"Okay, your name is just like Qianxing. It's bad."

Lin Ruoxi blanked Erbaiwu unceremoniously and said.

Ye Qianxing's name is really bad, otherwise, why would you give this guy a weird name like Erbaiwu?

"Let me come, just call Xiaomeng, it's suitable for girls."

Lin Ruoxi thought for a while and said.


The Shadow Dreamer hurriedly nodded.

Although the name is a bit cute, it doesn't fit her status as a queen.

But it sounds better than Erbaiwu's names.

Erbaiwu indignantly glanced at Lin Ruoxi, groaned.

"I was just about to say this name, I was preempted by you."

In this way, the name of the Shadow Dreamer was officially established, and it was called Xiao Meng.

Ye Qianxing thought of the dark building and his expression became serious.

"Okay, the next step is business. We must figure out who is behind the scenes who initiated the arrest warrant against me. This feeling of being stared at me in secret is not good."

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

He has erected a lot of enemies, so it is difficult to guess who is hiding him behind his back.

Since I can't guess, I can only investigate.

As for how to investigate, there is only the dark building line at present.

Ye Qianxing took out the machine that Hou Hao gave him specifically for accepting tasks, and after entering the received interface, he found that this interface was also divided into two sections.

Incomplete and completed.

There is a parenthesis next to completed, which shows this number.


Although this guy is only a part-timer, he has killed a lot of people.

At a glance, Ye Qianxing found that the assassins were all local to Jizhou City. It seems that the killers of these dark buildings also have territorial branches.

There is only one module so it is not completed, it is Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing clicked in, checked the box next to Completed, and a window popped up soon.

[Are you sure you have completed the task?

There are two buttons [Yes] and [No] below.


Ye Qianxing Click the [Yes] button.

A window pops up again.

[The application for task completion has been sent, please wait for the staff to confirm. 】

"Well, then, we just need to wait for the rabbits, and then give them a catching a turtle in a jar."

Ye Qianxing's mouth raised a sneer.

Then he took out a mask from the portable space and put it on his face...

Several hours passed quietly.

The sky has gradually been blushing, and the sky is about to dawn.

But the sun did not rise, and the earth was still dark.

Under the lighting of the street lights, several dark shadows passed by the residents of the Dayan Academy.

Because Ye Qianxing is an S-Rank student, the university has a special treatment, and the residential area arranged for him is extremely large and spacious.

The residential area of ​​an S-Rank student of Norwegian University has to be several hundred acres of land, but there are only no more than ten houses.

The nearest student housing is several kilometers away.

This is for the academy to create a quiet environment for S-Rank students.

This is also a good thing for Ye Qianxing. After all, he has too many secrets. If there are few people nearby, of course it is best.

Soon, the black shadows moved towards Ye Qianxing's house ran over.

They are very fast, and if their eyes are good, some afterimages can be seen.

I guess I can only feel a wind blowing through my eyes, but I can't see anything clearly.

"It's there."

A muffled voice sounded, and the black shadows quickly entered Ye Qianxing's villa through the window, and went directly to the master bedroom. .

It seems that their investigation is quite clear, even Ye Qianxing lives in the master bedroom.

In the master bedroom, Hou Hao is standing upright on the spot, and a person is lying on the bed not far from him, huddled in the blanket.

Suddenly, Hou Hao suddenly turned his head as if he felt something.

Three people in night clothes appeared behind him at some point.

"Are you the staff in the dark building responsible for confirming whether the task is completed?"

Hou Hao asked.

"Well, the target is the one on the bed, right?"


Hou Hao nodded, the staff in the three dark buildings moved Go towards the bed.

Hou Hao suddenly asked again.

"Who is the one who issued the reward order?"

The three dark building staff step one stopped and stopped.

One of them turned around and looked towards Hou Hao.

Their entire faces are wrapped, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

But Hou Hao can still see that he must be frowned at this time.

"Do you not understand the rules of the dark building? Just do your task, don't care about what you shouldn't."

The man coldly said, he turned to check the bed condition.

But just as he turned halfway around, there was a scream from his companion behind him.

"Not good, sixth, be careful, fraud!"

The sixth is the dark building staff who threatened Hou Hao just now.

He reacted very quickly, and he wanted to turn back quickly.

But unfortunately, it's still over.

Hou Hao did not know when he had already appeared by his side, and a dagger with purple, golden, silver and black mixed together had wiped his neck.

The sixth child felt a cold in his throat, and something kept flowing out.

I couldn't speak even if I wanted to speak, my consciousness began to blur.

The body has no strength, moved towards and fell to the ground.

Moments before closing his eyes, he finally saw the man lying on the bed.

"Why is he different from the target's photo? Wait, this person is so familiar, isn't he Hou Hao?"

There are several questions in the mind of the sixth man .

But soon, the screen went black just like a power-off computer.

He was right, the man on the bed is Hou Hao.

The remaining two black clothed persons had already reacted, and after seeing the death of their companions, they immediately became angry.

"Who are you? Those who dare to kill the dark building, you are dead!"

one of the black clothed persons asked angrily.

Hou Hao, that's not right. At this time, the word Hou Hao should be enclosed in double quotes.

He sneaked and said.

"Why, let the people in your dark building kill me, can't I kill you?"

"Who are you!"

"Hehe, they all say how professional the dark building is. In my opinion, it's just this, your goal is right in front of you. You actually asked who I am?"

"Hou Hao" snered and stretched out his hand A touch on the face.

His face, even clothes and height changed suddenly, as if he was no longer the same as Hou Hao before.

"You are...Ye Qianxing!"

The staff in these two dark buildings finally understand, there are no two Hou Hao.

The one in front of them was disguised by their target Ye Qianxing.

It’s just that he pretends too much, right?

They can't find the slightest.

The dark building is not without such a disguised killer, they have also seen it.

But none of them is as real as Ye Qianxing disguised. There is no weak spot. Even the voice, tone and breath are exactly the same.

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