"Not good, every time he attacks formidable power is stronger than before."

"His damage will stack!"

Xiang Luming suddenly realized Every time Ye Qianxing attacked, the formidable power was a bit bigger than before.

His face suddenly changed.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose.

"What should I do? What should I do? Yes!"

In an emergency, Xiang Luming's brain moved very fast.

He was shocked, one after another white mist erupted from his body.

Directly cover most of the arena.

Ye Qianxing, who was performing a combination of moves, suddenly lost his vision and was forced to stop.

"This guy is very smart, and he has a way to stop my combo."

Ye Qianxing was a little surprised. Xiang Luming was the first to interrupt his combo so far. people.

Without vision, Ye Qianxing couldn't find the position of Xiang Luuming.

"Want a sneak attack?"

Suddenly, a segment flashed in Ye Qianxing's mind.

An ice crystal sharp claw moved towards his own back stabbed away.

"Heh, I'm afraid you won't attack."

Ye Qianxing smiled, if he didn't attack Luming, he didn't know what to do.

But if you attack Luming, he will be able to find the opponent's location.


Ye Qianxing crossed the Leiqie Sword, and the ice crystal sharp claw slapped it on the Leiqie Sword with a crisp sound.

Then Ye Qianxing without the slightest hesitation rushed out and hit a real object directly, but it was a cold hard object, which should have hit the lumen ice crystal armor.

This fist Ye Qianxing used the dual explosion of Titan fist and Cun Jin. Even if Luming is protected by ice crystal armor, that fist will definitely not make him feel good.

"en? Why didn't you attack?"

However, after a while, Ye Qianxing didn't predict Xiang Luming's next attack.

It seems that Xiang Luming should have guessed that Ye Qianxing has the ability to predict, so he chose to wait and see.

Want to waste time.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, burst!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, his body shook, and the azure flame spilled all around.

When you come into contact with the white mist that is condensed from the cold, you will make a burning sound of chi chi chi.

Those white mists were directly evaporated by Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

In a fire sea, he rushed out to the embarrassed silhouette of Lumen.

The temperature of this Qinglian Earth Core Fire is too high, but after a while, he feels that the coldness on his body is fading rapidly.

"Damn it, this guy is obviously restraining me."

He cursed secretly to Liuming.

Ye Qianxing took back the Qinglian Earth Core Fire and released so many flames at once that it almost hollowed him out.

Fortunately, this thing can be recovered.

"Now you, like me, don’t consume time anymore. No, you don’t consume time more accurately than me. You are injured by my sword, and it’s hard for the wound to heal itself unless you take spiritual medicine. ."

"Your blood will flow more and more, and if you drag it down, I will be exhausted at best, and you are probably bleeding too much and shocked."

Ye Qianxing said.

"I know, so since we don't consume time anymore, let's decide the outcome with one move."

Xiang Luming said weakly.

After bleeding so much, his face and lips are a little pale.

Ye Qianxing is right. If he drags on, he will bleed too much and go into shock before Ye Qianxing is exhausted.

"How to determine the outcome with one move?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Raising a hand to Luming, countless Power of Frost rushed out of his arm.

Condensed into an ice crystal beast claw in midair.

The ice crystal beast claws were originally huge, but under the operation towards Lumen, they began to shrink.

But at the same time it is more solid.

"This is my strongest skill, Frost Claw. If you can block my this move, then I lose."

Talking to Luming is a bit laborious, obviously using This move puts a lot of pressure on him.

"Okay, let the horse come here."

Ye Qianxing's face also became serious.

"Frost Claws, go!"

Forcibly released another cold air to Lumen and melted into the Frost Claws.

Finally, with a big hand, he controlled the ice crystal beast claw to rush towards Ye Qianxing.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the earth burns the sky!"

Ye Qianxing two shots, a large azure flame burst out and turned into a fire wave to attack that one Ice crystal beast claws.

The ice crystal beast claw directly broke through the fire wave. Although it was only half burned by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, it still shot Ye Qianxing strongly.

The speed is extremely fast. Although Ye Qianxing reacted, he couldn't avoid it.

Because he can feel that he is locked by it.

Can't avoid, can only resist.

"The body of the flame soul!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes burst with turbulent flames, and his whole body was instantly covered by Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

His whole person is directly transformed into a Fire Element body.

At the same time, the ice crystal beast claw has passed through Ye Qianxing's chest.

A big hole appeared.

But it was quickly made up for by flames from other locations.

After the ice crystal beast claws passed through Ye Qianxing, they lost their lock on him.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly recovered his body. The consumption of elementalization was too great for him. Even if the reverse scale 2nd layer was turned on, he would not last long.

After all, such a powerful life-saving ability, if it can be used casually, it is really too bad.

"I have taken your last one..."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, just as he spoke, Xiang Luming's face suddenly changed.

Become very scared.

He has never seen Xiang Luming showing such a terrified expression, and his gaze is not on himself, but on his back.

Ye Qianxing hastened to look around if he felt something.

His face also changed.

I saw that ice crystal beast claws passed through his body and shot straight towards the direction of the Golden Temple behind him.

A wall of fire was set up by the Flame Emperor to resist the cold.

But this was just a wall of fire randomly arranged by the Flame Emperor, and that ice crystal beast claw was the strongest blow to Lumen.

So the ice crystal beast claw directly broke through the wall of fire, and moved towards the Xueer Princess beside the Flame Emperor and shot it away.

Xueer Princess is just an ordinary person, no, not even an ordinary person.

If you are injured by an ice crystal beast claw, even if you just wipe it off, there will definitely be something wrong.

However, just when the ice crystal beast claw was less than one meter away from Xueer Princess, at the crucial moment, a flame giant claw suddenly appeared.

Directly hold the ice crystal beast claw fiercely and crush it.

It was the Flame Emperor, he was the first to react in the emergency and saved the Princess of Cher.

"Xue'er, are you okay?"

Flame Emperor lose one's head out of fear.

Even when facing major events in those countries, he always looked indifferent.

But Xue Er Princess alone will make him feel moved.

His favorite woman has died because of him, and Cher is her continuation.

The Flame Emperor will never let her have an accident.

"Imperial Father, don't worry, I, I'm fine..."

Xueer was still a smiling face and didn't want Flame Emperor to worry about it.

But when she talked about the back, her face became paler, and finally she closed her eyes and fainted.

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