An illusory shadow floated out, quickly revealing the whole picture.

This turned out to be... a skeleton!

Name: Nine Nether Skeleton King (Soul Body)

attribute: Demi-God Fire Element/Demon Element

Rating: Six-star

Rank: sixth rank second stage/SSS2

Ability: ghost bone inflammation

Weakness: Holy Spirit system/God Fire Element

Introduction: Control Heavenly Fire level ghost ghost bone inflammation, the body is an SR level (seventh rank Sovereign level) monster beast, and it is now in the Remnant Soul state, and only has SSS Level 2 battle strength.


After reading this skeleton message, Ye Qianxing couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Peak period turned out to be the seventh rank Sovereign level, and now there is also the sixth rank battle strength. It is definitely the strongest demon soul that Ye Qianxing has encountered after entering the Flame Emperor secret storage.

And this kind of fire is not simple. Although it is a Heavenly Fire level, it is absolutely top-notch among Heavenly Fire, so it was rated as Demi-God Fire Element by system.

"This ghost bone inflammation is so cold."

Ye Qianxing is close to the fire that emits dim-blue fire, so I can feel a cold breath .

This is very abnormal. It is obviously a flame, but the temperature is extremely low.

Just when Ye Qianxing was thinking to himself, the Nine Nether Skeleton Lord attacked him.

Senran White Bone sharp claw moved towards Ye Qianxing.

"Not good!"

Ye Qianxing reacted in time and dodged with a teleport quickly.

I was just too surprised at the temperature of the ghost ghost bone inflammation, and I forgot that there is a powerful opponent in front of me.

The second rank of the sixth rank, even Ye Qianxing would not dare to underestimate it.


Vajra was the nearest to Ye Qianxing, and Vajra was furious when he saw that Ye Qianxing was attacked.

With a loud scream, he lifted the Heaven Supporting Pillar in his hand and moved towards the Nine Nether Skeleton Lord.

Nine Nether Skeleton crossed his arms to block the Heaven Supporting Pillar, but his bones were beaten ka-cha straight by this huge force.


Suddenly, the flame of dim-blue was released by Nine Nether Skeleton Lord, and went straight to Vajra along the Heaven Supporting Pillar.


Vajra screamed suddenly and was forced to release the Heaven Supporting Pillar.

The whole person, no, the whole ape is shiver coldly.

Ye Qianxing discovered that the surface of the Heaven Supporting Pillar was actually covered with a layer of frost.

"This ghost ghost bone inflammation is so strange, different from normal flames."

Ye Qianxing frowned.

But this is not the time to think about this, I have to quickly treat Vajra.

Lin Ruoxi waved her magic wand to inject life energy into Vajra.

Erbaiwu also turned into a fighting state at this time.

"Nether Flame Strike!"

Nine hellfires spurted out, attacking the Nether Flame Strike directly.

Although the hell fire is only the Heavenly Fire, and it is not even as good as the ghost ghost bone inflammation, it is specifically aimed at the soul.

Nine Nether Skeleton Lord is now the soul body, then it will be restrained.


Nine Nether Skeleton Lord threw away a few ghost ghost bone inflammations, blasting the hellfire.

Then he raised his arm and flicked it sharply.

Its entire arm was detached unexpectedly, turned into a Bone Blade, and slashed towards Erbaiwu.

Erbaiwu's nine pairs of dog eyes are wide, too late to dodge.

"Time is stagnant."

At this moment, Bone Blade stopped abruptly when it was less than one meter away from Erbaiwu.

Erbaiwu knew that Xiao Taixu helped him, so he hurried away.

Almost as soon as he walked away, the time stagnation expired, and the Bone Blade flicked Erbaiwu's ears, making it burst into fright.

"Be careful!"

Ye Qianxing moved towards Erbaiwu yelled. Before the latter could react, Ye Qianxing teleported behind Erbaiwu.

Lei Qijian appeared in his hand, only to hear a bang.

The Bone Blade that turned back and the Leiqie Sword collided, and Ye Qianxing only felt a huge force coming.

My arms are tingling.

"Hold the sun, how can this thing whirl around!"

Erbaiwu's relaxed heart instantly lifted up.

If Ye Qianxing hadn't appeared in time, he might have had a few heads cut off.

"Pay attention to it, this guy is very difficult to deal with."

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

"Xiaoyan, fit together!"


Xiaoyan poured into Ye Qianxing's body, and Ye Qianxing's breath suddenly increased.

Vaguely reached the sixth rank level.

"The Sombra Corps."

Xiao Meng also made a move, and countless shadow warriors emerged, surrounding the Nine Nether skeletons.

bang!! !

However, next moment is a strong osseous impact.

All shadow warriors were instantly frozen into ice sculptures by ghost ghost bone inflammation, and then shattered.

That Nine Nether Skeleton King was too strong, and he broke Xiaomeng's skills in an instant.

"Xiao Lei, let's go together!"

Ye Qianxing moved towards Nine Heavens Lei Yun shouted.

Right now, the two of them are the strongest.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the earth burns the sky!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, Qinglian Earth Core Fire turned into a fire wave and attacked the Nine Nether skeleton.

At the same time, Xiao Lei has turned into a huge thundercloud, floating above Nine Nether Skeleton Lord.

With a rumbling sound, several thick thunder lightning descended.

Thunder and lightning have special effects on both the ghost system and the demon system, so it also has a certain restraint effect on the Nine Nether skeleton.

Nine Nether Skeleton can only condense the ghost ghost bone inflammation into a shield to block the thunder from the sky.

But if you block the upper part, you can't block the fire wave ahead.


The fire wave directly engulfed Nine Nether Skeleton Monarch, but Ye Qianxing did not dare to relax.

He knew that the opponent could be defeated so easily.

Sure enough, after the fire and thunder dissipated, Ye Qianxing looked over again. Although the Nine Nether Skeleton Lord seemed to be embarrassed a lot, he still couldn't reach the level of recovery.

"You guys, irritated this Monarch!"

A hoarse voice came from the Nine Nether skeleton monarch. There is only one skeleton left in this guy and I don’t know how to make the sound. of.

"Asura hell, bone formation."

Nine Nether Skeleton Lord coldly said, I saw the skeleton on his body began to extend unexpectedly.

Turned into a bone cage, trapping Ye Qianxing and the others in it.

Pu chi!

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing pierced a sharp claw under his feet.

However, Ye Qianxing has anticipation skills, which he had already expected, and he dodged.

At the same time, Erbaiwu and Vajra are also suffering from the bone formation.

Except for Xiao Taixu, they didn't have Ye Qianxing's predictive ability, so they were injured very quickly.

"I'm here to break it!"

Lin Ruoxi suddenly coldly said, arms raised, one after another Holy Spirit power began to gather.

"Sister Ruoxi is from the Holy Spirit type, and she has restrained herself from the demon type. Maybe she can break the square bone formation."

Ye Qianxing was overjoyed.

This square bone formation must be the skill of the Nine Nether Skeleton Monarch Demon Element. If you want to break it, you can only rely on Lin Ruoxi.

"You guys, cover Sister Ruoxi!"

Ye Qianxing shouted.

Vajra, Xiao Taixu and the others rushed to Lin Ruoxi's area to cover her.

Ye Qianxing was not idle either, relying on the space teleportation skills to leave the bone formation directly, and then rushed to Nine Nether Skeleton Lord, affecting it.

Around Lin Ruoxi, all those who tried to attack her were blocked by Vajra.

The power of the Holy Spirit condenses into a holy light sword, which is held by Lin Ruoxi.

"Angel's trial, break for me!"

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