He appeared in an Immortal Realm full of green grass and fragrant flowers, sun shone brightly, and the breeze brought a fragrant fragrance.

Ye Qianxing feels very comfortable when he smells it.

"Brother Brother Xing."

A familiar female voice rang in her ears. Ye Qianxing found herself lying on the grass with a grass in the corner of her mouth. .

Next to this lies a girl with a beautiful face but a little innocent and immature.

No one else, but his childhood sweethearts Xia Xiaoyu.

Xia Xiaoyu rested her head on Ye Qianxing's chest, and looked at Ye Qianxing affectionately.

"Brother Brother Xing, let's be together forever, okay?"

Xia Xiaoyu asked in a soft but coquettish voice.

"Of course, not only in this life, in the next life, in the next life, we will always be together."

Ye Qianxing said with a faint smile, stroking Xia Xiaoyu's hair.

This feeling made him feel full of happiness.

"Hey, Qianxing, don't lie down there, come and play!"

"Yes, Brother Xing, come and play."

A loud noise rang, Ye Qianxing turned his head and found that Zhou Lang, Zhou Yue and Sutila's brothers were flying kites.

Ye Qianxing took Xia Xiaoyu's hand, and ran towards that side, when a kite appeared on his hand.

Ye Qianxing grabbed Xia Xiaoyu's hand and flung the kite away in midair together.

"Look, my kite is the tallest."

"Che, obviously my kite flies the highest."

"hmph, your kite has me Is it good-looking?"

"Anyway, Qianxing's kite is the most ugly, it's a silly Erha, hahaha."

Several people said with a laugh.

"Thousand stars."

"Thousand stars."

Not far away, there were two voices of a man and a woman.

The boys are a little dull, but the female voices are extremely soft, and you know that they must be a peerless beauty.

Ye Qianxing feels that these two voices are very familiar.

He looked around, it was a man and a woman.

The male looks extremely handsome, and the female looks extremely beautiful.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Qianxing has never seen such a handsome and beautiful person in Earth or Spirit World. Their faces are simply the most perfect models.

Ye Qianxing found that the handsome man has several points of similarity to himself.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Qianxing found that the man and the woman appeared in front of him.

"Child, we finally meet."

said the handsome man.

"Xing'er, our family can be together happily in the future."

The beautiful woman also said.

"Who are you...?"

Ye Qianxing asked in confusion.

"foolish child, we are your parents."

The beautiful woman said softly and stroked Ye Qianxing's head.

This feeling makes Ye Qianxing very comfortable, indescribable comfort.

He didn't even dislike the woman touching his head.


Ye Qianxing's expression was taken aback, and the beautiful woman and handsome man hugged Ye Qianxing.

"Yes, in the future, our family can be together forever."

The man's voice rang in Ye Qianxing's ears.

Ye Qianxing still looks dazed.

"No, who the hell are you, where are you!"

Ye Qianxing seemed to be suddenly stimulated by something, and pushed the two away.

He looked at the surrounding scenes, as well as Xia Xiaoyu, Zhou Lang, Zhou Yue, Sutila and the others who had been laughing around him. The happiness before disappeared.

Xuan is even a strong sense of strangeness.

Zhou Lang and Xiao Yu, haven't they been separated from me?

Zhou Yue and Tila, aren't they still in Earth Star?

And these two people who claim to be their parents, how could they appear here?

Also, isn't you in the room?

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered everything, this is a dream!

In his own dream.

"This is indeed a dream, but we can live happily together in dreams. Friends, lovers, and family are all together. Isn't this the life you always wanted?"

The beautiful woman who claimed to be Ye Qianxing mother still said in a gentle voice, her voice always seemed to influence Ye Qianxing's thoughts.

But at this time Ye Qianxing shook his head.

"No, you are definitely not my parents. Who are you and why are you in my dreams!"

"Also, why can't I wake up now?" "

Ye Qianxing's face changed.

I already know this is a dream, but why I still can't wake up.

Also, who these two people are is definitely not the product of my dreams.

The reason is simple. Ye Qianxing has never seen his parents at all, and his memory has been sealed, and it is impossible to know what his parents look like.

It was not that he hadn't dreamt of his parents before, but every time their faces were blurred.

But this time, it was extremely clear and true.

"foolish child, don't think about it, come over to father mother."

The beautiful woman is still beckoning to Ye Qianxing, but Ye Qianxing doesn't care, just Looking around, thinking about how to get out.


However, in the blink of an eye, the man and the woman appeared in front of Ye Qianxing.

That beautiful woman still has a gentle smile on her face, touching it with one hand moved towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing complexion changed, and hit it with a punch, and the beautiful woman was instantly broken up.

The handsome man showed sorrow.

"Why did you kill your mother, why!"

"You are not my parents at all, who are you, hurry up and show me!"

Ye Qianxing looked angry.

dragon has a reverse scale, he also has a bottom line.

His bottom line is his parents, friends and lover.

But those people pretend to be his parents, his lover, and his friend to deceive him.

This makes him very angry.

He once again blasted the handsome man with a punch, and the latter was also instantly broken up.

"Brother Xing, what are you doing?"

Xia Xiaoyu also asked with a look of fear.

Ye Qianxing closed his eyes and waved his fists again to disperse Xia Xiaoyu in front of him.

"Brother Xing!"

"Thousands of stars!"

peng peng peng!

Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and clenched the week Lang, Zhou Yue, and Su Tila all broke up.

Although he knew they were fake, Ye Qianxing still suffered from heartache.

Because all this is so real, it is torture for him.

As the last fake Sutila was punched and scattered by Ye Qianxing, no one was finally gone.


The earth began to shake, the sky changed, and countless cracks opened in the ground.

The grass and flowers are all gone, turning into loess and skeletons.

The sky also turned from bright to dark, the cloudy wind blew by, and thunder in the dark clouds exploded.

Soon, a weird illusory shadow formed by a black mist finally appeared in front of Ye Qianxing's eyes.

[The author has something to say]

The author has a holiday and wants to go home. The home is far away from school and needs to cross provinces. So tomorrow, I will have to stay on the train. I may not be able to Update, so ask everyone for a leave in advance, and I hope everyone understands that after returning home, the author will definitely make up for it.

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