Ye Qianxing looked towards a few other people from Xiting Academy. They just smiled and didn't speak yet, they quickly took out the arrested soul artifact and handed it to Ye Qianxing.

"Yes, I am very acquainted, and I have a great future in the future."

Ye Qianxing looked at them very appreciatively, nodded.

Those few people want to cry without tears, you have seen such a cruel scene for us, dare we still not know each other?

"Okay, finish work, finish, leave."

Ye Qianxing waved his hand and moved towards the monster beast dungeon entrance.

Qin Zhiqing and several others quickly followed.

When he was about to go out, Ye Qianxing kindly moved towards McGee who was lying on the ground reminded him.

"By the way, the entrance should be closed soon. If you don't come out again, you will have to stay here for a year."

After that, Ye Qianxing went out directly Up.

Although McGee was weak, he still tried his best to shout at the dazed classmates.

"You guys are on the street, what are you still in a daze, take me out quickly!"

The people from Xiting Academy reacted and carried the wheat Kibian moved towards the entrance of the dungeon.

Fortunately, the moment the dungeon seal was closed, they finally arrived.

Outside the entrance of the dungeon.

When I saw McGee's name suddenly dropped from second to last on the stone tablet, and the score was cleared, Ye Qianxing's score skyrocketed.

George was completely desperate.

Suddenly, his expression turned cold, looking at Zuo Xiong.

"hmph, if something happened to Ye Qianxing for your institution, you know what the consequences are. When the time comes, even if it is the nine Her Highness the Princess, you can't afford it."

Both Zuo Xiong and Yan Shenshen are complexion changed.

They also know the identity of McGee, if something really happens, then the trouble will be big.

Once the diplomatic problems of the two dynasties arise, even Yan Shenshen can't afford it.

"Her Highness the Princess, based on your knowledge of Ye Qianxing, would he have such courage?"

Zuo Xiong smiled bitterly, looking at Yan Shenshen and asked.

Yan Shenshen also swallowed saliva and said. Based on her knowledge of Ye Qianxing, he seems to have never counseled, and he might have the courage to do such a thing.

And Ye Qianxing may not know McGee's identity, so she is not sure.

"We can only pray."

Yan Shenshen shook his head and sighed said.

Zuo Xiong suddenly felt his heart hang.

But fortunately, the silhouettes of Ye Qianxing and Qin Zhiqing walked out before waiting long.

"It's him, it's him, he's Ye Qianxing!"

A dísciple who doesn't know which force points to Ye Qianxing and said.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Qianxing.

These eyes are almost full of chills.

It's just that Yan Shenshen is here, so they dare not speak.

George has no scruples, loudly roared.

"Ye Qianxing, where is McGee?"

"McGee? It's behind me, but the seal is about to close, I don't know if it can come out."


Ye Qianxing said.

While speaking, the rays of light flashes at the entrance of the dungeon.

A few silhouettes appeared again.

George finally sighed in relief when he saw McKee's pale face.

But then his face became gloomy.

Although McGee is not dead, it looks like he must have been injured.

McGee is the highest student of their Xiting Academy innate talent, and he is also the younger generation of the great family of Xiting Dynasty. If the injury affects the future, it will suffer.

Thinking of this, George hurried to McGee's side and asked softly.

Ye Qianxing directly returned to the team of the Great Yan Academy.

Zuo Xiong and Yan Shenshen found that McGee was not dead and sighed in relief, and they were excited.

Ye Qianxing has the highest score, and their Dayan Academy can still maintain the first place in the trial this time.

Ye Qianxing is all at a loss.

"Hehe, Mentor Shenshen, we don't lack resources this time."

Ye Qianxing shook off the soul artifact and said with a smile.

"You fellow, really don't let me worry."

When Yan Shenshen saw Ye Qianxing smiling, he couldn't help rolling the eyes.

But I still thank Ye Qianxing from the bottom of my heart. Ye Qianxing has kept Dayan Academy's number one and even the face of Dayan Academy.

Directly robbed dozens of hundreds of people in public. Such a record definitely gave them a lot of face for Dayan Academy.

"Palace Lord Zuo, these demon souls should be my own."

Ye Qianxing looked towards Zuo Xiong and asked, he also held the soul artifact tightly. For fear of being robbed.

Zuo Xiong couldn't help but corner of mouth twitching when he saw this. Do I look like a robber?

Obviously you are the robber, okay.

"Don't worry, it's all yours. No one will grab it from you, and you've done a great job in helping the school this time. The lord of the palace has said that there are many rewards. Let's talk about what you want. ?"

Zuo Xiong said.


Ye Qianxing's eyes lit up and asked.

"Of course, although this palace lord is not interested in money, he has some savings over the years. Whatever you want, this palace lord will definitely satisfy you."

Left Xiong raised his head and said proudly.

What a child can ask for is nothing more than some Six Grade 7 Immortal Medicine Immortal Pill or some money.

He can still get these things.

However, Ye Qianxing's next sentence directly caused him to vomit blood.

"Hehe, as expected, Sir Mansion Lord is generous. In that case, I am not welcome. I can just give hundreds of seven Grade 8 Immortal Medicines. I'm very satisfied."

Ye Qianxing chuckled.

Listening to Ye Qianxing's words, Zuo Xiong almost staggered over.

"How many... hundreds of eight or nine Immortal Medicines? Are you Niusi dreaming?"

Zuo Xiong couldn't help but yelled out directly.

Eight or nine Immortal Medicine? A few hundred more? Do you think this stuff is Chinese cabbage on the street, you can buy it casually?

"Uh, or dozens of plants will do."

"No, not one plant!"

Zuo Xiong directly moved towards Ye Qianxing and roared .

Grade 7 Immortal Medicine is scarce, Grade 8 Immortal Medicine, I am afraid that only the treasury of the Great Yan Emperor can find it.

Zuo Xiong doesn't have it anyway.

Hearing Zuo Xiong's words, the excitement on Ye Qianxing's face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Turned into a look of contempt.

"Cheapskate, I was pretended to be so atmospheric before, and I was so excited for so long. Forget it, you are also a poor ghost, so I won't cheat you."

Ye Qianxing Said, Zuo Xiong's expression turned gloomy in an instant.

This kid is so irritating when he talks. If you hadn't been covered by Her Highness the Princess, I would have slapped you to death.

"Immortal Medicine does not have eight or nine grades, but there are some in Grade 7. Do you want it?"

Zuo Xiong coldly snorted and said.

"Yes, yes, mosquito meat is also meat."

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly.

Zuo Xiong got used to it and tried to suppress the idea of ​​shooting Ye Qianxing to death.

"Then go back quickly."

Ye Qianxing said.

He is still anxious to go back and reclaim those demon souls, and then come to a super lottery.

Zuo Xiong is nodded, so he intends to speak.

At this moment, George walked towards the Great Yan Academy with his face gloomy.

"I'm afraid you can't go yet."

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