"jié jié jié, I really wanted you to die unconsciously in a happy dream. It's a pity, you don't know how to cherish this good opportunity, so you have to die."

The evil sneer sounded from the black fog, Ye Qianxing frowned as he listened.

"What the hell are you, and why can you break into my dream?"

Ye Qianxing asked angrily, this is indeed the first time he has met this situation.

So it is inevitable that some not knowing what to do get up.

"Dead, there is no need to know so much, you just have to wait for death to come with peace of mind."

After that, the black mist made a piercing scream , Moved towards Ye Qianxing rushed away.

Ye Qianxing is only in a dream at this time, without any special ability at all, and his dream seems to be controlled by that strange thing.

He couldn't even move at this time, he could only watch the black mist coming toward him.

Soon, Ye Qianxing's whole body was covered by the black mist.

At the same time, he found that the dream he was in was beginning to disappear.

In other words, being swallowed by darkness.

Ye Qianxing guessed a little bit, this strange thing should be intended to swallow his own dreams.

And if you die in a dream, then equivalent to become a vegetable.

"Damn it, if it's in Soul Sea, I can do it, but this is a dream, what should I do?"

Ye Qianxing was anxious for a while.

If it is in Soul Sea, he still has the seal protection set by the cheap father.

But this is a dream, and he is not sure if the seal can save him again.

As the darkness becomes more and more intense, Ye Qianxing feels a little desperate.

The laughter that came from the black mist became louder and louder and more arrogant.

At this moment, a holy white light suddenly appeared above the sky.

"Is that the seal?"

Ye Qianxing's desperate eyes suddenly rose to the light of hope.

Retreat at the same time, the holy light shone on the black mist, and the latter suddenly uttered a scream of infiltration.

Being irradiated by the holy light, it is like being burned by fire, making the sound of Tzzzzzzz burning.

"Qianxing, wake up soon!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed throughout the dream world within the realm.

Ye Qianxing's eyes stared.

"It's Sister Ruoxi!"

He understood that the holy light was not a seal set by the cheap old man.

It is the Holy Spirit power of Ruoxi sister.

Yes, Sister Ruoxi has always been by her side.

She must have successfully integrated the fairy and demon twin stones, and felt that she was in danger, so she offered to help.

"Qianxing, wake up soon!"

Lin Ruoxi shouted again, and the holy light burst out suddenly, and the black mist surrounding Ye Qianxing was completely cleared.

The holy light shines on Ye Qianxing's body, and he instantly feels saw a flash.

Next moment, Ye Qianxing on the sofa suddenly got up, his forehead was already full of sweat.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes and moved towards the window and ran away.

Ye Qianxing just reacted and wanted to chase after him, but Lin Ruoxi was faster than her, and she rushed out of the window, moved towards that dark shadow.

Ye Qianxing saw Lin Ruoxi clearly, and was slightly surprised.

Lin Ruoxi has changed a lot after the fusion of the Immortal and Demon Twin Stones.

Although she looks the same as before, there are three more pairs or six wings behind her.

The three on the left are black and the three on the right are white.

Spirit Pet: Fallen Angel

attribute: Nature/Holy Spirit/Devil

Evaluation: Eight-star half-level (growth type)

Level: SS6

Ability: 1. All Living Things to Recover (can be treated in a wide range)

2. Nature Guardian (single treatment, can relieve bad states)

3. Elemental Storm (advanced version of the skill [Nature Magic], which can control stronger elemental power)

4. Immortal Body (Living forever, life force tenacious)

5. Angel Judgment (the advanced version of the skill [Holy Spirit Judgment], the power of Holy Spirit turns into an angel holy sword, which can drive away evil and slash evil)

6. One thought of gods and demons (Can be freely converted into angel or demon form, Fiend Form has battle strength bonus, but willpower is difficult to control)

Weakness: None

Sure enough, after refining the fairy twin stone, Lin Ruoxi has dual attributes of Holy Spirit and Demon in one body.

And obviously has the ability to fight.

Lin Ruoxi flapped her wings, chasing and killing the black shadow that swept away.

Ye Qianxing waited for a few minutes in the same place, and saw Lin Ruoxi back again, carrying a young man about twenty-five and sixty years old in his hand.

Ye Qianxing found that Lin Ruoxi’s eyes flashed with blood, but it quickly disappeared.

He can guess that Lin Ruoxi should have used Fiend Form just now.

As soon as Lin Ruoxi came back, she threw the young man to the ground.

The latter screamed.

"Qianxing, this guy, just wanted to sneak attack you."

Lin Ruoxi coldly said.

Although it hasn't been long since she turned into a demon, her character still has some influence.

So it is inevitable to be a bit tyrannical.

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, said with concern.

"Sister Ruoxi, if you don't become a last resort in the future, try not to turn into a demon. After all, this will affect you."


Lin Ruoxi pondered for a moment, but still nodded.

I just don’t know if I listened to it.

Ye Qianxing didn't say much, but looked towards the young man.

He still feels terrified about what happened in his previous dreams.

The eye of system was opened, and the young man's message appeared in his eyes.

Only then did he understand what happened just now.

[Name]: Hou Hao

[Race]: Human Race

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