"Can't use McGee, but they can?"

Ye Qianxing pointed to the Xiting Academy students who had been following McGee.

They must all know about Peter and those people.

The complexions of the few people pointed out by Ye Qianxing have changed. They are not covered by McGee's family. If Zuo Xiong insists on using Soul Searching Technique on them, it will be really troublesome.

"I admit that I admit it all. What he said is true. It was Peter and the others who designed to entrap Dayan Academy."

One of Xiting Academy’s people accepted it. I couldn't help but screamed directly.

George stared wide-eyed looking at the student, he didn't expect that guy would recruit so soon.

"Trash! Asshole!"

George scolded the guy secretly.

This kind of thing is related to the reputation of Xiting Academy, and whether it can target Dayan Academy and Ye Qianxing. How could he allow Zuo Xiong to use Soul Searching Technique on them?

But now that their people take the initiative to confess, there is absolutely no way.

"Dean George, what else do you have to say?"

Zuo Xiong looked at George coldly with a cold tone.

"You guys at the Academy plot against people at our school, and even almost killed me at the Academy. Qin Zhiqing and Heaven's Chosen, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

It was reversed.

George originally asked Zuo Xiong about the crime, but then the two sides changed roles.

George looked embarrassed and hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Dean George, we have known each other for more than ten years. You should know my character. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, you should know what I will do."

As soon as the voice fell, Zuo Xiong burst into a terrifying breath.

George body trembled, Zuo Xiong's strength is the strongest on the field, and his character is extremely protective. Now he is wrong at Xiting Academy. If he doesn't give an explanation, Zuo Xiong might really go violently.

In the end George could only be sighed.

"Ai, really didn't expect this kind of person came out of my Xiting Academy, Palace Lord Zuo, I didn't know this before, but since the truth is revealed, then I will represent it here. Xiting Academy, I would like to express my sincerest apologies to you."

George put on a sincere expression, but Zuo Xiong would just let it go.

He had been scolded by George Fiercely before, but it was not easy to refute.

Now finally he has a chance. Of course he won't just let it go.

"Dean George, is it just an apology? You guys from Academy almost killed my dísciple in the monster beast dungeon."

Zuo Xiong glanced at George and said .

After knowing Zuo Xiong for so long, how could George not understand the meaning of Zuo Xiong's words.

He twitched his cheeks, knowing that he was probably bleeding heavily this time.

"What do you want?"

"Medical expenses, mental damage expenses, lost work expenses..."

Zuo Xiong directly stated a lot of expenses Some of them didn't. Ye Qianxing estimated that this product had all the expenses he knew.

At the end, a string of numbers is said.

"When the large and small add up, it's just a compensation of eighteen million yuan."

Eighteen million?

George gritted his teeth. Although Xiting Academy has a lot of funds, it also spends a lot of money, so there is not much left.

He will pay 8 million yuan in compensation at once, and he must take some out of his pocket.

This makes George very painful.

But now he can't take advantage of morality, so he dare not say anything.

I can only bite my teeth and swallow in my belly.

"The money will be given to both hands within three days. As soon as the trial is over, we will leave first."

George gritted his teeth and said, and took it directly The people at Xiting Academy left.

He doesn't want to stay any longer, or maybe Zuo Xiong will do something for him.

George suffered a big loss in this dungeon trial.

Breaking the seal of the dungeon trial in advance has cost a lot of money, and now their Xiting Academy has not won half of the demon soul, and has been reduced to the last place.

I am afraid there will be only one place next year.

I also lost three Heaven's Chosen such as Peter, and even the number one genius McGee of the Academy seems to have been greatly affected.

I don't know if the family behind him will blame himself.

Thinking of this, George felt annoyed and angry at the same time.

Before leaving, he glanced at Ye Qianxing with an angry look.

Everything is because of this guy.

Ye Qianxing still smiled as if he couldn't see George's angry gaze.

"Palace Lord Zuo, the money that was pitted, don't you have a share of the money?"

Ye Qianxing chuckled said.

Zuo Xiong glared at him directly.

"You have got so many good things, are you still not satisfied?"

"The more the better, the more the better."

"No, these all are Zhiqing They don't have your share."

Zuo Xiong said directly.

Ye Qianxing twitched his lips, and then he seemed to think of something and asked again.

"Then do you have a share?"


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