"The severe things are the next thing right now, Brother Ye, are you really sure to cure Little Princess's disease?"

Yan Heng asked with some worry.

If you dare to deceive the Flame Emperor, it is the crime of deceiving the emperor.

When the time comes, it is not just Ye Qianxing, the anger of Flame Emperor, it will even affect Yan Shenshen and him.

"As long as the Flame Emperor can gather the spiritual medicine I said, I am 80% sure of curing Little Princess's disease. Your Majesty, don’t worry, I’m always impossible to make fun of my life. "

Ye Qianxing gave Yan Heng a relieved expression.

Then he yawned.

"Ha... now we are not concerned about these issues, but should go back to eat a meal to make up for sleep, and don't wake me up so early in the future."

While talking, Ye Qianxing moved towards the Imperial Palace and walked outside.

Yan Heng and Yan Shenshen looked at each other, but they were speechless.

Ye Qianxing just kept complaining about being sleepy and hungry. They thought it was a joke.

From now on, it is really no doubt.

You are someone who can defeat the sixth rank Monster Soul Master anyway. Couldn't you even overcome this bit of sleepiness and hunger?

Ye Qianxing said that it can be overcome, but it is not necessary.

Why should we overcome the enjoyment of sleeping and eating?

After three days of this, Ye Qianxing only sleeps and eats during these three days. In his free time, Yan Heng or Yan Shenshen will take him to the prosperous area of ​​Beijing.

It was really uncomfortable, without any worries.

Until the fourth day, a team of people in the palace rushed to the Fifth Prince Mansion, saying that it was the Flame Emperor who ordered Ye Qianxing to go to the palace immediately to treat Little Princess.

"Oh? Your Majesty got all those spiritual medicines so soon?"

Ye Qianxing asked somewhat surprised.

"Yes, Young Master Ye, let's set off now, Your Majesty is very anxious."

A guard leader who came to receive Ye Qianxing said respectfully.

He knows the strength of the youngster next to him. Although he is only a Tier 5 Peak, he can even defeat Xiang Luming of the imperial city number one genius.

It shows that his surface rank does not match his strength at all, at least he has reached the sixth rank level.

This is almost the same as him. It is really young and promising. It is also appreciated by the Flame Emperor. Therefore, the head of the guards respected Ye Qianxing completely willingly.

"Let's go, let's go."

Ye Qianxing didn't waste time, just got on the animal cart specially prepared by them.

Drive to the Imperial Palace.

This time Yan Heng and Yan Shenshen did not follow. After all, the Flame Emperor did not summon them. If they enter at will, it will inevitably cause Flame Emperor to be uncomfortable.

"Don’t worry about the little girl, it’s useless for us to follow. If he succeeds, the Imperial Father will naturally not treat him. If it fails, even if we are here, the Imperial Father won’t do anything. The slightest softness."

Yan Heng looked at Yan Shenshen's worried expression, sighed and softly comforted.

He couldn't see that he, the only biological younger sister, has feelings for Ye Qianxing beyond ordinary friends.

It's just that maybe she doesn't even know it, after all, the authorities are crazy.

However, in Yan Heng's view, they may not have a chance.

Ye Qianxing is not a thing in the pool, the future world is very vast, and it is not something that Yan Shenshen can pursue.

Imperial Palace, take the Moon Pavilion, this is the boudoir of Little Princess Yan Xueer.

For this baby girl, Flame Emperor took great pains to arrange a flame vein underground in the Moon Pavilion, and build several pipelines, extending for tens of meters, to connect to the in midair Moon Pavilion.

The entire Moon Pavilion is in midair, the air is fresh, and you can look into the distance.

There is also a setting similar to floor heating, which is indeed very comfortable.

"Young Master Ye, please come here."

The guard leader led Ye Qianxing onto a stone platform, press a button, and the stone platform began to rise.

Isn’t this the elevator?

Ye Qianxing feels a bit interesting.

Soon, they came to the Moon Pavilion, which was nearly 100 meters high.

"Young Master Ye, please come in."

The guard opened the door for Ye Qianxing, but did not enter.

This kind of special place, without the permission of the Flame Emperor, no one would dare to enter.

As soon as Ye Qianxing enters the Moon Pavilion, assaults the senses is warm.

The temperature in this room is almost 27-eight degrees Celsius, if ordinary people stay here, they will definitely feel hot, but Yan Xueer's physique is special, and this temperature is just right.

Apart from this, Ye Qianxing also smelled a faint fragrance. He didn't know what fragrance it was. Although it was very light, it smelled very good.

Even Ye Qianxing felt relaxed and joyful for a while.

"Come here."

The Flame Emperor's voice sounded.

Ye Qianxing got closer and saw Yan Xueer lying on the bed.

In addition to a few maids beside the bed, there are two figures, one is Flame Emperor, the other is Shan Lao.

That is, the chief Immortal Medicine division of the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty.

"Senior Ye."

As soon as Shan Lao saw Ye Qianxing, he hurriedly stood up and bowed to him.

Ye Qianxing was very distressed. He was called senior by an old man, how awkward he listened, and he felt how old he was.

But he didn't insist on letting Shan Lao change his mouth, mainly because this old man was too stubborn and didn't change his mouth.

"Lao Shan, why are you here?"

Ye Qianxing asked. He didn't mean anything else, he just asked casually, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

Flame Emperor explained.

"Lao Shan also took a lot of effort to help me gather those spiritual medicines. This time I offered to come over to watch you treat Xueer, and I agreed."

"The old man is indeed unknown and inexperienced. He really doesn't understand evil and evil things, so I want to take a look and have a long experience. If I encounter this kind of thing in the future, it may be helpful."

Shan Lao explained.

Ye Qianxing nodded, there is nothing to say, this is not a secret.

The voices of several people awakened Yan Xueer who was resting on the bed.

"Brother Brother Xing, you are here."

Yan Xueer looked at Ye Qianxing with joy and hurriedly got up from the bed.

Ye Qianxing was strange for a while, he had only seen two sides, so excited?

"Little Princess, can I trouble you with something?"

Ye Qianxing asked suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Xueer was puzzled.

"Um, can you change your name to me, Brother Xing, the name...in my heart belongs to one person alone."

Ye Qianxing said, with a complicated expression.

The tone is both lonely and happiness.

"Owned by one person alone? Who does it belong to? Eh, do you have a beautiful love story?"

Yan Xueer was excited, she likes to listen to stories most. Up.

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, thinking of the bit by bit with Xia Xiaoyu.

"Yes, that story is very beautiful."

Ye Qianxing said, he told the past, of course, not all.

Some things that shouldn't be said or can't be said, he hides them all.

But even so, after listening to Ye Qianxing's story, Yan Xueer was still full of emotion.

She was born frail and sickly, and spent almost all of her time in the Moon Pavilion.

I have never contacted other people, nor have I seen the outside world.

That’s why she likes to listen to stories. Every time she is fascinated, she will enter it.

I wonder if the Flame Emperor remembered his love after hearing Ye Qianxing's story, and his expression also changed.

"Xia Xiaoyu's elder sister must be very happy, but why did you separate?"

Yan Xueer asked in confusion.

Ye Qianxing took a deep breath.

"It was my fault that I lost her, but I will definitely get her back."

Ye Qianxing's tone was very firm, as if he was fighting Yan Xueer said that she seemed to swear to herself again.

"It's so touching, um, I will call you the big brother Ye from now on, but don't call me Little Princess, just call me Xueer."

Yan Xueer nodded said.

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