Just listen to Lin Ruoxi loudly shouted, the strength of the Holy Spirit condenses into an angel. The holy sword slashes at the bone prison.

weng!! !

A humming sound rang, and a faint ka-cha bang came.

"It's cracked!"

Erbaiwu has nine heads and eighteen eyes. He has good eyesight. At first sight, he saw that the place where the bone wall was cut by the angel holy sword appeared. A crack.

ka-cha ……ka-cha ……ka-cha ……

It's like a chain reaction, cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

Until the last moment, it finally couldn't hold it, and it collapsed.


Lin Ruoxi seemed to be collapsed and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

That trick just now almost ran out of her power. Although the Holy Spirit restrained the demon system, Lin Ruoxi's level was too low after all, and it was a big class difference from the Nine Nether Skeleton Lord.

Lin Ruoxi is already very good at being able to break through the domain skills of Nine Nether Skeleton Monarch.

"Little Mud Fish, protect Sister Ruoxi, let's help the boss!"

Erbaiwu moved towards Xiao Taixu shouted, and ran towards Ye Qianxing.

Xiao Taixu's eyes stared, how could he be missing from the team fight?

But he just wanted to give Vajra this task to them, only to find that these guys had already run away.


In this regard, Xiao Tai Xu can only utter a foul language.

Ye Qianxing has been pestering Nine Nether Skeleton Monarch to buy time for Lin Ruoxi to break through the skull cage.

After combining with Xiaoyan, Ye Qianxing's battle strength has reached the level of the sixth rank.

Qinglian Earth Core Fire can also suppress the ghost bone inflammation to a certain extent, so Ye Qianxing can completely compete with the Nine Nether skeleton.


The bone prison was broken, and Nine Nether Skeleton also suffered a backlash, and his actions were delayed for a moment.

"Good opportunity!"

Ye Qianxing looked happy, how could he miss this opportunity?

Turn on the reverse scale 2nd layer directly, and suddenly a surge of energy poured into Ye Qianxing's body.

So his strength soared to the second rank of the sixth rank.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, burn it for me!"

Ye Qianxing pushed with both hands, the Qinglian Earth Core Fire surged out, turning into a fire wave and directly blasting Nine Nether Covered by Skull King.

Nine Nether Skeleton King reacted quickly and released the ghost ghost bone inflammation to try to resist the offensive of Qinglian Earth Core Fire. Unfortunately, in the same level, Qinglian Earth Core Fire can completely suppress the spirit. You bone inflammation.

The latter did not support for too long, and the fire wall shield made by the ghost bone inflammation was breakthrough by Qinglian Earth Core Fire. Under the impact of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, the silhouette of the Nine Nether skeleton quickly disappeared. change.

"Ding, the recoverable ghost is detected, do you want to recover?"

The system sounded a reminder, and Ye Qianxing hurriedly called for recovery in the heart.

"Ding, reclaim one of the six-star Nether Skeleton Lord Demon Soul, and get one million points of recovery value."

Listening to the system prompt, Ye Qianxing feels refreshed. exploded.

Another one million arrived, he estimated that there should be a chance to break ten million in the Flame Emperor secret store.

"Xiao Yan, swallow this ghost ghost bone inflammation."

Ye Qianxing separated from Xiao Yan and said.

Xiao Yan was unwilling to get close to Lingyou Osteitis.

"Boss, this Arcane Fire is a cold attribute, I don't like it."

Xiao Yan said.

Ye Qianxing scratched his head, isn't this a waste of effort?

Just when he was going to persuade Xiao Yanjiang to swallow it, Erbaiwu suddenly ran over and rubbed Ye Qianxing's trousers.

"Hehe, boss, this ghost ghost bone inflammation is Arcane Fire of the demon system."

"Oh, then."

Ye Qianxing glanced at He glanced at Erbaiwu and asked casually.

"Boss, I am also of the Demon type, so...hehe."

Erbaiwu smiled cheaply and returned to the primordial Erha state, waiting for a pair of bright and intelligent Big eyes are cute.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help laughing.

"If you want it, you want it. I also leave it here to imply that if this ghost bone inflammation is useful to you, then it will be given to you."

Ye Qianxing said.

"Useful, useful, although I don't know what it is, but I feel it will have a lot of effect."

As Erbaiwu said, he ran to Lingyou Osteitis Tinder was there and swallowed it in one bite.

This really scared Ye Qianxing. Erbaiwu is not Fire Element's. He just swallowed an Arcane Fire seed in one bite. Isn't this courting death?

But Ye Qianxing soon found out that he was thinking too much, Erbaiwu, this guy is very cherish his life, how could he die.

Swallowing this ghost bone inflammation fire, Erbaiwu not only has no pain, but shows a look of enjoyment.


Suddenly, Erbaiwu burst into a powerful imposing manner.

Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

This guy actually had a breakthrough, and he went directly from the fifth-order eighth-stage breakthrough to the sixth-rank one.

Logically speaking, Lingyou Osteitis shouldn't improve so much.

"Erbaiwu, how is it?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Erbaiwu opened his eyes and smacked his lips.

"Boss, the spirit ghost bone inflammation and hellfire are fused, and the current hellfire is barely considered as a god fire, and it has two characteristics of Arcane Fire."

The previous hell Fire can only be regarded as a normal Heavenly Fire, and it is not even as good as Ghost Ghost Osteitis.

But now, after the fusion of Lingyou Bone Inflammation, he has directly advanced to Divine Fire.

Before it is too late to study, Ye Qianxing feels a strong energy feeding back into the body.

"Hellfire, the advancement is the Nether Flame."

Ye Qianxing looked happy.

Arcane Fire: Nether Flame

Level: Sacred Fire

attribute: Yin and cold

Function: 1. Burn the soul

2. The temperature is extremely low, with a freezing effect

3. The pill efficacy of refining the Yin Attribute is better

The original hellfire is mainly used for attack Although the soul also has a harmful effect on the body, it is not obvious.

But now that it has advanced to the Nether Flame, it also has the double damage of soul and body.

"Erbaiwu, this time is your good fortune."

Ye Qianxing said with a smile.

"But this is not the time to be excited. Time is limited. Let's continue to look for Arcane Fire and help Xiaoyan advance."


So Xiao Lei turned into a dark cloud with great bitterness, and was trampled underneath by Ye Qianxing and the others.


"Little Taixu, how long has it been outside now?"

Nine Heavens Above the thunderclouds, Ye Qianxing moved towards Xiaotaixu asked road.

There is no time in this space, so he doesn't even know how long it has passed.

However, Xiao Taixu is extremely sensitive to time, so it is correct to ask him.

"The exact time is not very clear, about eight days, the error will not exceed two hours."

Xiao Taixu did not disappoint Ye Qianxing as expected.

"It's been eight days."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while.

In the past eight days, they have found a lot of Arcane Fire. Ye Qianxing is not counted. Anyway, there is no one hundred or eighty.

But maybe it’s not good luck, most of which are just earth fire.

There are very few Heavenly Fires. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that the number of Heavenly Fires in the Flame Emperor secret collection is indeed not many.

However, Xiaoyan's effect is naturally not small under the feeding of Ye Qianxing.

The breakthrough has reached the second rank of the sixth rank, and it is the strongest Spirit Pet under the name of Ye Qianxing.

By the way, Ye Qianxing also rose to the second rank of the sixth rank.

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