A five-and-a-half-star demon soul is worth 500,000 recovery points.

As usual, Ye Qianxing just recycled it.

But this time, Ye Qianxing shook the head.

"No recycling."

Then he grabbed the Demon Soul of the Dream Eater, and called out the Shadow General.

After that, I entered the creative space of system with them.

Yes, Ye Qianxing intends to fuse the shadow commander with the demon soul of the Dream Eater.

Dream Devouring Beast is a born assassin, and the shadow commander belongs to the type of assassin here in Ye Qianxing. His assassination technique Ye Qianxing is also very suitable.

So Ye Qianxing thinks that these two can be integrated.

When the time comes, the shadow general should be able to acquire the ability of the Dream Eater, and his assassination ability should be one step closer.

"However, the quality of this Dream Devouring Beast is still slightly lower. The movie director has been with me for so long anyway. Its quality must be improved by some means, and I said that it is necessary to give him a soul "

Ye Qianxing thought to himself, so he called up the system interface and entered the mall template.

He still has a recovery value of close to two million, so he plans to go to the system mall to see if he can buy something good for the movie director.

The system mall has a dazzling array of products, but the system is user-friendly, and the mall has a sorting and filtering function.

Ye Qianxing directly chose the Shadow System and the Ghost System.

Soon, a lot of treasures of the shadow and ghost systems appeared in front of Ye Qianxing's eyes, and he swallowed wildly.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have a phobia of choice. Looking at these treasures, he wanted everything.

"The little child makes the choice. As an adult, I should have everything, but... my wallet does not allow me to be so arrogant."

Ye Qianxing once again found out When I arrived, I was a poor ghost.

Ye Qianxing screened the price again. Between one million and two million, he couldn't afford it if it was more than two million, and he didn't like it if it was less than one million.

There is a lot of missing on the shelves, but there are still several pages of goods.

There are dozens of treasures.

"This is... a ghost shadow mask?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly noticed a treasure on the shelf called a ghost shadow mask.

Seven-star half-class treasure, this is the highest quality among the treasures with a price of two million.

[treasure]: ghost shadow mask

[evaluation]: seven-star half grade

[attribute]: shadow system/ghost system

[Introduction]: Legend has it that the soul of the Queen of the Dark Kingdom is sealed in this mask. Wearing this mask, you can become the new ghost shadow queen, who has the power to control the Sombra Corps, as long as it exists in the dark or in the shadows In the place where you can summon countless shadow soldiers to fight for it.

After reading this introduction to the [ghost shadow mask], Ye Qianxing couldn't help laughing.

This thing is simply too suitable for movie stars.

He regretted not seeing this [mask] early.

But even if he saw it early, he couldn't afford it. After all, it was worth two million in recycling value!

If he hadn't made a lot of money in the monster beast dungeon this time, how could he afford such an expensive one?

"It doesn't matter, buy it first."

Ye Qianxing thought so, so he clicked to buy.

The numbers in the column of recovery values ​​on the upper right were immediately cleared, and Ye Qianxing felt distressed for a while.

"Money is bastard, we can earn it if we don't."

He can only comfort himself like this.

Soon, [ghost shadow mask] appeared in Ye Qianxing's hands.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly entered the creative space again.

In the creation space, Ye Qianxing put the shadow commander, the dream-eater, and the ghost shadow mask together, and the three began to blend.

"The hand of the system, the force of creation, move the gears of destiny, weng!"

weng!! !

The three blended together, first turning into a cloud of darkness, and then slowly condensing into a human form.

It looks roughly like a woman, but her whole body is black, as if she was wearing a night gown.

On his head, long black hair fluttering in ink, and a grimace mask with a terrifying expression on his face.

[Spirit Pet]: Shadow Dream Hunter

[attribute]: Shadow System/Ghost System

[Evaluation]: Seven Stars and Half Grade (Growth Type)

[Level]: SS4

[Ability]: 1. Assassination (hidden darkness, sneak attack target, one-shot lore)

2. ghost Shadow Legion (the advanced version of the skill Shadow Clone, comes from the ability of the ghost shadow mask. If there is a shadow nearby or in the dark, you can summon ghost shadow Legion. The number of Legion depends on the level of its ghost shadow soldiers. The higher the level, the less the shadow. The highest soldier level shall not exceed the main body)

3. Dreamland (the shadow dream hunter can enter the dreamland of the target, modify the dreamland of the target, if it is unsteady or may be affected, it will become a puppet, shadow hunter Dreamers can also devour their dreams and kill people invisible.)

[Weakness]: Light System/Demon System

"Shadow Dream Hunter, pay respects to the master."

A female voice rang from the mouth of [Shadow Dream Hunter]. Of course, because she was wearing a mask, Ye Qianxing didn't know if she spoke with her mouth.

It was a female voice, Ye Qianxing guessed that the soul of the Queen of the Dark Kingdom sealed in the ghost shadow mask was integrated into the [Dark Dream Hunter].

In this way, [Shadow Dream Hunter] can be considered to have its own consciousness.

Including the memories of the previous Shadow Guard and the shadow commander, [Shadow Dream Hunter] also has all of them.

"You don't need to call my master. If you like, you can call my boss or Qianxing just like them. We are not masters and servants, but partners."

Ye Qianxing Said sincerely.

"Okay, boss."

[Shadow Dream Hunter] said with some joy.

She already has her own consciousness, and her soul is still the queen of the dark kingdom.

Although she is loyal to Ye Qianxing from the heart because of the system, there is still some discomfort in asking her to call out the title of master.

This is due to her character as a queen.

Ye Qianxing said that they were not masters and servants, but partners, which gave her respect.

This is what makes her most happy.

"Let's go out first, just in time for you to meet with other partners."

Ye Qianxing said, with a movement of his mind, he and the Shadow Dream Hunter returned to the room.

Ye Qianxing summoned Erbaiwu and others out again.

Although the Shadow Dreamer has previous memories, it is the first time for Erbaiwu and the others to know her. They only knew a body before.

"We all have names, my name is Erbaiwu, she is sister Ruoxi, he is Vajra, he is Xiao Taixu, he is Xiao Yan, he is Xiao Lei, your name is so long, you definitely can’t Just shout, it's better to call Xiaoan, or Xiaoying."

This guy is familiar with Erbaiwu, so he gave the Shadow Dreamer a nickname.

However, this guy's ability to choose names is as bad as Ye Qianxing.

Although the Shadow Dreamer is wearing a mask, Ye Qianxing can still guess that her face must be covered with black lines at this time.

"I'm a girl, can I take a normal name?"

It took a long time for the Shadow Dreamer to calm down and try to speak in a gentle tone.

"Well, it makes sense, then call Xiaohun."


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