"Seniors, this is actually a misunderstanding."

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly.

"hmph, what's the misunderstanding, Old Ancestor, this kid, who acted recklessly in the secret, plundered a lot of Arcane Fire, and even some Heaven Grade Arcane Fire, he didn’t have my Yan bloodline. It must have sneaked in secretly, even forcibly."

The yellow robe old man who attacked Ye Qianxing coldly said first, obviously he had a grudge against Ye Qianxing.

Yes, after all, Ye Qianxing almost made him belch.

"Senior, I just and honourable came in, and the contemporary Flame Emperor Your Majesty agreed."

Ye Qianxing explained hurriedly.

Then he seemed to think of something suddenly, and quickly took out a jade token from his pocket.

"This is the token that Flame Emperor Your Majesty gave me."

Ye Qianxing finally understood why the Flame Emperor gave him this jade token before he came in, and said that in a critical moment Can be used to save lives.

It seems that he had already expected that he would meet these Yan Family Old Ancestors.

"The Flame Emperor of this generation should be your son Yanhong."

Yan Family Old Ancestor thought for a while and asked.

What he asked was the old yellow robe who was almost killed by Ye Qianxing before.

At this time, the latter face somewhat gloomy, walked slowly to Ye Qianxing, regained the jade token and observed it for a long time before throwing it back to Ye Qianxing.

"hmph, Yan Zheng, this guy is really getting worse and worse. Tell Old Ancestor that this jade token is indeed what I left to Zheng'er. What this kid said should be true."

Yanhong coldly snorted said, it seems that the contemporary Flame Emperor Yan Zheng should also be hated by the way.

Yan Family Old Ancestor looked towards Ye Qianxing again and asked.

"The Flame Emperor secret store has always been only open to descendants of Yan family. Although there is no order requirement, each generation of Yan Imperial Capital knows it well. Why would Yan Zheng allow you to come in as an outsider? Give you the token."

"There are two reasons, one is because I saved Your Majesty's favorite daughter, Your Majesty agreed to my request out of gratitude, and the other is to improve Fortunately, my strength is to win glory for the country at the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting in a few days."

Ye Qianxing bluntly explained.

Yan Family Old Ancestor stared at Ye Qianxing's eyes, as if he wanted to see what he said true or false.

Being stared at by a demon soul emperor, even if it is a twilight demon soul emperor, Ye Qianxing feels very stressed.

But he still gritted his teeth and forced his head up and chest, and looked at Yan Family Old Ancestor.

Don’t bow your head, the crown will fall; don’t cry, the bad guys will laugh.

Ye Qianxing has never liked and will not show his weak side in front of others, because it is not sympathy in exchange for it, but intensified bullying.


Seeing Ye Qianxing's response, Yan Family Old Ancestor actually laughed.

"No wonder Yan Zheng chose you to participate in the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage. Although your strength is low, but you are really courageous. Yan Zheng has a good vision."

Ye Qianxing grinned, this is the first time I heard someone say that his strength is low.

Don’t he know that his innate talent is already Peak’s outside?

"Never mind, since there is a reason for the matter, then I won't pursue the matter, you can go."

Yan Family Old Ancestor waved his hand, this is bashing people.

But there is still one day before going out, Ye Qianxing doesn't want to waste it.

Seeing him hesitate, those few are human spirits who have lived for hundreds of years, how can they not understand his thoughts.

Yanhong is directly coldly snorted.

"The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, boy, excessive greed is not a good thing, your gains in the past few days are not small, you should be content, Arcane Fire and the demon soul here are our ancestors for generations After collecting it for hundreds of years, you have to leave some for my Yan Family junior?"

"Um, well, seniors, the juniors will leave."

Even with Ye Qianxing's face, he blushed a bit when Yan Hong said it.

He is indeed a little greedy.

Saying goodbye, Ye Qianxing boarded Xiaolei and flew towards the Space Gate.

Until Ye Qianxing's silhouette disappeared from everyone's sight, Yan Family Old Ancestor was still watching.

"Old Ancestor, what's wrong?"

One of the Yan Family ancestors wondered.

"Have you not noticed that there are many monster beasts around this person? Each of those monster beasts has a very strong bloodline, even True Dragon has, and some even I can’t see through them What species is it?"

Yan Family Old Ancestor said.

As soon as this sentence came out, those Yan Family ancestors were also stunned.

Yanhong is frowned even more.

"Old Ancestor, I remembered what you said, that kid seems to have a very good relationship with those monster beasts, and that kid is not a Monster Soul Master, but he has something not weaker than Monster Soul Master. The strength and ability are so strange."

"Is it strange? Don't you think it is a bit familiar?"

"Familiar? Wait, is he... the person in the organization? But isn't that organization already destroyed?"

Yan Hong stared at what he thought of, obviously shocked.

"Whether there is annihilation, we are not talking about it, but if he really has a relationship with that organization, it may also be an opportunity for us to let our Yan Family rise again and restore the glory of the past. "

Yan Family Old Ancestor's eyes are shining brightly, thinking about something.

Yan Hong gave a wry smile.

"It is indeed an opportunity, but it may also be a disaster. A carelessness may destroy my Yan Family Millennium Foundation."

"The risks and benefits are all year-on-year. This You don’t know the truth, that kid always gives me a special feeling."

"So, Old Ancestor, you plan to follow him..."

"No hurry, Let’s take a look first.”


Of course, Ye Qianxing didn’t hear the ambiguous conversations of Old Guy after he left. Even if he heard it, he would only complain. These guys are vague.

It's better not to listen to it, but it makes him appetite.

Although still a little unwilling, the Master has placed an Expulsion Order, and Ye Qianxing also stayed sorry and had to leave.

Xiao Lei flew for a long time, and finally arrived at Space Gate.

With a sense of dizziness and scene change, Ye Qianxing finally returned to the outside world.

To be honest, when I first entered the Flame Emperor secret store, I didn't feel much. After staying inside for a long time, I suddenly felt the difference between the two spaces.

The Flame Emperor's secret collection is too monotonous, there is nothing, not even time.

I really don't know how the ancestors of Yan Family can withstand the environment inside. Anyway, Ye Qianxing feels that if he stays in it for dozens of hundreds of years, he will definitely be driven crazy.

But in fact, you can think about it carefully. The reason why these Yan Family ancestors are willing to stay in this place and endure a hundred years of loneliness, or for the Yan Family, for the great Yan Emperor Dynasty.

If one day the Yan Emperor suffers a catastrophe, they can do their best.

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