The people of Xiting Academy are gone, and other forces dare not offend Dayan Academy, let alone Her Highness the Princess, Yan Shenshen.

Therefore, they all chose to avoid talking about Ye Qianxing's robbery of the demon soul.

After being polite to each other for a while, they went back to their respective houses.

As soon as Ye Qianxing returned to the Academy, he ran back to his residence and closed the windows and doors tightly.

When there was no light in the room, Ye Qianxing finally took out the soul artifact.

"tsk tsk tsk, darlings, come on."

Ye Qianxing licked his lips with a look of excitement.


Ye Qianxing turned on the soul artifact, and immediately countless demons swarmed out.


Then following Ye Qianxing a light shout, those demon souls who wanted to escape seemed to feel a great attraction instantly, and they all poured into Ye Qianxing’s in vivo.

Be sucked into the system.

"Ding, reclaim five hundred one-star iron Monster Wolf souls, and get five thousand recovery points."

"Ding, reclaim 1,000 one-star blast rat monster souls."

, Get a recovery value of 10,000."

"Ding, reclaim two hundred two-star sabertooth monster souls, and get a recovery value of 20,000."

"Ding, recycle 3-Star level ……"

"Ding, recover a 5-Star level bone-eroded Wolf King demon soul, and get one hundred thousand points of recovery value."

"Ding, recover Two six-star male and female double-headed demon snake king demon souls, gaining 2 million points of recovery."

The sound of one after another system hint kept ringing in Ye Qianxing's mind.

Although it is noisy and the system's voice is not emotional, Ye Qianxing feels like a natural sound at this time.

It’s not annoying to listen, I just hope to keep listening.

The system hint sound stopped for four full hours. Ye Qianxing hurriedly opened the system interface, and his eyes shifted to the column showing his recovery value.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million..."

"Chen Bu Mu Cao! Twelve million!"

Ye Qianxing's heart was throbbing with excitement.

This wave has made a lot of money.

"Divine Grade lottery."

Ye Qianxing hurriedly clicked on Divine Grade lottery, and then entered the lottery pool.

Since there is a recycling value of 10 million, Ye Qianxing will naturally not waste it, so he chose Divine Grade lottery directly.

If you are lucky, nine-star or even ten-star treasures may be drawn.

"Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale..."

Ye Qianxing breathed for a long time before reluctantly calming down, and then moved towards the one in front of him only he could see with trembling fingers Click on the virtual screen.


Ye Qianxing's finger finally touched the lottery button on the virtual screen.

Next moment, the lottery pool was stirred for a while.

An exciting time is coming. This is Divine Grade lottery. How long will it take to get such a chance.

It seems that only a few seconds have passed, and it seems that several centuries have passed.

Finally, a golden light emerged.

Next moment, one half is pitch black as ink and half pure white as milk, like a Yin-Yang Fish bead appearing in front of Ye Qianxing.

The eye of the system is opened, and all the information of the bead is in front of you.

Treasure: Fairy and Demon Twin Pearls

Evaluation: Eight-star and half grade

Attribute: Demon/Holy Spirit

Introduction: Source Power contains immortal and demon. Immortal demon is originally hostile. Immortal strength is the representative of light and dark. It cannot coexist. However, the immortal and demon twin beads have broken this limitation. The immortal and demon twin beads are borrowed from Innate Yin-Yang Primal Chaos. The effect of fuse together the power of fairy and magic.

Function: Allow the Spirit Pet of the Holy Spirit/Demon series to obtain another opposing attribute, so that the dual attributes of the Demon series and the Holy Spirit series can coexist in one.

Looking at the bead in front of him, Ye Qianxing didn't know whether he should be excited or not.

Eight and a half stars, not bad, but there is still a gap with Ye Qianxing's imagination.

He was thinking that if he was lucky, he could get a nine-star or even a ten-star treasure.

"Ai, people, let’s be content. Anyway, the eight-star half-level is pretty good, and it’s also useful to me. Otherwise, even if I get a nine-star treasure, but if it’s right I am useless, and it is of no avail."

Ye Qianxing felt self-comforted in his heart.

Fairy and demon twin beads, effective for Spirit Pet of Holy Spirit or Demon.

That means it can be used by Erbaiwu or Lin Ruoxi.

"Erbaiwu's rank is already very high. The eight-star and half-rank treasure should not increase it much, but Sister Ruoxi, you can take this opportunity to give her a low-grade rank."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

But he still has to be fair and open, so he summoned both Erbaiwu and Lin Ruoxi.

He told about the fairy and demon twin beads, and then let them make their own decisions.

After Lin Ruoxi heard the effect of the Immortal Demon Twin Beads, her eyes were clearly bright, but then she glanced at Erbaiwu again and hesitated.

"Thousand stars, if I have a demon attribute, can I get the ability to fight?"

Lin Ruoxi asked.

Ye Qianxing nodded, Lin Ruoxi of the Holy Spirit department is mainly responsible for auxiliary gain.

Although it has the ability to attack, it is basically the same as nothing.

But if you get the attribute of the demon system, it will be different.

"Huh... Erbaiwu, sorry, I can't let you this time. This fairy and devil twin pearl is very important to me." Lin Ruoxi said firmly with a face.

Every time she fights, she can only hide behind.

This makes Lin Ruoxi feel like a failure.

"It's okay, anyway, I don't need the ability of the Holy Spirit department."

Erbaiwu didn't seem to care.

In his opinion, the ability of the Holy Spirit system is nothing more than healing and blessing, he doesn't need it.

"Okay, then this fairy and devil twin beads will be given to sister Ruoxi."

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and directly handed the fairy and demons twin beads to Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi didn't hesitate, sitting on the bed with the fairy and demon twin beads, closing her eyes.

The twin beads of immortals and demon suddenly burst into thick black and pure white rays of light.

Yes, there are also black rays of light.

Although the room is dim and dark, the darkness released by the Fairy and Demon Twin Beads is darker than the room, just like a black hole.

When the darkness exceeds the darkness of the external environment, black rays of light visible by naked eye can be released.

Lin Ruoxi's breath, sitting cross-legged on the bed, is also changing all the time.

One hour... Two hours... Lin Ruoxi's breath has been changing, but it has never ended.

The fairy and devil twin beads are getting smaller and smaller, and the energy released is absorbed by Lin Ruoxi.

At the current rate, Ye Qianxing estimates that it may take several hours before she can absorb it.

So he lay on the sofa aside, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

Don't look at Ye Qianxing's current strength level is already extremely high, and the physical fitness is also extremely strong.

But after all, part of Soul Source is sealed, so his soul is still very weak.

So he needs to sleep to regain his energy every day.

I don’t know how long I slept, Ye Qianxing slowly fell asleep...

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