing laughed, then hooked his finger, and the small black flame came from McGee’s body Flew out and returned to Ye Qianxing's body.

McGee suddenly felt the pain disappear, as if collapsed.

Lying on the ground, like a puddle of mud.

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