"Hey, where's the Flame Emperor Your Majesty?"

After Ye Qianxing came out, he didn't see the silhouette of the Flame Emperor.

Suddenly it felt strange. Didn't Flame Emperor say that he would wait until he came out?

Did Xiaotai count the wrong time? The Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting has already begun?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing suddenly became nervous.

He hurriedly went outside and came to the entrance, still the guards.

The Flame Emperor should have asked them the identity of Ye Qianxing, so when they saw Ye Qianxing, they all saluted respectfully.

"How many days have I been in?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"Young Master Ye, it happens to be Nine Heavens."

One of the guards quickly replied.

Ye Qianxing was sighed in relief now, but he was puzzled again.

The Flame Emperor said that he would wait for him to come out until the start of the Ten Thousand Pilgrimages, but now he broke his promise.

The Flame Emperor will not break his promise easily. Something should have happened.

"Where is Your Majesty?"

Ye Qianxing asked again.

"Your Majesty left yesterday. It seems that there is something very important. He also asked us to tell you when you come out, so that you can go to the Golden Temple as soon as possible."

Guard Replied.


Generally speaking, the emperor's words are very rigorous. Since the guard used the word hurry, it means that the Flame Emperor must be looking for him in a hurry.

So Ye Qianxing didn't waste any time, and hurried away in the direction moved towards Jinluan Temple.

In the Golden Luang Temple, the Flame Emperor is pacing left and right, and it looks like he should be very anxious.

When seeing Ye Qianxing arrive, Flame Emperor's expression was obviously relieved a lot.

"You finally came out, how did you gain from this trip?"

Flame Emperor asked.

"It's okay, things in the Wanchao Shenghui should be stable."

Ye Qianxing said.

After Xiao Yan swallowed so many Arcane Fires, his level skyrocketed and he reached SSS Level 2.

If it is combined with Ye Qianxing, the battle strength should be close to the third rank of the sixth rank.

As long as there is no enchantment with the fifth rank and above in the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting, Ye Qianxing should be sure to win.

"That's good."

Flame Emperor nodded.

"By the way, Your Majesty, you are so anxious to call me, what's the matter?"

Ye Qianxing asked, Flame Emperor just remembered important things, so he hurried Said.

"It's a terrible thing. Shan Mingjing was assassinated yesterday. Although he was rescued in time, he was also seriously injured and even poisoned."

Shan Mingjing is the big one. Yan's chief Immortal Medicine teacher Shan Lao.

It's just that this guy has been keen on refining medicine all his life, has little contact with people, and has never offended who, how could he be assassinated?

And Shan Mingjing, as the chief Immortal Medicine division of Dayan, his residence is extremely guarded, and it is impossible for ordinary people to successfully assassinate him.

"Is it because of the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting in a few days?"

Ye Qianxing speculated, he was idle and bored some time ago to learn about the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting.

Two activities are the most important. One is the competition for the younger generation, and the other is Dandou, which compares the Medicine Refining Master alchemy level between countries.

A problem with either of these two is a great harm to the reputation of this country.

The younger generation represents the potential and future of a country. The strength of the Medicine Refining Master is related to whether a country has abundant resources.

Although the power of Monster Soul Master depends on innate talent, medicine pill is also indispensable. If a country does not have a strong Medicine Refining Master, then what about a strong Monster Soul Master? Woolen cloth?

Conversely, if there is a higher level Medicine Refining Master, even if the Monster Soul Master innate talent is poor, it may become stronger under the accumulation of medicine pill.

So Dandou is also an extremely important game.

Shan Mingjing was the person who participated in the pill fight on behalf of the Great Yan Emperor, but he was assassinated at this time. All fools understand that it must be inseparable.

"It’s hard to say that the killer is in a dark building. He has a very strong professional quality. He took poison and committed suicide. Although I have a few suspects in my heart, there is no evidence. , Everything is in vain."

Flame Emperor sighed said.

Is it a dark building again?

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, thinking that he and this dark building also have some grudges.

They will inevitably retaliate against themselves, but they don't know when.

The feeling of always being stared at behind by a pair of eyes is very uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, how is Shan Lao's injury?"

Ye Qianxing asked suddenly.

"This is why I called you. Shan Mingjing’s injuries were not very serious, but the poisoning was very troublesome. I brought in many famous doctors, but they didn’t have a clue. I can count on you."

Flame Emperor said.

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and followed the Flame Emperor to Shan Lao's residence.

When Ye Qianxing arrived, he found that Shan Lao was lying on the bed. His face was paler because of his old age and his bloodless face, and his lips were still blue and purple.

It is indeed a manifestation of poisoning.

And the time has dragged on for too long. If it hadn't been for a doctor to protect his heart, the toxin would have penetrated the heart.

But now the situation is also very bad. Toxins have spread all over Shan Lao's body. The latter is weak because of his old age. If Ye Qianxing doesn't come, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold it for a long time.


The Flame Emperor asked.

"There is still a rescue. Prepare me withered leaves, silver heart grass and Azure Bamboo snake gall..."

Ye Qianxing said a series of spiritual medicine names, Flame Emperor After listening, he hurriedly asked the next person to look for it.

These spiritual medicines are not very rare. In addition, Shan Mingjing, as the teacher of Immortal Medicine, has a complete range of spiritual medicines stored in his home, so it didn't take a while to get the spiritual medicine mentioned by Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing found a guest room, took out Shennong Cauldron and began to refine Detoxification Pill.

The poison in Shan Mingjing is very troublesome, the general Detoxification Pill is useless, it must be Grade 7 detoxification fairy Pill Recipe.

In the entire Yan Emperor Dynasty, apart from Shan Mingjing and Ye Qianxing, there are no other Immortal Medicine masters, so there has been no way around this.

After Shennong Cauldron advanced to the eight-star level, the efficiency of refining medicine became even higher.

The time to refine Grade 7 Immortal Pill is several times shorter than before, but it was successfully refined within a few minutes.

And there are more than one. Ye Qianxing puts the extra three into the portable space and treats it as his medical expenses.

Then put a Grade 7 Detoxification Pill into the mouth of the single mirror.

Detoxification Pill enters the body, and in a short while the green purple on the lips of Shan Mingjing disappears.

But I haven't woken up yet.

Ye Qianxing explained: "The toxins in Shan Lao's body have all been detoxified, but he is old and weak after all. This time he suffered a lot of blows, and it will take a while before he wakes up. , And it takes a few months to recover."

Ye Qianxing is not exaggerating. Although the poison is detoxified, it has been stagnant in Shan Mingjing for too long before, and it has done great harm to his body.

Coupled with trauma and internal injuries, even a young man with a strong body needs ten days to recover half a month, not to mention that Shan Mingjing is still a seventy-eighty-year-old old man.

Shan Mingjing is not a powerful Monster Soul Master, lifespan is not much longer than normal.

The seventy-eighty year old is already a twilight old man. Although he escaped Death God this time, it is estimated that he will not live long.

As long as five years, as short as three years, he has to end his life essence.

This is the Heavenly Dao cycle. Although Ye Qianxing has the ability to continue his life for a few years, he cannot change the final outcome.

But normal old age is good for many people.

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