It was also a relief for the Flame Emperor to watch Xue'er and Ye Qianxing chat so happily.

Because Yan Xueer has rarely been in contact with others since she was a child, Yan Xueer is a bit withdrawn in character. Apart from him, she has never been so happy with other people.

Even the imperial brother sisters are the same.

Ye Qianxing counts as the second one.

"cough cough cough..."

Yan Xueer coughed suddenly, and Flame Emperor was nervous again.

He just remembered that now is not the time to chat.

"You can chat anytime, Ye Qianxing, you should refine the Return To Heaven Pill you mentioned first, I have all the spiritual medicine you mentioned."

Flame Emperor clapped his hands, some maids fetched some jade boxes.

As soon as the jade box was opened, the fragrance of spiritual medicine suddenly overflowed.

Ye Qianxing looked at it and it was indeed the material for Return To Heaven Pill.

"Ye Qianxing, these spiritual medicines are really hard to find, so there is only one copy. How confident are you... how confident are you that the refining is successful?"

The Flame Emperor asked nervously .

If there is enough material, he will not be so nervous, but now there is only one copy.

He heard that even if he is a Grade 8 Immortal Medicine teacher, refining the Grade 8 Immortal Pill is not necessarily successful. It may take a few failures to find a pattern.

Ye Qianxing is so young, are you really sure?

"Would you like to let Shan Lao help you?"

"No, just prepare a quiet house for me."

Ye Qianxing shook his head , Shennong Cauldron's existence can not be exposed.

Not to mention anything else, its autonomous pill concocting function alone is estimated to cause a major earthquake in the entire Medicine Refining Master industry.

Shan Lao was a little disappointed, and originally wanted to see how Ye Qianxing refines Grade 8 Immortal Pill.

This is of great help to the improvement of his alchemy level.

But Ye Qianxing has said that he does not want anyone to watch, naturally he will not insist on it anymore.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause resentment.

"Okay, there are several auxiliary pavilions in the Moon Pavilion, you can choose at will."

The Flame Emperor said that the entire Moon Pavilion is not only one house.

Ye Qianxing is also welcome. He took away those jade boxes, then chose a house and locked it up.

After looking around again, he took Shennong Cauldron out after he was sure there was no problem.

"Huh, I hope it will happen."

Ye Qianxing took a long breath and calmed his mind.

According to the data analyzed by the eye of system, Return To Heaven Pill is Grade 8 Intermediate Immortal Pill.

He has not tried to refine the Grade 8 Immortal Pill, and the highest level of refinement is only the Grade 7 top-level Immortal Pill which is comparable to the ordinary Grade 8.

"Come on!"

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate for too long, so he poured all the Immortal Medicine in the jade box into Shennong Cauldron.

Shennong Cauldron felt the breath of Immortal Medicine, and started to vibrate.

Ye Qianxing stared at Shennong Cauldron closely, not daring to blink his eyes.

It is impossible to say not to be nervous, but Ye Qianxing can only choose to believe it.

Ten minutes...half an hour...two hours...

As time passed by, Shennong Cauldron kept shaking, showing no sign of stopping. .

As usual, pill concocting, the slowest is only one or two hours.

But things are different now.

"en? How come the beast pattern on Shennong Cauldron shines, it seems to be still moving!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly found something was wrong.

Shennong Cauldron was originally portrayed with many birds and beasts. At this time, they all bloomed multi-colored, and these lines actually started to move.

It seems to be alive.

This is the first time Ye Qianxing has seen it, and it makes him a little bit not knowing what to do.

But it's useless to be nervous, Ye Qianxing didn't dare to touch it randomly, and could only wait quietly.

A few more hours have passed, and it remains the same.

Outside the room, in Yan Xue'er's boudoir, Flame Emperor waited impatiently.

It's been several hours, why haven't they come out?

If it weren't for Shan Lao who said that if the Medicine Refining Master was interrupted while refining the medicine, it would probably lead to failure, Yan Imperial Capital couldn't help but break in directly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, refining Grade 8 Immortal Pill is a very strict matter after all, so it is normal to spend more time."

Shan Lao comfortable.

"Great grandfather, will pill concocting be dangerous?"

Yan Xueer suddenly moved towards Shan Lao asked.

Shan Lao is nodded.

"Well, and the higher the medicine pill grade, the greater the risk. Once the furnace is fried, the Medicine Refining Master may even be backlashed."

Shan Lao said solemnly.

Yan Xue'er suddenly became nervous. Ye Qianxing was the best and happiest person to get along with besides Imperial Father. She didn't want Ye Qianxing to have an accident, and or for she was saved.

In this way, one day one night passed.

Flame Emperor and Shan Lao didn’t close their eyes all night. Yan Xueer wanted to wait all the time, but Flame Emperor quietly made some sleep aid cigarettes, and Yan Xueer fell asleep unconsciously. Up.

In the sub-chamber of Moon Pavilion, Ye Qianxing opened his eyes and stretched his waist.

Yes, he slept all night incense.

Although nervous, it does not prevent him from sleeping.

If the Flame Emperor and Shan Lao outside were to know that Ye Qianxing, who they had been worried about, was sleeping, and wondered if they would go violently.

Ye Qianxing wiped his eyes, then looked towards Shennong Cauldron.

"Huh, won't you move?"

He realized that Shennong Cauldron still didn't tremble.

The lines of birds and beasts that had been shining lightly last night also stopped, just like before.

But Ye Qianxing always feels that Shennong Cauldron is a little different from before. He doesn't know what is different, just feels different.

"The eye of system, open."

Ye Qianxing didn't think much about it, and opened the eye of system to check it.

Suddenly, Shennong Cauldron's information turned into data appeared before Ye Qianxing.

[treasure]: Shennong Cauldron (75% repaired)

[evaluation]: eight-star

[function]: 1, independent pill concocting hundred 100% success rate, more than 50% rate to improve the quality of medicine pill.

2. Suppress refining, which can suppress living creatures and directly refining into medicine pill according to the special system of the suppressed.

"Hey... it's advanced!"

Ye Qianxing couldn't help being surprised after reading Shennong Cauldron's data.

No, strictly speaking is not advanced, but recovery.

Shennong Cauldron was definitely not only eight-star when he was the first, but now it has only been repaired 75%, and it is already eight-star.

If it was Peak period, wouldn't it be a nine-star or ten-star? Even higher Divine Grade?

It is really possible, after all, system at first said, this is Ancient Divine Artifact.

Can Divine Item be controlled by anything?

"There is one more function to suppress refining? Doesn't it mean that Shennong Cauldron can also be used as an offensive Spiritual Artifact?"

Ye Qianxing is very satisfied, Just don't know what level of existence can be suppressed.

But now is not the time to study these, Ye Qianxing hurriedly opened the lid of the tripod.

Sure enough, there was a Return To Heaven Pill inside.


At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky, which shocked Ye Qianxing.

Outside the house, Flame Emperor and Shan Lao, who almost couldn't help but fell asleep, were also awakened by the thunder.

After a while, Shan Lao's face changed suddenly.

"Dan incense, a strong oen incense, and that thunder. It is rumored that the birth of Grade 8 Immortal Pill will trigger Dan Thunder Tribulation. Could it be that Senior Ye really succeeded!"

Shan Lao cried out in surprise.

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