"Speak, who you are, why do you harm me?"

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

The young man named Hou Hao didn't speak, just lowered his head.

He didn't even open his mouth when he was killed.

"Would you like to be hard-mouthed?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, he's most fearless is the hard-mouthed person.

It's actually very simple to break a person's mouth. At least for Ye Qianxing, it's very simple.

A small black flame appeared at his fingertips, and with a flick, the small flame jumped into Hou Hao's body.

The latter screamed suddenly, clutching his head on the ground, rolling in pain.

Ye Qianxing didn't speak, just watched him in pain quietly.

"Ah!!! I said, I said, you should stop!"

Hou Hao only insisted for less than half a minute before loudly shouted.

Ye Qianxing did not take the hell fire back, but continued to sneer at Hou Hao.

Where did Hou Hao suffer from the pain of being burned to his soul, even if he wanted to pass out of a coma, he couldn't do it, he could only bear it.

See Ye Qianxing remain unmoved, Hou Hao can't care much since then.

he shouted.

"My name is Hou Hao, I am from the dark building. I am here to kill you only because someone issued a reward for you in the dark building. I'm just taking people's money to help people eliminate disasters!"

Hou Hao is also very regretful and resentful.

The arrest warrant issued by the man showed that Ye Qianxing was only a Monster Soul Master with a level between the fifth stage and the fifth stage and the fifth stage and seventh stage, so he took it.

The Monster Soul Master of stage 5 and stage 7 is not unsuccessful in assassinations, and he has experience.

Ye Qianxing didn't expect, not only is he not a Monster Soul Master of the fifth stage and seven stages, but he even has the protection of others.

Originally, he broke into Ye Qianxing's dream and planned to kill Ye Qianxing in the dream.

Unexpectedly, there is still a person in the room, and he is also a Monster Soul Master of the Holy Spirit series.

Hou Hao’s biggest nemesis is the Holy Spirit system, otherwise, if you change to someone else, even if you find something wrong with Ye Qianxing, it will be difficult to help.

Dark building? Offer a reward?

Ye Qianxing thought about what Hou Hao said.

Although he had never heard of the name of the dark building organization, he could guess that it must be an organization that specializes in assassination missions.

Who just issued a reward order and wanted to assassinate himself?

Ye Qianxing has some doubts.

"I've said everything, please let me go."

Hou Hao was still suffering from the burning of hellfire, crying in pain.

Ye Qianxing remained unmoved and continued to ask.

"Who issued the arrest warrant?"

"I don't know."

Hou Hao shook his head, then saw Ye Qianxing frowning, and hurriedly continued. .

"I really don't know. The people who issued the reward in the dark building, except for the high-level leaders, no one knows their identity information. Assassin who accepts the task is only responsible for killing people. Then I went to the organization to receive the bounty, and I knew nothing about the others."

Ye Qianxing secretly thought about the truthfulness of Hou Hao's words.

In fact, he thinks Hou Hao should not lie.

Unless you are someone who has specially accepted soul tempering, it is difficult to have extra thoughts about how to lie when facing the burning of the soul.

And the generally speaking assassin organization does have a high degree of privacy for customers.

Otherwise, if the identity information is casually exposed, who would dare to go to your place for consumption?

So Ye Qianxing hooked his finger, and the small black flame came out of Hou Hao's mind, and was taken back by Ye Qianxing.

Hou Hao felt a lot better now, and limp to the ground.

"Then tell me about the dark building."

Ye Qianxing continued.

"You don't know about the dark building?"

Hearing Ye Qianxing's question, Hou Hao was a little surprised.

It seems that this organization called the dark building should be very famous.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say whatever you say."

Ye Qianxing said impatiently, Hou Hao didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore when he saw the body trembled.

He told me all about the dark building.

As Ye Qianxing guessed, the dark building is indeed an assassin organization, and it is also a very large assassin organization.

How do you say it?

This dark building involves a very wide area, the entire Heavenly Jade continent has its shadow, and everyone knows its existence.

Even, I heard that the dark buildings have infiltrated other continents.

Although the reputation of the dark building is very big, few people know about it. Like its name, the dark building has always been hidden in the dark.

"That's it?"

Ye Qianxing frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with Hou Hao's answer.

"Big brother, grandfather, ancestor, I really only know this, I'm just a little guy in the dark building, not even a full member, just a part-time job, to the dark building He doesn’t know much more than others."

Hou Hao almost burst into tears.

"Where is the headquarters of the photo studio?"

"I don't know."

"Then how do you accept the task, and how do you receive it after completing the task? Bounty?"

Ye Qianxing's complexion is getting worse and worse, this guy is completely unaware of one question.

"Oh, through this, as long as someone publishes a task in the dark building, there will be a display here, and you can choose to accept it. After completing the task, you will have a special person in front of the dark building. Come to investigate and confirm that after the mission is completed, they will contact me and pay me the agreed bounty." Hou Hao hurriedly took out a machine, and there were indeed many assassination missions on it.

Ye Qianxing also saw his name, as well as information about him. The levels displayed above are from the fifth stage and five stages to the fifth stage and seven stages.

"Eight million copper spirit coins? Am I worth the money?"

Ye Qianxing laughed, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to see who is the publisher of the reward.

Besides, this machine has no other functions besides receiving tasks.

It seems that this dark building is still extremely vigilant, and does not believe these part-time assassins at all.

Ye Qianxing put the machine away, Hou Hao hurriedly knocked his head at Ye Qianxing.

"I have said everything I know, please let me go. I have an 80-year-old mother and a child who is just full moon below. I..."

Pu chi!

Before Hou Hao finished speaking, Ye Qianxing pierced his throat with a sword.

Ye Qianxing is not the Holy Mother, he can give selflessly to the people he cares about.

But for this kind of person who wants to harm himself, he will never hesitate.

even more how, this guy pretended to be Ye Qianxing's parents in his dream before. This has touched Ye Qianxing's bottom line and touched his murderous intent.

Since Hou Hao is worthless, Ye Qianxing will naturally not keep him.

"Qianxing, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Ruoxi asked frowned. Now I don’t know if it is the reward issued by who, Ye Qianxing will always be in danger.

This time is good luck, but what about next time, what about next time?

Ye Qianxing impossible has such good luck every time.

"If this matter is not handled properly, I have trouble sleeping and eating. Next, I plan to use this machine to bring out the official personnel of the dark building first, and then slowly figure out a solution."

Ye Qianxing said.

However, before that, he has one more thing to do.

"Ding, a recoverable ghost is detected nearby, do you want to recover?"

The voice of system sounded in my mind.

The demon soul of Devouring Soul Beast also slowly floated out of Hou Hao's body.

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