"Xue'er! Xue'er! What are you guys doing in a daze? Go and call Shan Lao!"

As soon as Xueer Princess fainted, Flame Emperor panicked directly.

moved towards the people around him are angrily roared.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Flame Emperor was furious, how dare they waste time, and hurried to the residence of Chief Immortal Medicine Master Dan as quickly as possible .

The Flame Emperor hugged Xueer Princess and saw that she was shiver coldly at this time.

A layer of frost appeared on his face, and even the exhaled breath was very cold.

Suddenly feel distressed.

He suddenly glared at Xiang Luming on the stage, this is the culprit.

It must be his ice crystal beast claw that stimulated Xue'er, which made her relapse.

"Come on, grab Xiang Luming for me!"

Flame Emperor angrily roared, immediately below there are guards to surround Xiang Luming.

Xiang Luming didn't struggle at all, and didn't run away.

With Flame Emperor present, if he struggles or runs away, it is courting death.

"If Xueer has something to do, I swear that you will let Xiangjia be buried with her as a whole!"


Hearing what Flame Emperor said, Xiang Luming's face became even more ugly.

He knew that Flame Emperor one word worth nine sacred tripods, what he said was not a joke.

Even the prince who asked Luming to participate in the trials didn't dare to intercede for him at this time.

Now at this time, anyone who dares to intercede is for death.

Soon, an old silhouette, supported by several guards, quickly moved towards the Jinluan Temple and rushed towards it.

When the Flame Emperor saw the old silhouette, his face was happy.

The color of worry has diminished a lot.

"Lao Shan, come and take a look, Xue'er's disease has committed again, and it may have just been stimulated."

The Flame Emperor said hurriedly.

"Your Majesty is in no hurry, wait for the old man to take a look."

The old man walked to Xueer Princess's side, touched her forehead, and took a pulse.

His brows began to frown.

"Your Majesty, as I said before, the lack of Little Princess Innate Qi is a disease of physical weakness. It must be recuperated with daily warming, not cold, let alone stimulation."

"Lao Shan, now that these are no longer useful, do you think there is a way to make up for it?"

The Flame Emperor is even more anxious, and Xueer Princess is in more and more state at this time Difference.

If this continues, she may be frozen by the frost on her body.

Shan Lao groaned for a moment, frowning tightly, seemingly embarrassed.

Under the repeated urging of Flame Emperor, Old Shan finally spoke.

"The irritation that Little Princess received this time is not small, the illness is more serious, and the severe disease needs to be treated with strong medicine, so the old man thinks that perhaps the Qiyang Great Repairing Pill can be used to make up for Little Princess's deficiency and cold physique."

"Seven Suns Great Repairing Pill? Old Shan, as far as I know, this pill is also among the best in Grade 7 Immortal Pill. Didn't you say that you are not sure of refining? "

The Flame Emperor asked nervously.

"It did not exist before, but recently the old man alchemy level has improved, and the success rate has increased a bit, maybe you can give it a try."

Shan Lao said with some pride.

After these years of hard work, his alchemy level has improved a lot.

Although I was not promoted to Grade 8, it was not much worse.

At least the success rate of refining Grade 7 high-level Immortal Pill has improved a lot, and he has also succeeded in the top-level Immortal Pill of Grade 7.

Qiyang Great Repairing Pill is the top-level Immortal Pill of Grade 7.

"Okay, then according to Mr. Shan, come here and get all the spiritual medicine needed by Qiyang Great Repairing Pill!"

The Flame Emperor hurriedly ordered.

But at this moment, an untimely voice came from behind him.

"If Little Princess is given Qiyang Great Repairing Pill, she will probably be killed on the spot."


As soon as this sentence appeared, everyone's gaze looked towards one place.

Even Flame Emperor and Shan Lao are no exception.

Yan Shenshen and Yan Heng complexion changed.


Yan Shenshen wanted to stop Ye Qianxing, but was pulled by Yan Heng.

Yan Heng shook the head to Yan Shenshen, at this time, even if they were Princess princes, they couldn't bear the anger of the Flame Emperor.

Third Prince Yan Li looked towards Ye Qianxing with a sneer.

Xindao, this guy is simply courting death. When Flame Emperor Your Majesty was most anxious, he even dared to say such things.

It seems that he does not need to do it himself, he has to die without a burial site.

Sure enough, when the Flame Emperor heard Ye Qianxing's words, his eyes suddenly filled with chill.

Xueer became like this. Although it was mainly caused by Xiang Lumen, it was not unrelated to Ye Qianxing.

Although he didn't say it directly, he still blames Ye Qianxing in his heart.

Now Ye Qianxing took the initiative to find a sense of existence, and even dared to curse Xue'er with words, which angered the Flame Emperor even more.

"Impudent, who allowed you to come here, come, take him down!"

The Flame Emperor blasted angrily, and the guards moved towards Ye Qianxing and walked over.

But at this moment, Shan Lao spoke up.


As soon as Shan Lao spoke, the Flame Emperor waved his hand and signaled the guards to wait first.

Although Shan Lao is old, his eyes are piercing. He looked towards Ye Qianxing and his expression is a bit unkind.

"Boy, why do you say that Little Princess will be killed on the spot by taking Qiyang Great Repairing Pill?"

Shan Lao said in a bad tone.

As the chief Immortal Medicine teacher of the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty, he has been highly respected for so many years, and no one has ever questioned him.

Ye Qianxing was the first one, so it made him feel uncomfortable.

Ye Qianxing faintly smiled, even if he had just faced the pressure of the Flame Emperor, he did not show the slightest fear.

At this time, facing the long-famous chief Immortal Medicine division, he was also not at all nervous.

"Great grandfather, I am saving you, why do you still have this attitude toward me?"

"What do you mean?"

See Ye Qianxing looked full of confidence, and Shan Lao frowned even more tightly.

"On the surface, Little Princess’s illness is not a disease of physical weakness as you said, oh, it’s not all wrong. Little Princess does have physical weakness, but her illness is not caused by it, Little The reason why Princess is frail and sick is that there has always been a ghost in her body."

Ye Qianxing said.


When he said this, everyone was stunned.

Shan Lao even shook his head.

"The old man has lived for so many years, and I have never heard of ghosts."

"That's you, unknown and inexperienced."

Ye Qianxing Said unceremoniously, Shan Lao's face suddenly sank.

No one has ever said that he is "ignorant and inexperienced" in public. Ye Qianxing is the first one.

"Hehe, you really dare to say anything. Shan Lao is the chief Immortal Medicine teacher of my Yan Emperor Dynasty, and the dignified Grade 7 Immortal Medicine teacher. He has eaten more salt than you I have eaten so much more in this life. How dare you say that Shan Lao is unknown and inexperienced?"

Third Prince sneered sharply.

Add fuel to the fire at this time, and see if you Ye Qianxing are still alive?

Ye Qianxing glanced sharply and smiled.

"Grade 7 Immortal Medicine teacher? It seems like who is different."

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