"Dean George, is there anything else?"

Zuo Xiong watched George and the others walk towards them with a gloomy expression, and suddenly browse frowned.

I have a bad premonition in my heart.

"hmph, our account hasn't been settled yet."

George coldly said.

"Settling the accounts? Dean George, isn't McGee alive and well? Or you mean the demon's soul robbing? Those are the competitions of the younger generations. Although it sounds bad, they are not Isn't it strictly forbidden?"

Zuo Xiong frowned and asked.

"hmph, we can put the matter of McGee and the demon soul aside for now, but Peter, Barron, and Yale can't just leave it alone!"

George coldly snorted , Zuo Xiong didn't know about this, and he was a little confused.

Ye Qianxing looked thoughtful, Qin Zhiqing was complexion changed, what did she think of.

Peter, Barron, and Yale were the ones from the Xiting Academy who wanted to harm them but were destroyed by Ye Qianxing and were beaten in the face.

"What do you mean?"

Zuo Xiong asked, George beckoned, and McGee walked over.

"McGee, you do."

George said.

McGee's eyes are cold, with endless anger and killing intent, looking at Ye Qianxing.

But as Ye Qianxing's eyelids lifted, and when his lazy eyes met him, McGee's eyes were instantly filled with fear.

Recalling the previous scenes, he was directly trembling with fear.

George noticed McGee's state, the complexion changed, and hurriedly put his hand on McGee's shoulder, which gave McGee some sense of security.

"It was him who sent people to slap Peter, Barron and Yale in public, slapped them thousands of times, and directly beat them into fools, staying in the monster beast dungeon Tenth Layer. It hasn't come out yet."

McGee yelled at Ye Qianxing angrily, but he dared not look into his eyes.

"Many people have seen this, and they can serve as witnesses."

Hearing McGee's words, Zuo Xiong's expression suddenly changed again.

Yan Shenshen looked towards Ye Qianxing with complicated gazes.

How can this guy always do such unexpected things?

"Palace Lord Zuo, this person’s behavior is simply insulting my Xiting Academy. The lives of Peter and my Xiting Academy have been damaged by him. If you don’t If he handed it over, I won’t let it go."

"Even if you have Ninth Princess backing, but we can’t let you slaughter, at worst either the fish dies or the net splits!"


George coldly snorted and said.

Zuo Xiong looked towards Ye Qianxing, just about to speak.

Qin Zhiqing hurriedly stood up and said.

"Palace Lord, it’s not about Ye Junior Brother’s business. He is all here to save us. Peter and the others wanted to harm us and attract bone-eating wolves. In the end, Ye Junior Brother came to help, Peter. Human affairs are also the Junior Brother’s help for us."

"Bone-eating wolves?"

Upon hearing Qin Zhiqing’s words, Zuo Xiong and the Elders and mentors of the Dayan Academy are all Is complexion changed.

Of course they know that the Bone-Eater Wolves are the dominant player in the Tenth Layer.

These Peters were so ruthless, they led the bone-eating wolves to deal with Qin Zhiqing.

Zuo Xiong's face immediately became gloomy.

"Dean George, how do you explain this?"

"hmph, there is nothing wrong with it. Now Peter and the others are not present, you can say anything, anyway They will not refute."

George coldly snorted.

"What I said is true, I..."

Qin Zhiqing was anxious and wanted to express that she was telling the truth.

But I don’t know how to say it.

At this time, Ye Qianxing patted Qin Zhiqing's shoulders, which made Qin Zhiqing's emotions ease.

"Is it true, I think you know it all in your heart?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, first glanced at McGee, and then turned to other western People from the Academy.

"You guys, tell the truth."

"Say, what is the truth?"

Those from Xiting Academy swallowed saliva and said I dare not look at Ye Qianxing.

They remember Ye Qianxing's torture of McGee before.

"hmph, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, as if a black flame appeared in his eyes.

Shiver coldly scared the people from Xiting Academy, McGee even covered his head and screamed in front of everyone.

The previous torture has completely left a shadow in his heart.

The haze that can never be removed.

Ye Qianxing moved his fingers slightly. He had left a ray of hellfire in McGee's Soul Sea before. At this moment, McGee could not help but yell.

"No, I say! I say! I..."

"What do you want to do, do you want to make a move!"

At this moment, George Furiously shouted, McGee's voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Qianxing There are too few hellfires left in the McGee Soul Sea, not very long will be exhausted.

However, Zuo Xiong's expression was happy, because although McGee didn't tell the truth just now, he still had some exposure.

"Dean George, I haven't figured out the right and wrong yet."

"hmph, Palace Lord Zuo, he clearly wants to be defeated, this is not evidence at all."

George still wants to refuse to admit it.

Yan Shenshen was sneaked.

"Is it right that you can use Soul Searching Technique on him and you can tell the truth."

"Do you dare to use Soul Searching Technique on McGee?"

George didn't panic at all, Soul Searching Technique's ability is extremely harmful to human souls.

McGee is not a small background, who would dare to use such cruel methods against him?

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